Sonntag, 14. Februar 2021

i know europe's bastard fascism, bastard race. mass murder race. in all of europe only 25 cell phones will be found, not 500 million, no one else, and the nazi bastard says:you have to go to prison for 25 years, to the concentration camp. because of the truth, nobody helps you, you have nobody, we in vienna 100 million euros

this is a nobody, just a mayor the friend of nazi doctor child murderer Heinrich Groß until 2004, he practices rituals satanism and fascism on behalf of the SPÖ, and uses the leftists and SPÖ mafia throughout Europe, a 70-year-old disgraceful without honor. a shame that stole the life and success of two children for 20 years because of his face, secret chatrooms and networks with CIA, millions of stasi business against race

fever, dü dü dü fever, houf, woushhhh fever houps

Sun lights up the day time
Moon lights up the night
I light up when you call my name
And you know I'm gonna treat you right
You give me fever

europe, austria and vienna is in secret 1932 fascism, the psychopathy and bastard networks say:when superior genes and humans are born on europe's soil, then we kill father, mother, and make the child mentally and physically disabled with everything we have, heinrich gross left behind a large assortment of nerve poisons or we impose stasi methods such as rana and barbad

5 million people in Austria have collections of stones what do you want from my sister, buy the afghan cock. when you need stones

son of the bitch neofascist austria, this capital was created with 10 hours of work, 5000 carpets, 10 years of 10 hours of work you bastard, you villain, you thief, you charlatan, you looter, you scum of nature, you fascist

great persia, children daraios and cyrus the great

the miracle of casper and holy water, ahura mazdas gate for the wise

نابغه ها

چرخش سرمایه از عجایب روزگار امروز، بعضی میان خارج از کشور گیج میشن، یک روز یکی به ما زنگ زد، بیا ببرمت دفتر با یکی آشنات کنم، گفتیم باشه. خلاصه طرف گفت: من نیم میلیارد یورو رو حساب دارم، دارم پول در میارم، سیستم کاری ما هم جوریه که باید ریاضیدان باشی. گفتم خوب، دیگه چی. گفت ببین دادش ما از این بانک به اون بانک بعد سه ماه، بعد بعععههههه بععععههه، گفتم زکی به دکی و پکی، اینکه بچه آخونده، رفتم. آقا ۶ ماه بعد طرف باز زنگ زد گفت بیا دفتر کارت دارم، گفتم چیه؟ گفت فلانی رفت، این لوستر و صندلی و مبل رو میتونی آب کنی، گفتم تلفن کن خودش بگه، گفت نه من صاحب شدم، رو میز رو نگاه کردم دیدم ۳ ما حساب تلفن هم نداده، فقط نیم میلیارد رو حساب مونده. خلاصه نابغه ها معععهههه معهههههه، معهههههه 

3 persian kings magicians and prophets, the holy water, against alien mind control

20 years of psychological warfare, non-stop surveillance, stasi decomposition brings depression, mismanagement, burnout and debts for a dealer, and of course: anomaly or depraved image in natural behavior. the ayatullahs vienna zionists and israeli and fascists did that for 20 years. also the influence of sex life and natural way of partner selection

the children of balthasar and his tribes were never, never jews

9000 civilians were murdered by fucking austria and austrian jews, with the hope: there were 3000 goats and ibexes and deer there, immigrants from elam and persia

ariel muzicant, simone dinah hartmann, stopthebomb are the remains of the whermachtsjuden, because of the fascist ritual they don’t leave my mother and sister alone, together with the SPÖ and ÖVP, racites and kz fascites

hey nazi, du drecksau du arschloch, elami elami eeeeeeelami du du drecksau alexander nazi, elami elami eeeeeelami, hey ariel wehrmachtsjude elaaaammmmi elaaaaami elaaaami du keine schöpfung nur salami

the rich kid that says:i have to earn the money through jews, if i have to pay back then i kill the victims! is an NSA and CIA fascist and terrorist, an american terrorist

For four years people have been walking past, people are grinning, laughing, or making street theater, in a total damage with human rights violation with fascism ideology. each of these demons, animals, divs makes a note: kill us, our life has no meaning, only the jewish gold pot is important


یک روز یه عکس از ایران دیدم یک بچه رو چمن خوابیده بود با لبخندی پر از عشق، بچه آب نداشت، نون نداشت، پول نداشت، لباس هاش هم پاره بود، گفتم پس تو هم خلی مثل خودم، خوابیدی رو چمن کمی بدنت نم بگیره از نمش هم رفتی تو خلسه، مگه ما تاحالا ۵۰۰.۰۰۰ نفر رو کشتیم؟ نه. پس واسه همینه وقتی رو چمن میخوابیم حال میکنیم، بذار بگن دیوانه قاتل های کون نشور، چپاول گران حرومزاده، اتریش هم ولمان نمیکنن، میگن: بخواب رو چمن از حسودی، گریه میکنن، میگه پول میخوای چیکار؟ تو که خدا رو داری، اهورا مزدا داری، پس بخواب رو چمن، ما پول داریم، تو خدا داشته باش از تو هم میدزدیم و میبریم، از تو هم همه چی را میگیریم با "حزب الله" اوهووووو اوهووووو اوهوووو، گریه گریه،  

the children have to understand, we are humans, and have to defend the land for ahirmanic animals and its woman animals, i was condemned because of race, god genes and our origin, there are only a handful of us left

my discoveries are persian work for iranian children in ahwaz, sistan beluchistan, abadan, tehran, gilan and other areas. not for austrian whores and bastards, bastards that don't accept my rights and human rights as a citizen. for 20 years. piss off Nazi whores, piss off leftists scum and dirt

i thought of brand apple, the truth. it means you can't hack it ?, or i don't know, ehm, hack? don't hack? apple, does the apple have a worm? sometimes, yes, or not? apple worm, hihi

intrigue against shaman and god genes, preventing the transition to a higher level.

آقا یکی الان گفت؛ به مجتبی بر خورد، خوب به تخمم، کونگشاد به اینها معنا میده، هویت میده، روحیه میده، میگه بزنید این هارو بکشید، شما آدمید اینها آدم نیستن

این جامعه که دسته دسته آدم میسوزوند، امروز وصله بدی بهش چسبیده، ایرانی گرگوری، در پیتی، گدا گشنه پا برهنه نیست، این وصله ایرانیه قریبه، ایرانی امیری، ایرانی شمس، ایرانی نادری، ایرانی کیهان راد، شیرازی، اسمش ایرانیه ولی پایبند به هیچ ارزش انسانی نسبت به ایران نیست، کلآ پایبند به خاک نیست، یک قاتلی میشناختم از تیر دوقلو، قاتل ایرانی بود، زن و بچه میکشت، ولی این مثل جنده خارکوسده ایرانی وین نبود، مثل حسین و علی قریب نبود، وصله این جامعه نمیشد. اینها قریب های علی خامنه ای هستن

world war against god genes and race: you earn 800 to 2000 euros? we give you material and names, destroy and kill and earn up to 10,000 a month

you bastard breed austria you nazi criminal syndicate, illegal slave stasi camera action means death for victims, two innocent women mother, daughter and son, you bastard breed, you scum dirty blood, you shit Viennese blood

ibex, deer, goat god gene bearers are the guardians of this world, against; divs, djinns, anunnakis and demons, ahrimanic darforce and world politics. the annihilation of the god genes and the third eye, should be the final victory over god's creation,or stasi method for psychosis and mental breakdown.the stones have been made with a technology where physics and chemistry and science are inexplicable, the stones are also the creation of god and angels

third world war against god genes and iranian race. austrian secret society, police, secret services, sebastian Kurz, michael häupl, hc strache, ayatullahs say to nasser farahani and his brothers:We gave you 500,000 euros, if you don't take on the crime then we'll kill you all. 1938 europe mafia system in 2021.mother fucker scum, animals and killers, nenadertal bastards

austria, ayatullah government has provided amiri shams, gharib family and hundreds of others with 10 million euros for iranian jew extermination programs. with regional and international anti human and fascism action. third world war against god gene with iranian romani breed