Dienstag, 16. Februar 2021

آقا هر کی مرغ رفت تو نخش بیچاره شد، چشم مرغ تا ابد دنبالت میکنه، روانپریش مادر فلان بهمان ولان چلانده مانده کرمان شده. آقا شنیدم کرمان هم پرستو پرورش میدن، اونم تازه واسه ما، این آخوند میخواد دیگه با جنده چشمک بزنه، آره،؟

آقا میان ایرانی ها هر کی صفر کیلومتره میگه من فاشیستم، من آریایی هستم من نسل برترم، من نژاد پرستم، صفر کیلومتر ژن خدا پرست هم میگه الحمد لله من مسلمانم، من ایمان دارم، سواد من یعنی قرآن من، آفرینش خداوند بزرگ نسل نجس را از بین میبرد. وقتی آخوند این دو را بهم پیوند میزنه، میشه این: (......) آدم دیگه چی بگه

royal family, holy water and darkforce. Most of the emigrants were persecuted for thousands of years, as far as Mongolia and China. In 1938, adolf sent expeditions worldwide, as far as the north pole of tibet, iran. to find traces of DNA from ancient civilization. 500,000 women were involved in secret service and espionage because of water, hand and race. til today

austrian ape psychopathy and iranian gypsy sadism, european and american ahrimanism has forgotten my second home:tajikistan, sends fake and lying material and hate campaign to tajikistan and destroys it as habitat

انفجار روی خط، بالا تر از خطر.، به ما هم بگویند تجزیه طلب. ‏

Montag, 15. Februar 2021

America is on terror mode with Europe and Wehrmachts Jews: we torture psychologically and physologically Iranian and oriental with ancient DNA, with parts of the society, the satanic and ahrimanic dollar brings joy for everyone. we torture even more women and men when they get children from our targets, children ahura mazda and cyrus the great. a joint action with many gypsy ayatullahs and hizbullah

i am a political anti regime activist in vienna, and terror victim of ayatullahs, the scum and dirt austrian state said 18 years ago:earns money through his family, political activists are tortured in iran with the suffering of their families too. dirtiest scum and fascists, dirtiest dogs Austria

10,000 children fuck cases a year and the bastard austrian films my private life, sends fake international with lies and financial theft, then the bastard says: ha ha ha, we filmed you, you are worthless. Kinder Ficker Gang Spö ÖVP, Kinder Ficker Elite and others

when someone breaks a stone in two, for art, then it's true magic, no cut or machining, natural breaking apart

du hundesohn du drecksau österreich du affe du abschaum esterhazy, du drecksau häupl, 3 geschäfte ruiniert in wien damit du ali affe und rahim affe und hussein affe hoch ziehst, du scheißdreck ÖVP drecksau nazi, du massenmörder du perser jäger, du heinrich groß hundesohn SPÖ

drop bombs on international court and prosecutor's office, in austria, germany when they say: we kill in: middle east, syria, iraq, iran, kurdistan, afganistan, lybia, because the old DNA has no right to exist, only darwin's monkeys. this is fascism and mass murder

we are persian children and fucking austrian, german, english, bastard european origin CIA nazi and NSA nazis say: you shouldn't be born.fuck ameria fuck europe fuck monkeys in both continents

I shit the head of the CIA and NSA for cooperation and actionstasi murder plan tehran vienna. just like in ghassemloo case with peter pilz

michael häupl sebastian Kurz, police, secret services are in the joint murder plan action with hiznullah and ayatullahs, you pig you wiener you animal you wiener you fascist you ass murderer you shit wiener

du huan sohn nasser, du drecksau huanweib veronika, wiener geheimdienst, polizei, scheißdreck türke, araber, iraner verkaufen ranas leben im internet

nasser ich zieh den futtlapen von veronika und die töchter über dein kopf wegen die aktion psychologische folter mit polizei und wiener geheimdienst, hizbullah und ayatullahs

i broke off all contacts with nasser farahani in 2002, until today, he had more enemies than me from 2002. from 2010 he received 500,000 euros from his enemies, because of my political activism and anti-fascism campaign, so that everything gets a personal and familiar color. from the police, hizbullah, amiris and support from toudeh and aksariat party

the term roof damage in vienna.

austria is not a secular state, but a ritual satanic lucifer police state. sacrifice for gold. together with wehrmachtsjude 3rd generation

the viennese jew, the viennese fascist and the viennese iranian romana says: if we have to pay back then we take revenge on your innocent sister, she is innocent. that shows that the children of these bastards are inferior. the viennese jew is hungry for blood than ayatullah and viennese fascist. isn't it simone and ariel?

15 meters deep under Viennas soil are more important things than tanach and tora, you liar you ahrimanic, was persian goat sacrificed or isaak? that's why you want to sacrifice me and my family with ayatullah zionism?

jews and police, israelis support the iranian regime so that the ayatullah regime will not take responsibility for crimes against my mother and sister after 20 years of stasi crime in tehran and iran. because of my political activism

the police and secret services practice psychological torture, lawlessness and aiding terrorism is supposed to lead me to violence. the society is silent because of the illegal internet business. everyone is free to act illegally until they speak, then the money has to be returned, this is how the police and hizbullah iranian secret service keep society under control

mother fucker this whore in vienna and austria are third generation of mass murder psychopathy against race, why do you support this scum, this filth, these whores nazi collective austria

fucking terrorist america, i'm not baghdad and kabul or alepo, i will find your whores and bastards before your eyes. what did you do with my family because of race and DNa

ÖVP, SPÖ, FPÖ green party:we don't give this family any civil rights,earns all money through property, private life and other things. ok, you viennese bastard, you inferior batstard breed

5. strategy model, ahrimanic finance strategy

for 18 years i was active almost every day as a political admin and organizer, also in vienna, viennese secret services threw me into american stasi gang stalking system and financial project, like other exile iranians, for millions of euros,to establish something for ayatullahs:we destroy our enemies and political opponents abroad with american gang stalkers and earn millions of euros for hizbullah activists abroad

peter pilz: bevor i des göld zurück gib wos i bekuman hob von ayatulllahs, soil die gonzn tschuschen familie sterbean, heas oida wo sand ma? des göld brauch ma sölber, heas hizbullah ist ma wurst, des oarschloch weib und den buan braucht ka mensch, i behoilt mai marie, die alev korun aaa

and now imagine, this race wants to anchor itself with hundreds of thousands, as milionaires in the global economy, with these creative thinking modules, genetic ritual programming, and influence the world, former police officers and commanders as business bosses