Donnerstag, 25. Februar 2021

bitch mom state, children of whore babylon, assholes. I was just buying mussels, 4 packs, there was an offer, kilo 2.99 euros, I bought once and felt good, today I bought for the next 3 days. but..i saw a construction site with a lot of stone and concrete garbage, i found this set?

i sit at home, but there is mafia for you too, and your children

the illegal stasi money which rahim and ali and azadeh and many others have earned, the police and the state and perpetrators want to answer with death, with death. also maziar amiri arasch amiri, the illegal money is mafia money, mafia methods !?

in uruguay, the future president laughed at his cow steel housing, he laughed at his opponents for 2.5 years: I get clean with a shower, the dirt from the 9 months of your stay in dirt steel from your mother will never be cleaned

the police monkey child vienna believes to be the winner through brutality, that is the social behavior of the monkey tribes, the only problem is with dead police officers and politicians this world loses nothing, 0. the worthless versus the productive, 1932 fucking lucifer state with HC, sebastian, michael häupl. pürstl. useless bastards UNO city

you understand, the difference between kant and me is:I didn't know the article from absolute in german.well.... theology and metaphysics, logic, theology, needs the right wording and article

آقا به جایی رسیدیم که یک چیز فهمیدیم، پایبند بودن به ارزشهای انسانی ما محدود شده، داشتم فکر میکردم جلو چشم ما ناصر و سه برادر آتش بگیرند، چند دقیقه باید بر روی آتش بشاشم تا این آتش خاموش شود، دسته های اسکناس زیاد زیر آتش گذاشتن

wiener polizei, teile der bevölkerung, alle parteien sind mit geschicklichkeit absolute meuchelmörder, mit türken, kurden, araber, iranian bastard herkunft. meuchelmörder nach plünderng

tablet editing, ancient stone, complaint about this bloody world

دریوزگی رژیم با جانوران زن و مردش هیچ فرقی با این حیوانات جنده بابل ندارد، هرچی ژن قاتل و خونخوار به ما میگه حرومزاده، مادر جنده های کوسکش

neandertaler vienna, adolf, michael häupl, franz, werner, hc, guddi, fischer, wolfgang, sebastian, pürstl, alexander

Crocus gatherer, mural painting, Xeste 3, Akrotiri (Thera), 15th century BCE, National Archaeological Museum, Athens


ibex and goat kreta, kefalonia, ancient god genes

a whore and bastard in gendarmerie and police uniform has a salary of 1200-2500 euros, the uniform is not a trade license. this trade is human trafficking because of ethnic origin and race, ibex and goat hunting, as in kefalonia and crete

my mother and sister and i have all three trade licenses for work, does this secret camera action also have a trade license?

Mittwoch, 24. Februar 2021

what the suhrawardi says about light woman: she is weaker than light man, her psychology is different and can be influenced, darkforce tries to bring light woman to these thoughts: to survive you have to part. this separation makes darkforce with a collective of 100 women, friends and colleagues and a job.for the goal: light woman can be killed without the existence of light man, without risk, the light man brings 7 plagues. she has to part with light man

xenophobia, racism is verbal and non-verbal aggression and insult, 20 years of secret cameras: racial annihilation, existence ruin, holocaust parallels

austria says: we don’t give rana farahani and zahra khonj manesh equal eu citizenship rights, on the other hand austria says we are not fascists, we cannot find any evidence

fick dich esterhazy du bastard blut

آقا یک سری دو پاسپورته مشکل سیاسی با رژیم ندارن، مشکل با ما دارن، حالا دور یا نزدیک، خیابون ما یا ۴ تا منطقه اونور تر، کیر تو کوس اول تا آخرت جنده خارکوسده، مشکل نداری برو ایران زندگی کن، کوس جنده با شوهر مادر کوسدت برو ایران زندگی کن، مادر کونی برو ایران زندگی کن، شاش خالی جنده خواهر برو ایران زندگی کن، با من مشکل داری، ولی با حزب الله وین مشکل نداری، من ریدم تو ریه های ننت، برو ایران زندگی کن. نمیتونی، چون اونجا آدم نبودی، اینجا هم حیوانی، شاشیدم به کوس اجداده اجنبیت مادر جنده، که ایران نمیری زندگی کنی، ولی اینجا زندگی مارو با رژیم خراب میکنی

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cyber djinns vienna tehran

3 days later I was thinking all the time, was the young man a djinn? did he give me smoke? houm.
today I have to state that the djinns of ayatullahs, jews and austrofascism have no chance against smoke, only eternal terror rights, the gypsy ali collective, amiris and upper class cellar nazis. the smoke was a message to know:
stay alive and show the world, ... cyber djinns army, lies and charlatanism campaign because of ethnic origin and DNA


زنیکه جنده نا ایرانی، بهش بگی منیت رو تعریف کن، من و من میکنه، میگه یعنی چی؟ بعد مجبوری بهش بگی منیت تو یعنی من یه سوراخ دارم و تک خال خاورمیانه هستم! این هم کمال انسانی خانم. ما میگیم خوب کار، علم، هنر، خرد، دانش، روشنگری، روشنفکری، تاریخ، جادو، دین آیین مذهب، تولید اندیشه، تولید کار، نو آوری، مبارزه، شلغم، هویج، زولبیا و بامیه، دشمن من باید بمیره، از حسودی بستنی ۲۰۰ دلاری

In 1998 i was an international expert on antique textiles and carpets. sebastian Kurz a boy in the 12th working class district and in a 60 square meter apartment with his parents. today he says to me penner. because he and javad earned 7 million euros with my jerking off and fucking, today i say penner to him because I know what a Grimming gate is and how one should make money. with head not with bastard blood

Freemasonry and Wehrmacht Jew teaches the international judge and public prosecutor: international database is empty, there will be evidence for him only with terror and hostage-taking


150,000 Wehrmacht Jews and others had this psychopathy. with concentration camp therapy program:
first suppress and break internally, then externally and then kill. killing with dead charisma, jesus charisma, suffering until crucifixion

the most absurd world: UN animals and amnesty animals want to kill me so they can tell the world: we are humans together with you

israel du ahrimanische jezebel hure mit simone hartmann

viennese judge collective scum, murderer and garbage, wants suddenly attack and kill us through the police, with wehrmachtsJews, hizbullah, ayatullahs, and end the satanic ahrimanic jewish masonic ritual. Wehrmacht Jews ritual with Masonic Ayatullahs, genetic relatives

the ruin of 3 stores between 1998 and 2005 was only in vienna, not internationally. 1932 police system. Fuck UNO city and amnesty international