Montag, 1. März 2021

The Aryan dog, with the Iranian aryan dog committed violence 20 years ago, and psychological violence. From 1986 to 2021 i have had empty police files and no criminal files, just a political file

the austrian state does not punish any financial project, perpetrators, and secondary perpetrators, or terrorism, for one reason: Today a woman from the working class passed by, she wanted to push me, that has to mean: you are nothing in this state, a man without rights and i can do everything. i thought to myself: whether i should smash the aryan worker class head with my right or left foot, because it starts with your head and it ends with mother von Kurz and hc and others

the ghosts i called during yalda night

what a pharaoh left with his scepter: Being a bastard is divided into 4 categories, genetically, but if you want to go up from the lower class, you have to let yourself go under the ritual, which is spared the upper class. do you know the rituals? moses saw 5 rituals, and on the sixth he freed the slaves and children, moses said: a male anal whore is a vezir without scruples! just like spö / övp masonic party officials

It is said that the brown one will kill you, the white one says: until here and no further

golden age and alien invasion, insects and bird parasites. human body takeover by alien spirits, creation of god genes

عمه، ‏عمه ‏جون ‏گلابی ‏میخوری ‏کیلوی ‏۱۲۵.۰۰۰ ‏تومن

من مهدی رو تا بحال نه یکبار دیدم، نه شنیدم، نه ریدم بهش، فقط این بچه کون رو من پیدا کنم. شوفر تاکسی، با جلق زدن ما ۲۰۱۰ شدی بازرس بانک اهریمنی، که بتونی واسه ننت گلابی بخری کیلوی ۱۲۵.۰۰۰ تومن؟ الان هم داری با حزب الله ناجور جنایتکار همکاری میکنی، رفتار و صداتو از راه دور دارم، داری با جن کار میکنی. به اسم فامیل  من با مردم حرف نزن جاکش که حق تو فقط طناب داره. مارو ترور کردن این بچه کونی میگه من فامیلش هستم، حرف نزنید.

a financial plan works when secret camera action is one hundred percent original, political activism, a trader and someone who wants to rise. Consumers in the millions statistic will be achieved with secret camera confirmation from police

میک ‏آپ ‏میزنه

خلاصه هاج آقا، طرف میکاپ میزنه و میره عالم هپرود  و شپرود، هی میگه شهاب الدین سوسمار خور، اه، شهاب سوسمار خور سنی به ما چه،اه، هی میگه شهاب سوسمارخور...

زر ‏که ‏تموم ‏شد

آقا میگن زر که تموم شد طرف سوزنش گی میکنه رو تر، میگه؛ آقا این میک آپ میزنه ها میک آپ، صورتش قلابیه...

I am 46 and I can work in 16 professions and have 38 projects, anti-semitism, fascism, terrorism and satanism says:we earn tens of millions from his private life. illegal with agreement america europe and all human rights organizations. he is supposed to kill some of us, no one is higher than us

satanic church is worldwide a state within a state, an illegal, secret race-annihilating state. a secret society. who says: secularism and laicite? because of this "laicite" i don't have any money for special equipment

the support from america: the marriage of trump's daughter: austro germanic marriage with austro zionism. an amalgamation of the thought: god genes destruction worldwide

In 1932 the Wehrmacht Jew was just like others: "only a citizen", not a Jew.The Zionist Wehrmacht Jew Vienna says with austrofascism: there are no human rights for this race, only stericilation and stasi torture, which is why the zionist / ayatullah / church saves and collects money, power and capital for racial extermination and slavery. an intrigue against persian and middle east and african races for 7000 years

mythology golden age and intrigue

the right to private life means property, trading with it and financial project with private life with state power: human trafficking

deer god gene

cousin and cousin marriage, darwin tried it, he failed, he only got 12 monkeys

ethnic origin vienna, austria, europe

i am a very rare dna and bloodline, less than 1 percent in this world, dna from great persia, ethnic origin austria / europe. the pillars of my palaces are still in vienna, a magician, light bearer (god gene) and king

Sonntag, 28. Februar 2021

UN european fascism psychopathy race, amnesty international, vienna austria killed millions of people because of money in 1938, god gene, masses. this is repeated today: we need corpses, judges police politicians help us. Austria and the UN, salaries between 1200 and 50,000 euro's need corpses. Austria and UN, Europe say: we need money. ahrimanism and the lucifer state need public sacrifices corpses. but it says: we need money

In 2002 my father robbed my mother, a cent in his pocket from our private life, and I kill 5 children of veronika and the grandchildren, I live in fascism in 1938

Millions of euros were sent to the UN accounts because of consumption, consumption was our property and our lives. UN causes worse fascism and god genes terrorism and mass murder:we have no money we give it back. stasi torture, concentration camp system consumers money

rahim amiri had 1,800 euro salary potential, and 800 euro pension, 5 million are ayatullah hizbullah terror and austro fascism money

Do you understand, Austria has laundered money for a kebab seller, teacher and accountant and taxi driver, so tomorrow they say:we were always rich, we have white documents here that we had the potential to earn 5 million euro, with clean business and potential, barbad had nothing in mind


between 1915 and 1932 he tried to distribute the capital with the war and to rebuild the economy, with work. it didn't work, the head was missing.
then they thought what we didn't have in mind, the jew has it in his pocket. and a lot of it, we exploit and distribute it after the second war

in vienna it is embarrassing to be anti ahrimanic, it is embarrassing to be a muslim. this logic is: watch the ahrimanic live (matrix). everything has its place, clean, nice bedrooms with nice moments, discipline, logic, knowledge, order and empathy, sympathy for each other. the only thing: Ahrimanic crime is not a sword and bloodshed, but corrupt financial system, black money and stasi financial project. A deal between wholesalers, negotiators and loss dealers and 10 million die without a sword. or in iran.the muslim is a sword, assassin, bomber and someone who chops off heads. Iranian Terrorism Today! you don't see any blood, only slave trade without dead so far, the target kills, not us. what only needed real estate and clean bedrooms

ahrimanic church kahlenberg, last resting place, vienna wall

gudrun was a woman who was ashamed to say in public: we killed humans, not animals, we are your friends. today there are more animals than humans, humans are our natural enemies,so said my father

the highlight of the secret camera action was: gudrun enjoyed watching us from 1998 onwards as we slowly get annoyed and impoverished.Gudrun Burwitz,born Himmler (born August 8, 1929 in Munich; † May 24, 2018 ibid) [1], was the only biological child from the marriage of Margarete and Heinrich Himmler.