Mittwoch, 3. März 2021

all iranian dual citizens agree to the terror murder of the police and hezbollah, because of money, even because of 500 euros

i had a life, job and 16 other professions and potential, because of VMAT2 the country says: we sell your life and buy all the witnesses with the money,even father and uncles cousins and aunts

heas fetti, woi is des goild? wer sand ma fetti? he? hou? marxismus he? industrie ha?

Do you understand. there are two types of fascism, racism and anti-semitism. the red ones are atheist fascists, anti god genes and killer, the right anti race, with or without genes. there is also a third: the false light and white fascism: jesus christ was blond and had blue eyes, we have to turn wild asians, indigenous people and africans into christians. 1000 years of the church

god genes fascism and finance project with psyche and physe is happening in a country where even today, in 2021, thousands of brains in glasses are hidden in drawers, in universities and laboratories in vienna, or in private houses, because of neurosurgery and biology and physics. as trophy like the time of the pharaohs

Black money laundering is forbidden, Austrian authorities, tax office, police, politicians, judges, public prosecutor's office refused to do any work to this day so that the black money is completely washed white without a trace. a dirty kind of fascism against god genes families

I did a lung x-ray with my hands 2 months ago:the right one said:if the haji weren't in your left lung with derwish i would have killed you.they steal black magic and throw it away

During the time of austrofascism there were also honor SS medals for foreigners, mainly because of this reason: Vienna 1940: susi said: muhammed my husband killed 4 jews with a dagger, i cooked a sweet soup and he was allowed to fuck my tits. veronika said: mine took me like an oriental donkey yesterday, 4 hours, i said you can also have anal sex, he killed 9 jews. sabine said:I had blisters on my mouth and cried, I wanted to blow his cock yesterday, he didn't get a stiff penis, my ahmed had killed 24, I didn't have beautiful lips

ali gharib and his gang azadeh amiri spread in this city:we go out on saturday night, after thursday and friday, we have a cost of 500 euros every night, vodka bottles and requila bottles.other iranians want to achieve the same:we went to a disco on friday and drank 3 bottles of vodka for 400 euros. cost point 1500-2000 euros with 1200-2000 salaries.SPö ÖVP, leftists, green party, and FPÖ, and UN say:that's the only joy that god genes can bring you, sell him and kill him for your fun

من اگر مست و خرابم به تو چه، من اگر سینه خیز به جنگل میروم به توچه، من اگر کالیبر ۸ به دستم میگیرم به تو چه؟ من اگر کالیبر رو ۱۶ سانت میکنم به توچه، من با کدوم تبلت چکار میکنم به تو چه؟

in my passport it is written: born in tehran, child dareios, not vienna. that is why vienna is worse than saudi arabia, cyrus children are forbidden, biological genetic children

tablet photo raw, the crystal is bought from an esoteric store. I have only been taking photos with a tablet since February 2019, I only work with a tablet phone. all photos are raw and not edited, also the myrrh smoke

well, fuck atheism, i mean anti god gene fascism

austrian whores and adalbert stifter, darkforce victim

lucky seven, stone system, lord of time, and elami semit DNA and genes. the light over the light

Von den zunehmenden Beschwerden einer Leberzirrhose geplagt, öffnete sich Stifter am 26. Jänner 1868 auf dem Krankenbett mit einem Rasiermesser die Halsschlagader. Er starb zwei Tage darauf. Sein Suizid blieb in der Todesurkunde unerwähnt, da er als Selbstmörder zur damaligen Zeit nicht in „geweihter Erde“ bestattet hätte werden dürfen.[9] Auf dem St. Barbara-Friedhof in Linz fand Adalbert Stifter seine letzte Ruhestätte

the holy mother of the forest and her angel demons

Dienstag, 2. März 2021

Lucky seven stone system magic

Ariel and the left faction of the SPÖ, communists and socialists vienna were enthusiastic about marx, because lumpenproletariat are still undesirable, bourgeois who have fallen down are assholes and thieves.
fallen god gene bearers

SPÖ VMAT2 fascism and oriental resilience, barbad/rana 2001-2021 god gene

Azadeh Amiri comes from a family of 1800 euro and 1200 euro parents, but it is not the money, something else that she is poor, she has nothing!that is why she and nobody's collectives in networks think about killing my family first, and then me, as support she has the iranian and austrian government. sebastian short and javad zarif, worse than both are: god genes enemies, european, american, israeli and viennese women collectives

pkh pssst, lucky 7. No comment

7 stones magic. Today the falcon wanted to fly away, I got it back. the ritual is: They turn your life upside down with mouth-to-mouth propaganda and hate campaigns, so that you don't get up and live like a rover, jesus healed the poor, kosmas and damian too, then all three were killed.

ancient stones. 7 stone miracles. the zionist, the wehrmachts jew, has paid high sums to all journalists europe iran america, israel; does not write, everyone should say to this family: worthless. In 1945 we couldn't catch everyone, this policy: money for the masses works, for masses god genes murder

the police secret cameras on my apartment to this day are also:Ayatullah vouchers for sex tourism, sex in posh districts of tehran, for police elite, and pedophilia for politicians, for sebastian kurz der Alexander race, he loves elami children and luri children

azita piran naderi is married to muhammed naderi, the cousin of azadeh amiri, and nephew of rahim amiri, all active in politics, khatami and javad zarif servants and employees of nasri brothers, political advisors to javad zarif. muhammed and azita sell the private life and fake material of my mother and sister with and for the secret society, freemasonry austria, it is not terrorism, apparently absurdism, in absurdistan austria, because actually the stones say not austria but old civilization, my ethnic origin

natural stone, natural formation, no artifact, a miracle, origin unknown, like mine and our Persian DNA, waiting in Iranian prison for death penalty, because of: "alcohol consumption"

snow white, because of the apple from the whore babylon you were in a deep sleep for a long time, wake up, and be vigilant, see

Set of 7 stones, seven chocolates, 7 dwarfs, 700 scenes

heas hundesohn scheißdreck pürstl, wüst des volg do am hois hobn, ihr keents eich des taien mit michl und freimaurer gsindl. scheißdreck offn

After the murder of 800 children, Heinrich Groß he became a member of the SPÖ, and the experiments with god genes children should continue with brains and bones from concentration camps. Michael Häupl SPÖ, two secret services sold me and my sister in 1998 to europe, america, israel, china, iran and the UN for further experiments, in which situation of life does god gene master the baricades of life. a million euro nazi project with stasi system, with ali khamenei UN and human rights organizations.Today the aim is to plunder property from my sister, but experiments with god gene is nothing new, it is thousands of years old

Orthodox fascism state science says with sarcasm:
the necklace of totankhamun was a gift from heaven.
the ritual in Egypt was:
the lamp was actually experiments on god genes children, they were connected to a metallic sand crystal, this rare yellow magnetic sand crystal was given to the pharaohs from lybia.
pharaohs wanted what they saw in the smoke, and felt to pass into the crystal. as jewelry and necklaces, the gods should always hang on their necks. then the children were killed with a meteoride metal knife, the metheoride metal was supposed to draw the light out of the body and lock it in a crystal box. just like in stones and crystals, the egyptians wanted the falcon and snakes, dragons, "the gods" in their jewelry. Cambyses heard it and fucked the monkeys

Good Night

I have to go to sleep, but first I will explain to you what Austrian citizenship is and how you get it: an old Turk goes to the exam for Aus...