Mittwoch, 3. März 2021
Do you understand. there are two types of fascism, racism and anti-semitism. the red ones are atheist fascists, anti god genes and killer, the right anti race, with or without genes. there is also a third: the false light and white fascism: jesus christ was blond and had blue eyes, we have to turn wild asians, indigenous people and africans into christians. 1000 years of the church
god genes fascism and finance project with psyche and physe is happening in a country where even today, in 2021, thousands of brains in glasses are hidden in drawers, in universities and laboratories in vienna, or in private houses, because of neurosurgery and biology and physics. as trophy like the time of the pharaohs
During the time of austrofascism there were also honor SS medals for foreigners, mainly because of this reason: Vienna 1940: susi said: muhammed my husband killed 4 jews with a dagger, i cooked a sweet soup and he was allowed to fuck my tits. veronika said: mine took me like an oriental donkey yesterday, 4 hours, i said you can also have anal sex, he killed 9 jews. sabine said:I had blisters on my mouth and cried, I wanted to blow his cock yesterday, he didn't get a stiff penis, my ahmed had killed 24, I didn't have beautiful lips
ali gharib and his gang azadeh amiri spread in this city:we go out on saturday night, after thursday and friday, we have a cost of 500 euros every night, vodka bottles and requila bottles.other iranians want to achieve the same:we went to a disco on friday and drank 3 bottles of vodka for 400 euros. cost point 1500-2000 euros with 1200-2000 salaries.SPö ÖVP, leftists, green party, and FPÖ, and UN say:that's the only joy that god genes can bring you, sell him and kill him for your fun
Von den zunehmenden Beschwerden einer Leberzirrhose geplagt, öffnete sich Stifter am 26. Jänner 1868 auf dem Krankenbett mit einem Rasiermesser die Halsschlagader. Er starb zwei Tage darauf. Sein Suizid blieb in der Todesurkunde unerwähnt, da er als Selbstmörder zur damaligen Zeit nicht in „geweihter Erde“ bestattet hätte werden dürfen.[9] Auf dem St. Barbara-Friedhof in Linz fand Adalbert Stifter seine letzte Ruhestätte
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