Donnerstag, 4. März 2021

bastards vienna

today, bastardrasse heinrich gross SPÖ, bastardrasse kurt Waldheim ÖVP, bastardrasse FPÖ, and green party, leftists,
say with illegality and the right to enslavement bastard studies to us like 19th century. bastard breed, genocide, dirt in blood and head says to me: a nobody
like the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. bastard breed and useless breed for the world. only 2 world wars.

Vienna says assimilation, assimilation means that what happened in Iran has nothing to do with "us". we are in austria, ali and azadeh and many iranians are from us, these are austrians today, without reference to iran or nationalism feelings about iran. i say i am a son of cyrus the great, you are not a freak of nature but an unnatural existence with hatred and misanthropy. I say I piss on you, on your mother's tits where you drank milk and on your mother's cunt where you came out, because: bastardrace sits in chat rooms with ayatullahs and hizblah and says:destroy this filth, we will help you from vienna

tablet photo, raw. reptile spirit, djinn

tablet photo, raw. my incense spices and ashes, smoke. the patron saint

salam alaykom va rahmat allah, brrrzzzź, abdullah ya habibi du scheiß wiener kiwara mit kia, gut schau i heit aus, du dämonischer du, du muslim du, du scheiß ahrimanischer abdulah kiwara du

Mittwoch, 3. März 2021

i never believed in churches, mosques, or synagogues, nor did i believe that a church with capital would be strong, for example a church in cologne with 5 billion capital. Persians did not reduce religion to books and theoretical physics, they practiced practical physics and proved it with technology

tablet photo raw, alien magic

tablet photo raw, police alien spirit, secret camera business

for 15 years, israeli zionism has had treaties in this state with ali gharib, hussein gharib and rahim and azadeh amiri, iranian secret service, hizbullah, with the statement: for this political race and god genes we are the ayatullahs in vienna

tablet photo, raw, wehrmachts dudulkhim

tablet photo, raw, anunnaki darkforce

Tablet photo, raw. phy‌sics and water

tablet photo raw, ahrimanic snake

tablet photo, raw, left hand spirit, atoosa

tablet photo, raw, tree witches vienna

tablet photo raw, anunnaki nest and monkey breeding

tablet photo raw, for editing

tablet photo, raw

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America are you the enemy of Persian DNA like Europe and Israel? this is a work by a child cyrus the great

the european parliament, and bastard networks say to jew murderers austria, the police and the secret service:strangles mother and son with hands, kills the jews, jew is god gene we need other jews not these jews. Nobody sees anything in your city, it's a lot of money

ritual, molossian and bird tribe

wiener whore, her daughter, and melchior's head

at some point the purity comes out and eats you all, down to the last person, millions of white beings, this ali gharib ruined my life for 20 years with amiris and vienna, austria is playing a dictatorship with: we have no evidence. when I present evidence, this stanic bastard state says: it's over we don't care

there have been a few reports that a monk and others gain access to other dimensions in austria, open sesame is our DNA code, hence the constant camera surveillance and today drone tracking of my person. fuck your mother

the 4 reich austria has a close friend with its secret national socialism networks: the iranian government.all iranian dual citizens who become police officers in vienna are trained in iran for 4 × 3 months by the iranian secret service. like children of amiri and shams, like the daughter of ali darvishzadeh, or sasan, the close friend of ali and husein gharib

hey neonazi, keller faschist, lucky seven, nur für mich

Schon in der griechischen und persischen Mythologie finden wir den Granatapfel als Symbol für Fruchtbarkeit, Schönheit und ewiges Leben. Der griechischen Mythologie galt er als Symbol der Fruchtbarkeit; er wurde den Göttinnen Demeter, Persephone, Aphrodite und Athene zugeordnet

Viennese police, secret services, political parties, and leftists, upper class have eaten like animals from this shop. this is the produced 3rd generation 80 years after the Nazi regime. Wehrmacht Jews show their anti-Semitic face and anti-jewish politics, anti-god politics

nazi archeology and the search for treasure and chest, between bosnia, serbia, koratia and vienna

ÖVP kurt waldheim anti god genes fascism, kurt waldheim the Wehrmachts jew, wanted to achieve something with the UN elite. 500,000,000 people should agree that we set up holocaust for gods genes, like in iran, it should be exactly like iran, nobody should show interest and help. this is only possible with the UN, Amnesty and human watch. UNO blakan war and my family