Donnerstag, 4. März 2021

fotze, däumling bis sölber, wail des wos du brauchst um über mi zu stehn, ist ungesetzlichkeit, und auf österreichische verfassung zu scheiß'n und des wos woar: faschismus 1932. ya ahura mazda fuck alexander und seine mutter, du untermensch du abschaum, du dreck

to this day the monkey listens to masters: stasi slave trade 2021, with gold conint reward for death

the old ahrimanic workshop, anti god gene movement SPÖ / ÖVP wehrmachtsjude

I bought this mineral at the flea market last year, the mineral is slightly deeper than 3 meters

ahrimanic roman austrian, molossian intrigue: the archeology work ends with: protection of the cultural heritage, between 2 to 3 meters, placed on holy temple ahura mazda and old civilization

5 hostage-takers, 10 armed attackers, 50 organizers can stop: god gene mass murder in europe, merica, canada, australia and get the evidence out. it is satanism, political ahrimanism and the destructive machinery of the lineage of jesus, muhammed, moses, emam ali

veronika ziehen wir vor gericht ich brauche meineid von dir

Nasser Farahani my biological father is a stasi emotional hostage. in one of her apartments. This woman has 5 children, 3 grandchildren and only 8 million euros in capital, with an inheritance of 8 million euros, the unproductive children remain poor, a million per person is not enough, with 15 million she is ready to die. the srasi money from pot our death case

UN staff, soldiers, and security are working closely with the networks to deal with hide evidence and deaths of VMAT2 carriers

Emam zaman time, emam zalem time

At this point there are 38 secret services, with patrons, the children, families, EU, America, Canada, Australia, China, Turkey, Africa elite children:
terror pot and betting for the death of the Iranian activist targets, or god gene targets, the system model in cell phones is simple, illegal and is ignored by the state because most politicians also bet.
the bet motvie:
does ali get something about amir and ashkan and farid so that he dies after 6 months !? and his family?
5 million mobile phone users bet, and the money remains in the pot, the profit is the death of the target, there are also winners because of survival

آقا میگم دهه ۵۰ شاه دود بلند میکرد بهتر بود تا شاپور بختیار رو می آورد سر کار، جون تو. گوگوش هم میخوند: آقا خوبه، آقا آمد، همه هم میگفتن بعععععله آمد، بععععله آمد، بععععههههله آمد. شانس هم نداریم. دیدی کی آمد؟

the hojateslams and ayatollahs are not allowed to decide about the fate, life, and belief of the dervishes as long as their bloodline and DNA is not proven. It is principally forbidden to torture and kill, but does the ayatullahs have the blood? the blood from the old days like muhammed rassulolah and emam ali?

Public executions of the Dervish race in Iran is for the fun and pastime of Europe and America's elite and networks in front of the live cameras, the order is first from Austria then Europe and America, a joint business, and ratings business with rich elite Europe Austria. as in the case of my family

ancient melchior (deer god gene) myrrh, natural formation and original.

ich pisse in den mund von hc's mutter, komm hc, komm bastardrase, du arschloch bastard rasse hc komm auf die strasse mit guddenus und kurz und michael häupl

Bastard race attacks me on the street, I want to kill you because of my mother and sister you scum you animal you filthy existence, nazi bitch mamas attack me yoou dirt and scum of the earth

bastards vienna

today, bastardrasse heinrich gross SPÖ, bastardrasse kurt Waldheim ÖVP, bastardrasse FPÖ, and green party, leftists,
say with illegality and the right to enslavement bastard studies to us like 19th century. bastard breed, genocide, dirt in blood and head says to me: a nobody
like the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. bastard breed and useless breed for the world. only 2 world wars.

Vienna says assimilation, assimilation means that what happened in Iran has nothing to do with "us". we are in austria, ali and azadeh and many iranians are from us, these are austrians today, without reference to iran or nationalism feelings about iran. i say i am a son of cyrus the great, you are not a freak of nature but an unnatural existence with hatred and misanthropy. I say I piss on you, on your mother's tits where you drank milk and on your mother's cunt where you came out, because: bastardrace sits in chat rooms with ayatullahs and hizblah and says:destroy this filth, we will help you from vienna

tablet photo, raw. reptile spirit, djinn

tablet photo, raw. my incense spices and ashes, smoke. the patron saint

salam alaykom va rahmat allah, brrrzzzź, abdullah ya habibi du scheiß wiener kiwara mit kia, gut schau i heit aus, du dämonischer du, du muslim du, du scheiß ahrimanischer abdulah kiwara du

Mittwoch, 3. März 2021

i never believed in churches, mosques, or synagogues, nor did i believe that a church with capital would be strong, for example a church in cologne with 5 billion capital. Persians did not reduce religion to books and theoretical physics, they practiced practical physics and proved it with technology

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tablet photo raw, police alien spirit, secret camera business

for 15 years, israeli zionism has had treaties in this state with ali gharib, hussein gharib and rahim and azadeh amiri, iranian secret service, hizbullah, with the statement: for this political race and god genes we are the ayatullahs in vienna

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Tablet photo, raw. phy‌sics and water

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tablet photo, raw, left hand spirit, atoosa