Freitag, 5. März 2021
we have not only false light in this world, but the messiah war is: there is false emam zaman and the holy emam zaman, the holy one brings back holy water, the false one says: these magicians are evil, and all should die, there are no ahrimans and demons. only ahura mazdan demons, ahura mazda is evil. he says: khidr and elias, zarathustra were child murderers, goats should die for children, our children are humans, goats are animals
Donnerstag, 4. März 2021
what veronika Weiss does with a man that has not seen his family for 18 years is a freemason revolutionary: i blow his cock for the prosperity of my children, 5 million real estate is not enough, I have 5 children with 3 grandchildren, one million per capita is poverty, 900 euro is enough for nasser's children, my need 3 million per capita.
since the rule of m aria theresia, austria has appropriated technologies and writings that does not belong to their race, and then at breakneck speed between 1938 and 1945. but people cannot operate these devices, they need our hands and bones. Austria also knows one thing from its colony days: pusi mi kurac waldheim
The brain of a psychopathic woman cannot withstand 5 minutes in an open dialogue against my person, therefore: we bring the illegality so that we: bump, bump into, spit, look angry, we make animal noises on the streets, street theater, and other ape customs and traditions. and of course we make money like scum
Nasser Farahani my biological father is a stasi emotional hostage. in one of her apartments. This woman has 5 children, 3 grandchildren and only 8 million euros in capital, with an inheritance of 8 million euros, the unproductive children remain poor, a million per person is not enough, with 15 million she is ready to die. the srasi money from pot our death case
Emam zaman time, emam zalem time
At this point there are 38 secret services, with patrons, the children, families, EU, America, Canada, Australia, China, Turkey, Africa elite children:
terror pot and betting for the death of the Iranian activist targets, or god gene targets, the system model in cell phones is simple, illegal and is ignored by the state because most politicians also bet.
the bet motvie:
does ali get something about amir and ashkan and farid so that he dies after 6 months !? and his family?
5 million mobile phone users bet, and the money remains in the pot, the profit is the death of the target, there are also winners because of survival
the hojateslams and ayatollahs are not allowed to decide about the fate, life, and belief of the dervishes as long as their bloodline and DNA is not proven. It is principally forbidden to torture and kill, but does the ayatullahs have the blood? the blood from the old days like muhammed rassulolah and emam ali?
Public executions of the Dervish race in Iran is for the fun and pastime of Europe and America's elite and networks in front of the live cameras, the order is first from Austria then Europe and America, a joint business, and ratings business with rich elite Europe Austria. as in the case of my family
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