Freitag, 5. März 2021

مادرم گفت: باز ۴ نفر رو اهواز اعدام کردن، این مردم غیرت ندارن؟ شرف ندارن؟ ببین برای آهنگ جدید ساسی چیکار میکنن، ولی هیچکس از این ۴ نفر حرف نمیزنه. جواب اینجا میدم: مردم میگن ساسی میره آمریکا واسه ما حرف میزنه، مارو میبره "بالا"، اهوازی مارو میکشه هی پائین، میگه ما بدبختیم. خلاصه سیزده بدر با ۵ میلیون میشه رفت......

genetic inheritance of 3 holy kings, magicians, prophets, squirrel mythology

the private life of my mother and sister is Austrian constitution, everything outside of this framework is fascism, racism, anti-Semitism and terrorism

another fact is:Vienna says his father and the family says: play your psychopathic games with the three, together with hizbullah and kill the three.Vienna was and is a city of ape brains and murderers

the only thing is: the phone booth is a stone.

dr. who

I was 13 and loved to watch Dr. who series, now and then I looked at my father, then back to dr. who, then back to my father, then back to dr. who.
at some point he threw his guitar on the floor and said: you have cow eyes, i said at some point you notice the difference between cow and deer, you idiot on two feet.
then he switched off the tv and i no longer watched dr who but his talent.
Most of the time it ended with a fight and 3 weeks without talking and I had my peace. today he tries to turn off the television too, only this time i find dr. who personally

For 7000 years, people have been screaming: hey bastard, scum, murderer, slave driver, dirt, you have shit in your brain. 2021 vienna, yesterday's pharaohs are today walter, franz, hans, michael and christan's. dirt on the power:stasi nazi money is an elementary and fundamental right

1981-1988, ayatollah janati, hasani, gilani, and dozens of other ayatullahs sentenced their own children and executed the children, the revolutionary judiciary of Iran killed its own children. Scum and dirt like Nasser and his brothers

Assholes, Austria buries us alive because of race and my political activism, with dozens of million euros in reward

das problem in österreich ist die überzeugung: linke und grüne sagen: gott gen braucht ka mensch, da hot der michl scho a recht, wail des wos is seh, is nix, die leban a long, wofüar heas, gibts so vü, des brauch ma net a gott gen, aber a göld brauch ma scho, wir sand sho was weart, die aber neeeeetttt

iranian romana aryan race

from 1998 until today my mother had no telephone contact or personal contact or friendship with soroor shams, she worked in the shop.
her sisters and brothers were all in secret camera business with javad zarif and rouhani, england, canada, america, sweden and paris. millions of euros black cashed from viewers

my person and mother and sister should be driven to psychosis, with psychological war and humiliation, because michael häupl says: this aryan iranian family is allowed to sell "jews" or god genes. 1800 euro salary is not enough. 8 houses and apartments in Austria, 3 in Iran, Canada and America is the right one for an accountant 1800 euro salary, and an insurance agent 1200 euro salary. austria aryan race nad jews race game and politics with ayatullahs

Austria can only say master race to people without god genes. the psychopathy austria against my family and 1938 proves it. holy three fire hall masters, magicians, prophets and kings. 3 + 5 tribes ethnic origin austria

habsburg and ayatullahs 1449-2021

this business has also been part of iran / austria for 30 years: dealing with DNA, god genes and bloodlines.
Vienna says publicly today:
we have a joint project with top shiite leaders to enslave and kill god genes and bloodlines, a freemasonry business, with safavid ayatullah's freemason since 16th century

ضد ایرانی ‏

ضد ایرانی مادر کوسده اسمش رو گذاشته "ایرانی" بعد نشسته در سیستم پرت کردن میان گرگها، من شاشیدم به کوس ننت جنده خارکوسده لاشی اهریمنی اجنبی، مادر جنده لاشی، نوکر صفت، غلام و نوکر هانسی فرانسی های نژاد کش، شاشیدم به کوس زنت ننت دخترت آبجیت "ایرانی" کوس مادر وین حالا میگه تحقیقات ایشون بدرد نمیخوره، جدیده، ما خودمون باید انجام بدیم، آخه مادر کونی آئین سگ، میت سگ، عن سگ جاکش، کیر تو اجدادت، ۲۰ سال پیش به ۳ مغازه ما چیکار داشتی که امسال میخواهی با دزدی کیر من رو بکنی تو دهن زنت، عن ننه مار جنده

5 years ago I was 41, a girl asked: you have such beautiful skin, what are you doing? I said I have a mechanism sweetie, I smear my sperm on my face three times a day, bad luck for you, you have no cock. the leftist and Michael Häupl's bitch said asshole to me and left

people live longer with clean holy water, phenomenon? or naturalness?Austria is there to help

Ayatollahs build hospitals in Palestine, and Austrians with god genes hate a hospital in orumie, god genes densest population in iran azerbaijan and oroumieh

we have not only false light in this world, but the messiah war is: there is false emam zaman and the holy emam zaman, the holy one brings back holy water, the false one says: these magicians are evil, and all should die, there are no ahrimans and demons. only ahura mazdan demons, ahura mazda is evil. he says: khidr and elias, zarathustra were child murderers, goats should die for children, our children are humans, goats are animals

apparently we came to austria as insane, the current stasi cameras on the other side of the street are the proof. and the bugs, hidden in the apartment. Austria writes, but not about the second and third generation in the SPÖ and ÖVP, and the current god gene persecution

balthazar, holy fen‌‌‌g shui and water brook, austria

Donnerstag, 4. März 2021

austria has always been an artist, pulling up the bad genes, pulling down the good genes, and masking both, the bad as good and the good as bad

the false alien saint michael light vienna and politics, upper class, church and synagogue mosques scare my sister, just like in 1932, three generations before michael häupl's stasi protocol, police and freemasonry

what veronika Weiss does with a man that has not seen his family for 18 years is a freemason revolutionary: i blow his cock for the prosperity of my children, 5 million real estate is not enough, I have 5 children with 3 grandchildren, one million per capita is poverty, 900 euro is enough for nasser's children, my need 3 million per capita.


since the rule of m aria theresia, austria has appropriated technologies and writings that does not belong to their race, and then at breakneck speed between 1938 and 1945. but people cannot operate these devices, they need our hands and bones. Austria also knows one thing from its colony days: pusi mi kurac waldheim

Tablet photo, raw. ahura mazda demon agaist reptile djinns

the police of vienna the viennese fascism and hizbullah have spread around the world that i am HIV positive, for consent for murder, or for silent god genes terror. terror and murder against political activism.after millions of euros ayatulahs hizbullah vienna financial stasi action

natural stone natural formation.

There are dozens of thousands of women who are sick with HIV in Austria, with data protection, who controls the condoms?I've been clean for 25 years, until today

Good Night

I have to go to sleep, but first I will explain to you what Austrian citizenship is and how you get it: an old Turk goes to the exam for Aus...