Samstag, 6. März 2021

("Ophiuchus") der schlangenträger

Western astrology has been saying 12 zodiac signs for centuries, apparently the 13th ("Ophiuchus") 
the serpent bearer never existed. it does not exist like the holocaust, all are extinct or are only shadows, no citizens of the state

bastards, useless nazi race, unnecessary unproductive fascist race, insult the hut owner because of the cat, and because of that: all phenomena should be viewed disrespectful and insulting, worthless and inferior.

mother fucker amnesty international, UN, humanwatch, why are ayatullahs khamenei animals, ali gharib hussein and hundreds of others in austria allowed to earn money through us, slavery in any form has been forbidden since the end of the 19th century, theft from private life for a financial project is slavery

the bastard society and bastard race Eu, iran, turkey, china earns money like the djinns and demons in iran, bastard race in UN also, 150 million euro stasi murder treaty with UN for race persecution, genetic minority persecution, enslavement with stasi camera and stasi show, poisoning and illness

got today, black stone, dervish/ seyyed rape

1449-2021. god genes, seyyed genocide iran, with the help: Austria, england, EU, america.........-Equal Citizens 'Rights, EU Citizens' Rights, and Human Rights, or Death to U.N, Amnesty International, Humanwatch, International Court of Justice, International Public Prosecutor, and International Database

the biggest crime iran / austria was: You have insulted this lady, you have insulted and humiliated the owner of the hut, she is angry with us and with you, the only thing is: we are innocent, you are guilty

melchior, baltazar, and casper gave jesus gold for fun, he should have some joy in life, then they said: shit, evolution doesn't understand fun: what we can't and don't own, you mustn't either, torture against torture until today in vienna. i just wanted to sell and buy carpets and antiques. this is for you

‎jesus ‎walked ‎over the ‎water ‎...?חבר ‏

hey dirty face, police nazi, mauthausen mother fucker: harvest time. race killer you dirty ahrimanic scum

Freitag, 5. März 2021

the problem and difference with zira and austrian zira is: hollywood ziras reason and logic said liberate, the real viennese zira says: we have to guard and protect him, the next step is with the Heinrich Gross Party and the Kurt Waldheim Party: Build a plantation for extinct plants on his head and then harvest the fruits

Astronaut Taylor meets psychologist Dr. Zira: how are you?L.O.L you are so primitive, I feel sorry for you: taylor: i'm good mom, i'm good, i'm primitive

Do you understand?......UNO/vienna / ayatullahs / hizbullah / revolutions guard earned tens of millions of euros annually in a hostage drama/ahrimanic ritual, with death and escalation, violence and injury irrelevant, it was about "iranian" perpetrators and victims

deep ahrimanic hole/prison and dervish

credit card azadeh amiri

actually, the stasi decomposition method with a woman and her family is also a hostage-taking, especially when half the city helps the woman to put the victim in an aquarium or matrix because of anti-Semitism and racial madness.
the syndrome affects many levels, one of which is finance and standard:
your business has been ruined you cannot implement your projects, you cannot find a job i am the only person for you, with a credit card and two bank cards, i will give you all the codes.
until 2008 the project was only 3 million euros for one family

stockholm syndrom

Peter pilz, green party, leftists vienna

the project revolutions guard hizbullah ayatullah in vienna with viennese judges and police is the same ritual against political activism:
7 years because of writing, databases of police, state database, regional database is empty, no one works for me internationally.
in vienna nobody can control the databases because pilz, greens and leftists are all polluted in the stasi financial system and are ready for terrorist murder

south africa, an austrian one

there was also a ritual in south africa, an austrian one, he was a writer, he was locked up for 30 years so that he would not write.
asshole nazi said:
hey fight with gun so we can kill you, you annoy us with writing. you wanted to go up and help? wait until you are 80, 5 years is enough, you can forget fun, fame and success, especially fucking and eroticism.
in the end he has become a scarecrow of liberalism like mossadegh

I wrote hundreds of applications between 2008 and 2017, the stasi protocol SPÖ and ÖVP blocked all jobs because of preventing social contacts, friendship, women's relationships and isolation. the camera is still running today, and no austrian had any social or friendship contact with me.all because of political activism, DNA and ethnic origin

my sister has been working since 2005, she is employed, she is not left in peace by the iranian and austrian networks. contract location vienna austria

michael häupl the ex mayor attacks my mother and sister like a wild animal in mexico, like a drug dealer from Ciudad Juárez, "genocide in mexico" with gypsy hezbollah, DNA hunter for austria like ali gharib and hussein

shaman tradition

these tools exist in vienna and also in latin america, my criticism of old civilization is:
this ax tradition should have been made with sharp metal from the beginning, your pity is killing us all today,
Hitting monkeys on the head with stone did not help

we are genetic relatives, out of 8 tribes there are 2 indigo tribes, these viennese whores are your enemies

michael häupl the ex mayor attacks my mother and sister like a wild animal in mexico, like a drug dealer from Ciudad Juárez

österreich ich pisse aud dich dein blut und deine ahnen, immer die unschuldigen angreifem, wie die tiere angreifen, du dreck

CIa and NSA have worked closely with Austria and the police because of my sister, it is not the russian mafia that michael häupl recruited, but the mafia cartels worldwide, can the secret services offer protection? I wish you american terrorists, americans worse than albaghdadi, fascists pigs 10 times 9/11. innocent mother and daughter

austro huankinder, das ist keine faschismus, das ist das billige huankind, affenkind

from 20o1 i had a political conflict with the iranian government and reformists, since then michael häupl says i am an animal, franz vranitzky a pig, hc strache a dirt and fascist, guddenus a jackal and neonazi, and pürstl the demonic himmler, the federal president the habsburg king asshole, sebastian Kurz the antichrist

balthazar dragon smooth jazz, fire breathing talent

آقا داشتم فکر میکردم برم یه جاز ترومپت بخرم اره گوز راه بندازم بینم چنتا جازیست خودشون رو میکشن بعد از ۶ ماه، فکر کنم این یارو ناصر با آرپیچی هفت دنبال ما بدوه

قشر مرفعی که اتریش و اروپا اسراییل و آمریکا برای ما ساختن، آخرش هم پیغام همینه: ما قر کون هستیم ما مدرنیم، میریم بالا. آریائی بالا کشیه دیگه نه؟ ما تعیین مکنیم کی بره بالا کی بمونه پائین، قره کون رو، قرش بده، قرش بده

مادرم گفت: باز ۴ نفر رو اهواز اعدام کردن، این مردم غیرت ندارن؟ شرف ندارن؟ ببین برای آهنگ جدید ساسی چیکار میکنن، ولی هیچکس از این ۴ نفر حرف نمیزنه. جواب اینجا میدم: مردم میگن ساسی میره آمریکا واسه ما حرف میزنه، مارو میبره "بالا"، اهوازی مارو میکشه هی پائین، میگه ما بدبختیم. خلاصه سیزده بدر با ۵ میلیون میشه رفت......