Sonntag, 7. März 2021

Austrians say: the aryan gypsies and robbers project, brainless aryan burglars project will only be answered by taking our children hostage, we are aryan gypsies race we die like bank robbers, amiris, gharibs, naderis, shams and viennese aryan gypsies, sebastian kurz, hc, michi , franz vranitzky, esterhazys, aryan gypsies

azadeh 1992 warst du ein dschuschenkind mit arasch und maziar, wir lebten mit 50.000 schilling monatlich, du mit wieviel? arische dschuschen, diebe, plünderer, einbrecher, iranische zigeuner

scheißdreck, staatsbürgerrechte, grundrechte, gleichberechtigte rechte," stasi geld und schadenersatz"

kiwara wie hat diese dschuschen bande millionen euro durch meine familie verdient? die romano arische rasse, die dschuschen die arier, new human dschusch du aryan du

belongs to my sister, no comment

no force in this world is allowed to manipulate international databases and data protection, no force in this world, except: extraterrestrial dark force

old viennese freemason ritual with veronika weiss, father daughter ritual

afro satanism has been recruited by ayatullahs for 30 years with excellent contacts to hizbullah, ali gharib, hussein and his family, amiris and shams are part of these sects in europe, iran, america

afro american and europe african satanism and ahrimanism, freemasonry is dirtier than white satanism and ahrimanism, i know your families and children. bastard black sun society

my sister is not suicidal or suffers from any psychological illnesses, only panic attacks because of ahrimanic dark force, on a spiritual level. she is also not prone to cancer, she has me. Austria I'll fuck you, damage replacement plus stasi money, children cyrus the great are nowhere on earth these slaves, they kill slave drivers and fascists

Nazi women brain program child murder, moses DNA

Austria has to pay the stasi money and damages to my mother and sister or I kill your inferior ape girls, that is not a threat but a fact that should be in 1945. with 500,000 nazi women, murderers psychopaths and scum

i shit on your face, and your european and american women day tomorrow because of the racial hatred of women collective towards a innocent mother and daughter in vienna

ممد ‏عراقی

امروز هم مردم میروند حرم امام رضا، و میگویند: یا امام ما را نجات بده! بعد میان بیرون میگه ببین ممد عراقی، کوچه نرگس کدوم وریه، ممد عراقی هم میگه: به امام رضا یه بار رفتم خوشم نیومد، بی بریم کوچه اقاقیا، یک باغی داره معرکه، بهشتی. حالا نجات دهنده کیست؟ ستار بهشتی، آدرس ایشون رو کسی قبول نداشت، ولی خوب برید، برید باغ اقاقیا، ولی ببین جاکش، امام رضا میگفت ثواب کافر داره مادر قحبه. بیشرف

emam khomeini

the uncle of my mother on my mother's side, Haji sheykh, was a scholar, one day he was arrested by savak, and processed with the darkforce system, one of them was:
Tie him up in an ahrimanic ants pile naked on wood, with open body hole system. no shah or government order system method, actually anti shah and ahrimanic forces in system, he came out, he was silent and cried, he turned to iq 80 and sold only: emam khomeinis Resaleh Towzih al-Masael. ".

a humanitarian action of ahrimanism is: for equality, fraternity, unity we will make everyone in iran and the middle east to iq 90 through world food programs. the world does not need mass murder and the persecution of journalists, political activists and environmental activists, ethnic minorities, DNA and god genes. but: god gene has spirituality, that is the born intellect. hence the silent murders

chinese imperialism

ahrimanic chinese class bastard society against great peria, race and DNA. brothers larijanis, ghalibaf, mojtaba khamenei buy plastic rice and chemicals food for iran at twice the price. it's called "gene therapy". red dragon dynasty china imperialism makes iran a colony by the ayatullahs, with illegal treaties

Samstag, 6. März 2021

ahriman church vienna/teheran/ jerusalm. that is the parallel bastard class society since 2000 years austria. filthiest enemies against great persia until today, filthy enemies against cyrus the great race. with 2 world wars, 30 years war, and hunger and misery 1918 Iran, and today

ali gharib terrorist and hussein gharib, rahim amiri terrorist have presented my family as an international sale object with 3 austrian secret services. by order: austria and ali khamenei, 3 million euros each and dozens of millions for real estate and luxury cars for the vienna police and secret service. where is the evidence neonazi mother fucker

black liquid

yesterday i had complained in a supermarket for the third time, i was by chance in wiener landstrasse, spar supermarkt shopping, i took a basket and no shopping cart, at the cash desk i noticed that a pack of tights are hidden under the box-bought goods, with the message:
we are the magicians, here and in history.
I returned the goods and got new ones, Vienna says:
we know your behavior and we know what you are buying and where you are buying. i remembered the chocolate i ate in the second district near azadeh, 1 year later the vienna doctors said, exotic virus, puked with 12 liters of black green liquid

du hure du drecksau, wegen die rasse 3 geschäfte ruiniert, wegen rasse, ethnischer herkunft und gott gene

the stones are "austrian sanctuaries", fuck your mother, my race is the old civilization. freedom for archeology and liberates the world from master race and subhuman. liberate the world from austro and europe fascism and kurt waldheim UNO

esrerhazys 4 parties, secret service and "iranian" families vienna

artefacts can be proven if one is not mind controlled.
skinhead and the rooster, they were in iran before christ, after christ in iran until today, illegal immigrants, invaders with emam ali murder and 12 suitcases of intrigue.
today austria europe and england are close friends with the iranian elite, government or business partner, austria comes first, as always. DNA and ethnic persecution of the deer and ibex, origin Austria, Europe

fuck UN, fuck UN staff and soldiers, the dirtiest animals in this city, bitch mama aliens, dirty assholes, dirty bloody mother fucker animals UNO city, bitches and bastards international

I write it here on my page: a cop or 10 or 100 if you come to my sisters apartment for looting and stealing and theft I'll kill you, with no punishment. police of vienna is wit hizbullah vienna, ali khamenei in fascism 1932 today, because of things from my sister

Sasanid artifact. ahriman and esterhazy clan SPÖ/ÖVP austria

 iranians should understand one thing: to kill our race all bastards are in solidarity together, there has been for 7000 years: war between psychopathy, paranormal creatures ahriman, and humans

fuck stephan grigat, stopthebomb, simone hatmann, and viennese bastard israelis, hizbullah partners vienna

all iranian dual citizenship terror cells and agents of mojtaba lhamenei, ali gharib / ali darvishzadeh (sasan) and amiri gang, ali rahimi gang want to file criminal charges against my person because the UN are bastards, amnesty international whores and humanwatch animals. for stasi finance project psychological war and murder plan
Iran / Austria

racial persecution, genocide, ethnic persecution, targeting DNa, genetic murder sits today in kurt waldheim nazi community UNO city, networked internationally, with hizbullah, some ayatullahs, vienna and german elite and upper class. for ibex and deer god gene iran and middle east, africa, latin america, america

CIA NSA, MI6, Mossad

10 million dead iranian was possible in 1918 with this woman, stasi murder plan and nazi money in vienna also with azadeh amiri and her mother. 15 million euros from international secret stasi camera action, with the end result dead.
fuck you europa england and euro american, because of azadeh amiri and stasi system against my sister

seit 25 jahren hat familie amiri gehälter zwischen 1200 und 2500 euro monatlich. du huankind alien wien du drecksau alien wien du abschaum alien wien, du willst nur rassenmord und massenmord etablieren