Dienstag, 9. März 2021

there are dozens of laws about my private life and intimate situations private, it is my property.foreclosure of private life, no matter which citizen is fascism. gives everything back to my person

the problem is: a woman in germany had an antique carpet, she gave it to an auction house in germany, it was sold for 40,000 euros, a year later the carpet appeared in a new york auction house and was auctioned for 8 million dollars. if both houses were Persian or Jewish or oriental, all three houses would still be burned down today.

It took 60 years for the scrap of Vienna to pay back the money from these dead people to the families, 60 years. In 2021, Vienna still says:the stolen money is our right, with leftists, SPÖ, greens and human rights activists

this is psychopathic garbage, 1200 to 2500 euros salary, that believe: we have to protect our real estate with a murder plan and murder, crazy uneducated comedians

tötet die österreichische politiker und elite damit rassenmord finanz projekte in welt aufhört

iran organizes these god genes murders for michael häupl SPÖ, for bastards in european animals, american animals and canada, for bastards. for whores in europe and austria and vienna, for animals,spectators bastards scum Austria, and animals, for UNO and amnesty animals, just like in vienna

Arash Amiri should have been arrested 20 years ago for the crime: middlemen of gangstalkers, upper class fascism and Iranian secret service

heinrich gross hure du drecksau, heinrich gross hure du drecksau, heinrich gross hure du bastardrasse du abschaum, bastardrasse hure du abschaum, heinrich gross drecksau wienerin, du hure du abschuam drecksau wienerin du scheißdreck rasse, du müll, du scheißdreck

In 1932 the austrian women proved: we have genetic damage and genetic psychopathy. the austrian constitution says: We don't know any psychopathy, there is no evidence like the mass graves in 1945

huan weiber wien, abschaum rasse, drecksau rasse, kindermörder rasse, du müll du wiener weib du dreck du wiener weib du scheißdreck wiener weib du mörderin du abschaum, meine schwester hat 5 jahre psychotherapie mit medikamenten therapie hinter sich, das hat wien gewusst, inklusive ärzte und psychologen

michael häupl hat in sein wien nur killer und stalker gezüchtet, für ayatullahs und freimaurerei, gegen persische rasse und politische aktivismus

huankimd bastard anti christ sebastian kurz unterstützt terror seit 10 jahren gegen mutter und tochter

what this woman julie price and her daughter did against my sister is attempted murder on the internet because she cannot live with a 1400 euro pension, ali gharib's ex-wife.my sister has not known any of these people for 25 years, she has never seen these people, nor does she know the names of these anti god genes terrorists. last time i saw this woman in 2004

du drecksau franz und michl, wolf, hc, guddi, werner, guzi, müll und abschaum in politik

elam king

Franz Scherer (1933-2014) war katholischer Geistlicher, gleichzeitig hochbegabter Künstler und jahrelanger Sammler und Kenner hervorragender Kunstwerke.

many thanks to franz

Der Künstler Franz SCHERER (1933-2014) wurde im Jahr 1933 geboren 

the main culprit is azadeh amiri, she will not be arrested so that the bastard society will lead the stasi crime forever

what's going on in the streets of vienna today what has been producing bastard wien for 80 years, michael häupl and his son? hc strache and his son?sebastian bastard kurz? Ayatullah dictatorship friend?

resilience has its limits.psychological torture through financial project and torture of my family will be answered sebastian, i cut off austrofascism's testicles and penises

i have enough material and evidence for scum race, and the shame of history, the behavior today is the result of alien gene manipulation, world politics is scum ahrimanism, it shows up today with torture and psychological war against innocent mother and daughter from persia

رحیم، کوس مادر، پول ترور، شکنجه و اعدام خوردی زن جنده

ich war politische aktivist, deshalb verdienen alle, geld inklusive UNO

set, bought today 1920-1945, 1945-2021

austria has salaries from 900 euros to tens of thousands of euros.what a michael and franz UN fascism establish: we need ritual blood money, from women and mothers and daughters

shit on you nazi UNO city and amnesty, shit on you,

österreich hat wegen mutter und tochter iraner und österreicher türken und araber zu verhaften. und die haupttäter

austrian races are charlatans and thieves, fraudsters, bastards and murderers, austria and ayatullahs lied to the world because of the million euro business, because of: banana, monkey needs banana. bananas land, charlatans and bastards land, liars and mass murderers bananas republic with " banana joe" michael häupl Kurz and heinrich bastard gross SPÖ

shit on UN city buildings and anti-human bastards in offices

nasser farahani divorced due to tyranei, violence and theft, UN. ayatullahs, austrofascism and secret services take his duties as fathers, although there has been no contact or telephone contact between us since 2002. shit on UN city buildings and anti-human bastards in offices

today, this ape society looks at its master race on the streets with the meaning: my bannans, my bannans, my bannanans hahahahaha, my bannans, not yours mine, I eat, I ape you humane, my bannans.1932, ancient civilization the master breed and nazi monkeys

شراب ‏ناب، ‏می و ‏می‏خانه

انسان درش رحم وجود دارد، پایبند به ارزش های انسانیست، این مادر قحبه ها ما رو از سال ۱۹۹۸ انداختن رو غلطک قصابی و کشتار و میگویند: هرکه داند خوشه انگور از کدام شاخه است او آدم است، هر که داند حبه انگور از کدام میهن است او آدم است. میگه شراب خوری سواد میخواد، آدم باشی میفهمی فصل سرد را، ایمان می آوری به آغاز فصل سرد، ایمان می آوری به شراب ناب