Freitag, 12. März 2021

voltaire and wine

once i was sitting in a restaurant in milano, the waiter said something about wine, and i said yes, yes. the bill was wonderful, 800 euros. i said yes yes. i took the bottle home and bought it for 500 euros the same year.
it's like buying franklin incense, yeah yeah

Donnerstag, 11. März 2021

the 4 pillars of the exploitation power of the aryan race austria, amiri brothers, shams, gharibs and hundreds of other families, hizbullah and ayatullahs is the jew in vienna. that makes the Aryan race to scum, today as yesterday in 1932

In a psychopathic society there is a secret society with scum academics and doctors: we have a blood and DNA test, we have a genetic prodigy. the result is the last 25 years

with people that only play a show and present themselves as humane with a show, only childish charlie chaplin and michael niavarani have a chance, so that what you write is read every day

the leftists in vienna are morally like wehrmacht jews austria: we are only on alert for money, only for money

wer hat das recht durch meine familie geld zu verdienen? wer hat das recht? stirb bastardrasse, stirb endlich du abschaum du bastard, du schande, stirb

not even in 1945 assholes killed 2000 austria at the same time, so that austria knows what mass murder and genocide mean. 2000 austrians, girls and boys. no terrorist action in vienna or bomb attack, although this anti christ country is responsible for 2 world wars and wars on all continents, genocide in south africa, asia and the middle east

du scheißdrek affe österreich, du bastard krankes antichrist österreich, du abschaum rassist du affe

international hate campaign with fake material is attempted murder, and fucking sick austria is again in attempted murder against race with sebastian Kurz

in vienna there is a jew ritual, gypsy ritual, terror, ayatullah ritual, american "yes we can" ritual, and human rights organizations "warm regards around the world" ritual

you mother fucker european bastard, you mother fucker bastard, you mother fucker killer, you mother fucker america, UNO amnesty international, you mother fucker bastard and killer

رژیم کوسکش مادر، ننت رو میگام خوار ننه جن زاده مادر قحبه، جن زاده های کوسکش

everyone will be hanged.

america europe, israel, vienna the bastard in this dimension:
the stasi camera finance campaign has existed since 1998, with hizbullah and israelis.
ayatullahs have recruited my relatives with amiris, shams and ghairbs, people that i hadn't seen for 34 years. It was given to my relatives video material with financial guarantee and benefits.
the ayatullah and main perpetrator says: there is no evidence from 1998, America and Europe block all legal possibilities, that was the family and relatives, everyone will be hanged.

wien ist in faschismus du drecksau amnesty international wien, du wienerin du hure du amnesty

und tatsächlich sagt die polizei hure und abschaum, bastard, drecksau,: zigeuner ali ist guat heas oida, wir sand es sho wieder, wir sand sho wer, ausbeuten, plündern, töten. heas susi brauchst a göld? die fickerei clips von juden bringt vü göld

Young police officers are murderers, killers, scum, filth, Viennese, bastards, a criminal syndicate, which has often been proven in the last 30 years, dozens of court hearings for drug sales, human trafficking, corruption and the trafficking of women. young police officers are murderers because of stasic money and hizbollah, as in ghassemloo case

Bei der Polizei kann man sich alles erkaufen?

Nein. Man kann sich nicht alles erkaufen, da nicht alle Beamte darauf einsteigen. Aber es gibt leider korrupte Beamte. Letztlich kann man sich weniger mit Mitgliedsbeiträgen bei Vereinen, sondern mehr mit Spenden bei diesen Beamten vieles erkaufen. Hier geht es um hohe Summen. Vereine machen Veranstaltungen. Für Tombolas brauchen sie Hauptpreise. Die Urlaubsreisen, die da verlost werden, die müssen ja von jemandem gespendet werden. Und die Spender erwarten sich dann oft Gegenleistungen. Das wird sich nicht ändern. Ich habe das damals auch in meinem Buch so beschrieben.

in wien ist peter pilz ein hizbollah mitglied, bastard drecksau hizbollah mitglied, mit 1.2 millionen euro stasi kapital anteil

if this city keeps a cent from the sale of my family, the stasi peojekt and does not answer, I kill every SS officer that says: I am a politician, like KURZ, Peter Pilz, and others, bastard race fascists, murderers and racial exterminators

armut ist das hier: 800 euro pension sagt: ich töte für 5 häuser und 3 millionen euro, ich töte iraner, alt iraner oder neu ist mir egal, ich töte für wohlstand

die wiener polizei, geheimdienste ÖVP, SPÖ, Grüne, FPÖ kontrolieren die netzwerke und stadt wien für meuchelmord, terror, vergiften und mit krankheit töten. wegen millionen euro stasi kapital. meuchelmord sebastian kurz, michael häupl für ayatullahs, israel, zigeuner ritual

jews hunts in forest, poverty

Austrian women and girls are poor people: we have to persecute and stalk other races, these are the poor people, not us. we have to drive these people to poverty, we are not the poor, other races are the poor. like animals and monkeys, stalker and humans.

fucking austria

austria doesn't need that: illegally gaining access to other people's apartments, for stalking and secret observation, and controlling society with a financial project.
but this show is established as a culture and tradition for iran, an old ahrimanic ritual as a new modern european normality

stasi finance project austria, gypsy cultur, iranian toudeh and aksariat gypsies

The different tribes of the Roma are called:
• Batsoria
• Meskarides
• Xorahaya
• Dermetzides
• Mitsicaria
• Katsibeloi
• Handurja
. pomaken
.west Thrace
some became Iranian nobility from 1449 with shah ismaeil and tahmasob.
the problem in iran is:
roma and sinti are being integrated and assimilated everywhere, iran was assimilated into gypsy culture from 1979 onwards. the current situation is an example

family shams gharib, amiri, keyhanrad, shirazi and hundreds of others were never in a position to earn money from us or to install cameras. not in iran either in europe. you dirty scum austria you bastard

in the 21st century the jews in vienna swear by moses:we didn't do anything together, simone didn't do anything either. not even with Iranian gypsy families, no common ritual with ali khamenei and rafsanjani clan

we have mossad fascism not only in israel and palestine but also with jews lobby in europe and america, canada. racism and persecution of minorities

i have had a conflict with the iranian regime for 20 years, the jew, israeli and fascist exploits it because of my ethnicity and shows extreme hostility to attempted murder

Democracy and human rights

Human rights are universal and apply to everyone. They establish that all human beings, irrespective of country, culture and context, are born free and equal in dignity and rights. Democracy policy includes general elections, measures to strengthen and protect the individual’s opportunities for influence, and measures to promote and guarantee respect for human rights. 

tablet photo, raw. ahura eagle and falcon, DNA and ethnic origin

we are a right on this earth, ahrimanic origin, fascism, racism, anti-semitism, mass murder, is manipulated and unnatural origin. ahrimanic ritual, bethlehem, rom, wien today

everyone has to live with his or her salary, a cent above the circumstances is whitewashed black money from racial trafficking, human trafficking and persecution of minority, racism, anti-Semitism, humiliation because of origin and race, the discrimination in the legal system is himmler's fascism