Samstag, 13. März 2021

Fuck Israel, mossad, fuck america NSA and CIA, global god genes killer und money launderer mafia with mojtaba khamenei and ayatullahs, fucking god genes companies

reza nasri is the cousin of arasch maziar, azadeh amiri, he is hizbullah and iranian secret service member, and political advisor in barjam. he laundered 45 million euros for vienna and hezbollah, for the shams and amiris family and the iranian secret society vienna

21stones, blackjack. universal and materialistic world domination by: viennese anti god genes companies, the secret society and their children

jesus christ was a deer, child zarathustra, europe is just a copy and show, paper, because after the sunday church, mass murder of god genes and the bloodline of jesus christ continues on monday

vienna 5th district, 21 stones. 2 meters deep, VMAT2 stones, baptism in Vienna. fucking atheists and fascists

die 4 österreichische parteien sind: anti gott gen Gmbh, millionen geschäfte mit polizei, richter, staatsanwälte, geheimdienste, mit tochterfrimen sitz iran/azerbaijan/ahwaz/abadan/baluchistan/mazandaran/hormoz/kurdistan/mazandaran

Kreisky himself was an atheist of Jewish background. SPÖ atheism is himmler's fascism against god genes, VMAT2

Austria has academics, but also rubbish, they are third generation with racial madness and these scum are racial murderers, as the last 20 years has proven.

genetic waste, scum, dirt, animal, monkey, hideous origin says: with austro fascism against innocent people we are again the master race

hundesohn wiener richter, du greifst in wien zwei unschuldige frauen an, mutter und tochter, du bastard du hure, mit rahim hizbullah und ayatullahs, du bastard faschist, du abschaum

ich fange ab heute an namen aufzuschreiben, mit schwarze tinte

Auch bei Shakespeare kündigt die Eule in den Dramen Julius Cäsar und Macbeth bevorstehende Morde an.

Do you understand? i was 25 and the judge standard was under my testicles. as an antique dealer and world art dealer.dirty fascists thieves and charlatans

death to judges fascism and the families until the mass murder and stasi system ends

this is fascism.
with the slightest psychological disorder of my mother and sister i start with judge whores and their daughters to the whores of the upper class and their daughters, to arasch amiris family, fenyves and relatives, i am not alone.

austria only supports killer genes and ego genes, and calls it: the aryan race

Austria practices it with: gypsy kebab ali, gypsy english teacher azadeh and accountant rahim and taxi driver, with unemployed people and others

This bastard society, bastard state, and authorities practiced the 1932 system, against a world art connoisseur and dealer. "The Jew is not allowed to do business", with internatiojale hate campaign. with jew they mean: god gene. fascism and atheism say to god gene in the 21st century: jew, and behaves like dirty cheap animals 1938

shutinie wujine

I bought something in flea market today, the seller gave me ambition for self entertainment, he said:
what do you do with it? scratch between the tough? I said the testicles if venereal disease, or after smoking opium.
he looked at me, I looked back and left.
on the way home, I looked at it and suddenly I thought of horus lee:
hoaa chi, ha, ha, chiauuuuuu hi chak. i thought for karate and kungfu it's not bad.
then suddenly I thought of dugin and then rasputin:
nasdivie, chivinie gurachie, manuchie, poruchie, nevinichie.
then I laughed and said:
tikhim shakhim pakhim, shulukhim maybe

Freitag, 12. März 2021

a psychopathic mayor and fascist says: kill the race for money, fucking iranian viennese say: only with poison and insolin, it should look natural, we're not murderers

Experiments with poison

Somewhere between December 1943 and October 1944, experiments were conducted at Buchenwald to investigate the effect of various poisons. The poisons were secretly administered to experimental subjects in their food. The victims died as a result of the poison or were killed immediately in order to permit autopsies. In September 1944, experimental subjects were shot with poisonous bullets, suffered torture, and often died.[26]

Some male Jewish prisoners had poisonous substances scrubbed or injected into their skin, causing boils filled with black fluid to form. These experiments were heavily documented as well as photographed by the Nazis.[36

the viennese Iranians say: we are sentencing barbad farahani to death because of the money we earned from his life, shop and business and the life of his family. UN, Amnesty Infernatiol, Zara and all human rights organizations give us the right to do so

fucking iranian, shit iranian vienna, fucking fake race

i piss on the iranian society of vienna, a society without honor and testicles in front of these dirty fascists and racial killers.
malieh gharib 12 years unemployed, without a job, nayereh gharib taxi driver, ali gharib kaffe and kebab seller, his children without a job, amiris 1200-2500 salaries, other iranians unemployed, 1200-2500 salaries, everyone is
3rd and 4th strata of society in a psychopathic country, and this shit, Iranian society agrees with Iranian races sales and human trafficking

21 stones, 3 kings, magicians, prophets vienna

viennese stone, old race. there are 8 billion people, and the bastard in vienna says: if we kill 0.5 percent rare special genetics, then we will reach the 1000 year old Reich

lenin time, you race killer fucking europe

As a non-alcoholic and a rare alcohol drinker, I had a liver with 70 percent fat. insolin poison in sugar. for death at 45

the start of this action has a simple formula: if the state and society earns money illegally in the mafia formation, then the mafia formation kills like al capone, but with illness and poison, and inaction

Iranian gypsy families say: for 600 years it has been a right that you die and we get rich

I live in a world where UN staff says: money is more important than race and humanrights. kill fhe race or we will kill.a UN with a salary of 5,000 to 25,000 euros.who kills the bastards and their soldiers

the novel process by kafka was laughed at: we will kill you all with laughter and theater acting. a staged clown trial for all of you. an alien and annunaki humor

Austria says with this action: elam and luristan kurdistan crossing, the 8 tribes are the wrong race that comes to us. we are still mauthausen with judges, politicians, police and secret services

the viennese nazi judges, alexander psychopaths say that gypsies are native iranians, the aryan race, alexander psychopaths and anti-persians. burglary, illegal entry into private areas, theft and plundering are called persians

this policy of constant persecution with secret cameras is a humiliation in the service of the ayatullah dictatorship: our persians and native people are worthless. millions are paid for this policy. to kill innocent people without a police or authority file, 1986-2021