Samstag, 13. März 2021

آقا داشتم میدویدم خانه وقتی جن هارو دیدم، یک دفعه یکیشون از این چوس لوس های تهرون بود: گفت آهای، گفتم خفه، گفت هویییی، گفتم چیه بی ناموس، گفت بگو آدم و هوا، گفتم چی؟ گفت بگو آدم و هوا!؟ گفتم گمشو خبیث، برای چه؟ گفت آخه هم آدمی هم سرت رو هواست. گفتم آی جن کونی تهرونی

blackjack. backyard and black magic ritual

yesterday i dreamed of black magic, apparently there was a ritual from the backyard when i slept. an austrian couple asked me for a route, i tried to explain it to them, they pulled me towards a street corner, i suddenly saw several demon soldiers getting out of a truck. I went home again. the black jack owl nagel protect against black magic and evil eyes, i feel peace again today. but it has several uses.
although i am against hunting and killing animals for exploitation. But with old and antique pieces, I can take it morally

fuck austria, fuck vienna, psychopatic god genes killers in iran next to ayatullahs

آقا الان داشتم هفته خاکستری گوش میکردم، یادم افتاد یه چیزی: ملشور وقتی بیشعور میشه که میبینه همه جارو فریاد قتل بر علیه دو زن بی گناه میزنند، و برخی فقط آوازه خوان و غزل خوان هستند.

جمعه ها، همه اسم هارو با مرکب سیاه روی تخته سیاه می نویسم، خنده داره نه؟ اوهوووووو اوهوووو

مادر جنده شاشخالی نشسته به اسم صنم، پریسا، گوهر، مرجان، سفید، شهلا، ملیح، نیر، و میگه من باید از جنازه ایرانی پول در بیارم، ما حق مسلم داریم ما آریایی هستیم. کوس کولی کوچ کولی های انگلیسی جنده مادر، کوسکش اجنبی های کیر سگ کوس سگ

fucking dirty animal and bastard austria. austria and europe, UNO have been killing god genes in iran for 40 years, people are being killed with the most absurd accusations, the ayatullahs are only freemason soldiers

like jews in 1932, since 1986 i have no police files, criminal files, or judicial punishment.Vienna is an animal, bastard, scum, garbage and hideous monkey origin

every terrorist attack agaunst the UN and amnesty is: against mass murder, genocide and god genes genocide, against UN bastard satanists and whores ahrimanists. MY EU passport is 1932 passport because of my #GENES and DNA

european police scum is god genes killers with poison, god genes killer for money, terror police mother fucker EU

stirb du scheiß kiwara du drecksau, stirb, ich piss auf eure leichen bei nächsten terroranschlag, du troorist du arschloch, du gott gene killer mit hizbullah, stirb du bastard, du tier du scheißdreck abschaum herkunft

Nasser Farahani only worked for 7 years, and since the divorce in 2002 he hasn't paid a cent, from 2008 he earned 500,000 euros using the stasi method.

My mother had worked in the Iranian Ministry of Culture from 1968 to 1986, and from 1988 to 2002 in Vienna, until the camera action started, fuck wien, aytullahs, america and EU, fuck UNO and amnesty for this slavery and dictatorship

from iran there were 20 million secret viewers every day, with 1 euro member costing monthly

Fuck Israel, mossad, fuck america NSA and CIA, global god genes killer und money launderer mafia with mojtaba khamenei and ayatullahs, fucking god genes companies

reza nasri is the cousin of arasch maziar, azadeh amiri, he is hizbullah and iranian secret service member, and political advisor in barjam. he laundered 45 million euros for vienna and hezbollah, for the shams and amiris family and the iranian secret society vienna

21stones, blackjack. universal and materialistic world domination by: viennese anti god genes companies, the secret society and their children

jesus christ was a deer, child zarathustra, europe is just a copy and show, paper, because after the sunday church, mass murder of god genes and the bloodline of jesus christ continues on monday

vienna 5th district, 21 stones. 2 meters deep, VMAT2 stones, baptism in Vienna. fucking atheists and fascists

die 4 österreichische parteien sind: anti gott gen Gmbh, millionen geschäfte mit polizei, richter, staatsanwälte, geheimdienste, mit tochterfrimen sitz iran/azerbaijan/ahwaz/abadan/baluchistan/mazandaran/hormoz/kurdistan/mazandaran

Kreisky himself was an atheist of Jewish background. SPÖ atheism is himmler's fascism against god genes, VMAT2

Austria has academics, but also rubbish, they are third generation with racial madness and these scum are racial murderers, as the last 20 years has proven.

genetic waste, scum, dirt, animal, monkey, hideous origin says: with austro fascism against innocent people we are again the master race

hundesohn wiener richter, du greifst in wien zwei unschuldige frauen an, mutter und tochter, du bastard du hure, mit rahim hizbullah und ayatullahs, du bastard faschist, du abschaum

ich fange ab heute an namen aufzuschreiben, mit schwarze tinte

Auch bei Shakespeare kündigt die Eule in den Dramen Julius Cäsar und Macbeth bevorstehende Morde an.

Do you understand? i was 25 and the judge standard was under my testicles. as an antique dealer and world art dealer.dirty fascists thieves and charlatans

death to judges fascism and the families until the mass murder and stasi system ends

this is fascism.
with the slightest psychological disorder of my mother and sister i start with judge whores and their daughters to the whores of the upper class and their daughters, to arasch amiris family, fenyves and relatives, i am not alone.

austria only supports killer genes and ego genes, and calls it: the aryan race

Austria practices it with: gypsy kebab ali, gypsy english teacher azadeh and accountant rahim and taxi driver, with unemployed people and others

This bastard society, bastard state, and authorities practiced the 1932 system, against a world art connoisseur and dealer. "The Jew is not allowed to do business", with internatiojale hate campaign. with jew they mean: god gene. fascism and atheism say to god gene in the 21st century: jew, and behaves like dirty cheap animals 1938

shutinie wujine

I bought something in flea market today, the seller gave me ambition for self entertainment, he said:
what do you do with it? scratch between the tough? I said the testicles if venereal disease, or after smoking opium.
he looked at me, I looked back and left.
on the way home, I looked at it and suddenly I thought of horus lee:
hoaa chi, ha, ha, chiauuuuuu hi chak. i thought for karate and kungfu it's not bad.
then suddenly I thought of dugin and then rasputin:
nasdivie, chivinie gurachie, manuchie, poruchie, nevinichie.
then I laughed and said:
tikhim shakhim pakhim, shulukhim maybe