Sonntag, 14. März 2021

iranian terorists, anti god genes european fascists, and hospitals

For 20 years organizing networks is because of the god genes. with doctors and academics. therefore, contracts are concluded in hospitals before every action, in the event of an accident the hospital takes no responsibility, we are all in anti-god genes networks.
it is called bullying, but it is stasi action suffering, financial project and killing

400 demons legion

the viennese nazis poisoned god genes children with sleeping pills so that the children would be tortured in deep sleep and narcosis, in deep sleep the channels for transition are open, the monkey bastards tried to send demons into the white channel through ahrimanic prayers and black magic

michael häupls, Püstl's freund Dr. gross. faschisten drecksau schweine wien, pürstl, und anti rasse SPÖ

The case was reopened after new evidence came to light three years ago, including declassified papers from the East German secret police archives. In February 1998 prosecutors removed 400 brains from Dr Gross's private collection. Experiments carried out by doctors in Innsbruck found that nine of the brains of children aged between 10 days and 14 years old showed traces of poison, remnants of sleeping tablets alleged to have been administered by Dr Gross. In most cases pneumonia was stated as the cause of death.

polizei hure du bastard du abschaum das ist versuchter mord gegen staatsbürger

alles wegen gott gene und resilienz. du bastardrasse nazi österreich, 1449-2021

my mother and sister are both citizens, UNO city refuses all services because of money, as well as Amnesty International and zara and dozens of other organizations, the state of austria refuses all service that is attempted murder

ich finde alles von meine mutter und schwester, dann töte ich polizei huren wegen 20 jahre faschismus, antisemitismus und versuchtermord in wien, ich habe das recht dazu in faschismus system. das ist versuchter mord und polizei terror

du bastardrasse wien du herrenrasse du, du clown, du dieb, scharlatan, komiker, du arisch du

das ist polizei terrorismus und faschismus mit ayatullahs in europa, du bastardrasse wien

ich scheisse auf ein kuran wenn du drecksau türke und araber muslim bist, ich pisse in mariahilfer straße öffentlich auf hundert kuran bücher

hurenkind drecksau abschaum nennt sich muslim. hurenkind drecksau abschaum

ich scheiß auf dein kuran, du hurensohn das ist kein kuran du abschaum drecksau türke, du araber ich scheiß auf dein islam du bastard drecksau hund in wien, du schwein, ich scheiß auf dein kuran, du drecksau kafir, du satanische genetik du abschaum.

hurenkinder, hurenkinder und gastarbeiter kinder, hurenkinder. dreckige hurenkinder du gastarbeiterkind

das ist psychologischer folter mit türkische schweine und arabische hunde

for 5 years i have been insulted and annoyed on the streets and in public places until i have no control, fucking animals in the EU and amnesty say:it wasn’t, we don’t know anything. animals and bastards europe

fucking bastard EU

the tehran philharmonic musicians have to do 3 jobs only for renting an apartment, office work, taxi, sales.
inferiority has 5 billion, without anything special and talent. State capital is never invested in talent or science projects. an order from europe:
copy and steal everything and send the project to us, kill the people

the amiris gharibs, shams and hundreds of others have built a life with millions at my expense, it is the same what europe has been doing with hizbullah and ayatullahs for 40 years, billions for inferior ones

I am a victim of terrorism with a financial project because of my political activism since 2001, Amnesty International says: we do not accept that terror has happened in vienna, despite worldwide public action.the european whores are killers and bastards

دردودل، ‏چی ‏میگه ا‏ین؟

مقاله سیاسی، بحث سیاسی و دردودل: دردودل زمانی پیش میاد که آثار خجسته شما هم میشه مجسمه سازی و نقاشی، چون بحث و مقاله فایده نداره. بحث سیاسی و مقاله زمانی به درد میخوره که میان خودی باشی، یعنی همه با هم مجسمه ساز و نقاش باشید، اهل دود و دم باشید

European sick bastard anti god gen race in UNO city, since 1449

the amiris shams, gharibs, and other iranian, austrians have only laundered money in the last 4 years, these people want to answer with the death of their children and grandchildren

why attack bastard society police secret service, politics and upper class my innocent sister and mother, innocent mother and daughter. without rights due to ethnic origin

Nobody stands above human rights and the Austrian constitution, there are also no democratic decisions about breaking laws. Austria says: god genes bearers have consumers when they are secretly filmed, the land is the owner of race

the behavior of bastard austria since 1998 shows: we are the ayatullahs, we, europe and austria, we burn generations in iran next to the ayatullahs.we find your genes and DNA, god genes

آقا ما اینجا ۳ تا مغازه داشتیم، ۱۶ تا شغل مختلف به حد ارشد بلدم، میخوام کار کنم نمیذاره، میگه میخوای حال کنی، ما نمیگذاریم شما حال کنید در زندگی، همه جا خرابت میکنیم، ۴۰ سال نسل سوخته در ایران بخاطره ژن. ‏

بد بخت بیچاره ای که ما باربد ها شدیم اینه: عباس قادری هم میگه ببینم ببینم ژن تو چیه

viennese iranian secret society also works in iran, in provinces, villages and cities, DNA and gene hunting are being organized, tours for europe are being organized and doctors and laboratories are being recruited

i have been an austrian citizen since 1992, my mother had 2 shops and i one. bastard race vienna politics, police, secret service, upper class says: the god genes business and companies are above the austrian constitution and humanrights

europe / america, freemasonry shows with austria: we have a government in exile with iranian opposition parties and a domestic ayatullah government, we pay both to kill god genes. we launder money for one, and we give the other 20%