Dienstag, 16. März 2021

the eye from the UN is on me right now, the black magic mafia eye and satanism sects, on god genes: what are you doing at home? what do you think about us.i know worldwide mass murder about you bastards, you have to pay salaries, blood money

see what austria does with my mother and sister and says: these women's have no fundamental rights. austrian judges elite and politicians are genocide psychopaths and sick, genocide sick, the vienna judges are mentally disabled, monkey minds, mentally disabled. no basic rights for old race, kill, kill, kill. Disabled brains with ahrimanic damage, whores and bastards on chairs

fuck austria, SPÖ/ÖVP/FPÖ, fuck monkeys

Dienstag, 16. März 2021

between 1980 and 1987 hezb tudeh, aksariat hizbullah, selected 38,000 political activists with austrian agents based on racial characteristics. girls and boys between 14 and 17, because of a newspaper or political flyer !?

scheißdreck affen stadt wien sagt: terrorismus ist arisch, kampf für freiheit jüdisch, du scheißdreck affe wien

Fascism and UN bastard race give Iranian terrorism the right to earn millions and send the money to Iran and invest in Iran, as do the CIA and NSA

laszlo kiwara du huankind mit zigeuner romano hizbullah, du scheißdreck laszlo du rassenmörder kiwara

wien verweigert alle dienste: romano iranian sind arisch, native iraner juden, gott gene juden

these are an israeli european, austrian, ayatullah, UNO murder in syria, everyone is involved in finance projects with capital fascism. political conflicts and war slogans is just a show, it's all about: god genes and ancient civilization, ethnic origin: europe, austria

one video clip of me during sex is austrian/iranian terror and costs 5 million euros

my mother has been divorced since 2002 because of brutality, violence and tyranny, what Austria and the UN do with her ex-husband is a crime against humanity

azim amiri ist seit 1988 mit ali gharib befreundet, seine frau, rosa kim amiri arbeitet seit 1988 in UNO city, gott gene mörder mafia, UNO city global mit romano iraner

we had 3 shops, azim amiri was unemployed but rosa kim amiri 3rd class secretary in korea department. Child murder happens with UN bastards, stasi system too, with gypsies Iranians

The message from Zionism, israel, UN, Austria, Europe and America is: we are killing you inside iran, outside iran, inside syria or outside syria, iraq, lybia, yemen, afganistan.in europe we have more power

after 80 years of child murder, austria re-establishes mass murder and god genes murder with israeli jews, this time with a lucrative offer: suffering and psychological war brings millions every day

Austria established: there are 500,000,000 satanism networks worldwide, these are consumers for god gene show. suffering, torture, psychological war and murder, one euro a day will be donated. for starvation or hospital death, money for politicians, police, secret services, the upper class and all public officials

jude what about basic rights zari and rana? Nazi Jew Vienna, Wehrmacht Jew Vienna, with neo-Nazis.

jude grundrechte von zari und rana was ist damit?

jüdische museum ist besetzt von nazi juden von wehrmachtsjuden, 6 millionen opfer haben mit euch nazis nichts zutun, mit wehrmachtsjuden

László، ‏du ‎huankinder ‎wiener ‎bastard ‎affenrasse,Lászlóoooooo ‎du ‎huankind ‎wiener, ‏du ‎abschaum ‎du ‎dreck ‎du ‎müll, ‏du ‎scheißdreck ‎wiener ‎du ‎laszolooooo, ‏rassenmörder ‎du ‎bastardrasse

چوس ا‏لله ‏یعنی ‏کولی ‏کافر،کولی ‏کافر، ‏حزب ‏الله ‏کجا ‏بود ‏خارکوسده

huankind, huankind was willst du von meine familie? sie will nur arbeiten und steuer zahlen, huankind bastard animal

the muslim tribes and followers of muhammad were our tribes, the others were mostly animals, in saudi arabia, that is why prophet muhammed killed many arabs and others

pürstl du László Csatáry du, pürstl du nazi du, du laszlo du, mit scheiß kiwara huankind wien, faschisten nazis affen, affen, affen gegen mensch

i cut the head of every fascist, that made money with my sister with the stasi secret camera. with racial ideology and fascism

ناصر بپا جنده پهن خارکوسدت از خونه پرتت نکنه بیرون، جنده پهن فاشیست سگ که با امیری ها دنبال مرگ رعناست، اینها پول از رعنا در آوردن بی ناموس، این رحیم خواهر کونی. من میشاشم به فاشیسم، ولی تو بلیس. خارکوسده ندید بدید میدون شوشی. من از خونه ۳۰۰ متری برم بیرون، من؟

targeted person global, 2021 god genes

100,000 muslims, iranian, arabs, moors, iranian jews, our race was expelled from spain from 1449 after 10,000 genocide, for the start genocide global, the ottoman wars were a second defense, all the way to vienna

sitting in UN city: european nazis and euro-american fascists with 600 years of tradition in racial murder. we are allowed to enslave 2 women and one man for financial project. we know this ethnic group from history


oida oida oida judn stain oida, na oida wos hob'n die gwusst, oida oida, oida wir woarn des net, na?, na? na? na heas a katastroph, oida oida oida, wievü stain? wos moch ma damit?, a system hott'n die perser, heas, heas heas sag ma juden zu perser, juden sand die perser, sag ma jude wail des kann ma nur mit jud'n sog'n töet'n

pürstl says I'm with my officers: police officer László Csatáry, we use secret cameras to establish worldwide isolation and getho for god genes

Why is it important to teach and learn about the Holocaust and genocide in Argentina?