Freitag, 19. März 2021

österreich hat nicht 3 geheimdienste, sondern nazis und killer, gott gene mörder, stalker und bastarde, gestapo und wehmacht abschaum, KZ folterer, hundesohn faschisten, heinrich gross schüler und studenten

I started my career in 1998 when I was 23 years old, adolf had secret camera toys from sweden, stasi secret camera torture murder like tehran, terror murder with international secret cameras, like iran

the bird nazis were lucky, these statues have no place in my camp. you always have to take something away from the nazis, all toys like indiana jones, nazis only make the world dirty with toys and artifacts

fronz schieb da die soail' im oarsch, du anti du

2019 tablet editing. maria theresia statue graz, secret message, anubis treasure in austria

ahrimanic anunnaki pharaoh, anubis, isis, hathor. vienna 20 million years ago. the spirits still rule, the third grade sits at the judge's seat

die wiener richter wiederholen sattar beheshti foltermord, aber mit stasikamera folter, für terrormord

my family and i are in mortal danger because of stasi deaths pot, UNO city and vienna judges practice mauthausen fascism, anti god genes fanaticism

کوسکش مادر میگه سر من رو ببر با بچه ها ولی من جواب نمیدم

There are bastards everywhere, azim and rahim are both workers, 1400 to 1800 euro salary, an accountant in a car shop and azim a salesman in carpet wholesale, azim was 8 years unemployed 

with a monthly salary of 3 million tumans, one kilo of pears costs 70,000 tumans, a long-long-long-term strategy

پرتقال ‏فروش

مادر کوسده های خارکوسده کشور اهورایی رو دستشون گرفتن ولی تا دسته نژاد پرست و راسیستن، چی؟ گلابی دوست داری؟ ۷۰ تومن، اه، لوبیا پلو با گوشت بره میچسبه آره؟،حال میده آره؟ گوشت کیلو ۲۰۰ تومن، نه بابا؟ جون من؟ سیب میخوای؟ کیلو ۶۰ تومن، موز؟ موز هم میخوای، مگه آدم نیستی؟ موز میخوای چیکار. جون تو من نمیرم تو بمیری یه حرفی بزن: تو دهن تو میوه و سبزی گوشت بره به چه درد میخوره، ها؟ بمیر دیگه. پرتقال واسه ماست، پرتقال فروش خودت رو پیدا کن اگر پیدا کردی!؟ یکی اتریش نشسته به اون هم ریدیم رفت، پرتقال فروش کجا بود

austrofascism, iranian and europe fascism, american fascism imposes an embargo on our race internationally like cuba, because of genetic DNA and racial crossbreeding

This action SPÖ, ÖVP, FPÖ, GRÜNE, LEFTISTS had nothing to do with xenophobia, but Dr. lenz racial hygiene politics and fanatical atheism and anti god gene campaign

Freitag, 19. März 2021

haji khanum sadigheh mecca visitor, bagher's wife. hamadan malayer, farahan elam crossing. Racism exists in the vatican, jerusalem and ayatullah khamenei's qum: the crusaders were aryan, jesus was jew or aryan, moses and noah were white, europe is jesus christ's bloodline

I've only been working with a tablet, photos and editing since 2019.

I am self-employed with 16 professions, since 2004 a 50,000 euro salary per month, with 5 mobile phone apps, and program technology experiences and ideas, and 38 other projects, and fascism says: we have a welfare state

persian artifact and mauthausen austria. SPÖ heinrich gross experiments until today. god genes experiments

Austria has committed racial murder since 1954 with kurt waldheim black sun society UNO

an example of psychopathy iranian gypsies and austria, america. my sister was not active in anti-regime politics

america and europe only want to see gypsy tribes as a representative of iran: For war, hunger, embargo, persecution, execution, torture and pollution, only gypsy tribes that are not connected to Iranian soil

tablet photo, smoke, medium cat and persian, gate and channel

european fascism, american racism is wehrmacht jew, israel psychopathy since alexander

austria, judge, police, politician says: we do business with european in iran, and here in austria they have a special status, terror against old races. They are allowed to enslave the old race for stasi cameras

wo sand ma im iran? wo mach ma gechäfte du arschloch? wie mach ma geschäfte du drecksau, probleme mit geschichte, rasse, kinder, und milliarden geschäfte? du arschloch du drecksau, wo sand die perser her? wo ist die geschichte? wo war ma. mother fucker ibex jäger und mörder österreich, mit iranische romano zigeuner

Donnerstag, 18. März 2021

سنگ ‏لعین

ahrimanic materialism and intellect

i will even burn 15 million euros on the streets of vienna, the blood money, austria will pay damages with america and europe for the establishment of the murder of persian blood, blood great persia cyrus the great

folter und mord stasi geld ist verboten und schmutzig, nicht das wichsen, blutgeld fresser und bastarde

ich werde schriften finden und es beweisen, moses und noah waren beide schwarz

In 1932 the jew said: kill all jews, we don’t give any money back, like today in vienna

this country has police, judges, public prosecutors and secret services, all kill together, not just for money, but racial hatred, together with the UN, EU America

america CIa NSA, american bastard society are all in races murder with iranian agents and murderers, directly connected with iranian embassy vienna. because of terror and genocide, ali gharib hussein, the families and amiris.

سنگ ‏لعین

ahrimanic gold, stasi pot, business with death