Montag, 22. März 2021

فرخ رژیم نگهدار فعلآ عکس کیر من رو نگه دار، قاب کن بالا سرت یکم روش بیشتر حساب کن، بهت میگم حالا چرا، اکثریتی قلچماق خارکوسده با حسن، فدایی های فالانژ نژاد کش، فدایی کوس کش های فالانژ مادر قحبه وینی

our story began in austria (with evidence), but in the 21st century the monkeys still hang from our testicles pubic hair and do not leave us alone because of money and prosperity

ahrimanic ‎church ‎U.N., ‏kurt waldheim god genes mass destruction program ‏iran, ‏UN and vienna. ‏80.000 genocide ‎mit ‎ayatullahs. ‏1979-1988

european american, israel genocide program iran, and my family in vienna. god genes family

2001-2021, this is ayatollah, hezbollah, police, networks terror vienna, because of my race and politics, because of god genes. terror and racial extermination in iran. terror and genocide in iran, mass murder in iran with austria, vienna, israel, america, UNO

My mother worked for 18 years in the Iranian Ministry of Culture, here she worked for 15 years as an antique carpet restorer, where is the law that a craftsman can become a product and a stasi slave?

fuck your mother europa amerika ayatullah, zionism, israel, fuck your mother. god genes slavery program global, and genocide, black magic mafia darkforce alien program

UNO mother fucker, my passport my humanrights, my fundamental rights, you ahrimanic church UNO city. you satan church UNO city, you fucking asshole american in UNO

du arschloch du huankind israel. freiheit für archäologie, freiheit für archäologie arschloch mossad

fuck america, austria EU with attacks, god genes genocide international

fuck blond monkeys

fuck europe israel amerika iran, UNO

Fuck this EU America, UN, Amnesty, Ayarullahs because of god gene's global mass extermination program. genes from africa and the middle east

mother fucker bastards in UNO.......persian dna and gene crossing, persian instinct proves existence of god, prophet and beyond, that is your enmity..

persian dna and gene crossing, persian instinct proves existence of god, prophet and beyond, that is your enmity.

the organization aksariat party vienna, with its global network, venezuella, latin america, europe, iran, laundered for a single person 15 million dollars, for whom? from stasi torture and murder program

my austrian passport, VMAT2 persian god genes passport. austria is race killer, god genes killer next to ayatullahs

Recht, keiner unmenschlichen oder erniedrigenden Strafe oder Behandlung (Folter) unterworfen zu werden.

terrorists sit in UNO city, stasi fascists and criminals, the illegality is coordinated there for torture and murder. 15 serious human rights violations

fake standard, fake class, fake stories, fake life. 1200-1800 euro salaries, fake people

The life and standard of many iranians, amiris, gharibs, 1200-1800 euro salaries, austrians, turks and workers, UN city employees is illegal and fake. with no potential for the standard, fake. my life was made fake too, 890 euros next to my mother in my sister's apartment

do you understand what is illgeal? fucking austria is illegal, everything azadeh does with her network with ayatullah regime, israel, austria is illegal, torture and death for capital. the austrian constitution prohibits, the aliens allow

irish and mechmed, DNA targets

A small percentage of the Turks have the same genetic family tree as the Irish, these are those who are not allowed to speak and write under the Erdogan dictatorship

und immer wieder: scheiß österreicher, rassenmörder global

molosser tribe, genetische verwandschaft, iran, türkei, naherosten, wien, europa

wiener richter kollektive: diese methoden sind bei uns "gang und gäbe", "gang und gäbe"

tabelt photo, raw. alien spirits, meat and blood and liver/kidney

jesus, the altar and the holy grail austria

die wiener polizei beamten sind bajuwaren rasse, generation meuchelmörder und folterer jesus christus, der soldat sagte: du stirbst nicht? dann das folter und leidensweg. bajuwarische drecksau

Albrecht altdorfer und wien: kreuzigung jesus in wien, mit wehrmachtsjude, grüne, SPÖ, ÖVP. geheimdienste und alle andere stämme. war das nicht in wien?

terrorism with austrian animals and new iranian animals is: a gypsy girl says: kill 3 people, all of you have drank and ate of their meat and blood. See my parents 5 houses, 5 million, just like others. we turn the meat and blood into products for you

15 serious human rights violations in austria europe america iran, and zionism, fascism and ayatulahs pay millions for no action. 666. 1998

Sonntag, 21. März 2021

I have been writing for 3 years because of 3 businesses, that my sister works 8 hours and pays taxes until today, I write about 38 projects, political activism 2001-2015 and the austrian state says:we have an offzilles terror campaign with the ayatullah regime and israel, everything is allowed to murder plan and terror murder

i am a genetic rarity and specialty from elam and luristan, my 38 projects are worth a billion, austria is only inferior, next to the UN and ayatullahs, gives out the money.

fucking america europe ayatullahs, israel, turkey and arab countries:this woman and her daughter have had no crimes since 1986 until today. ayatullahs and austria make both products for millions of consumers, the money is distributed among mafia and networks, how many terrorist attacks does america, europe, turkey and ayatullahs expect for this? because of this terror

tablet photo, raw, 2 minutes ago. stalker spirit, hello NSA

alien molossian spirit, tablet photo, raw. 2 minutes ago