Mittwoch, 24. März 2021

franz fuchs and austro molossian ritual global

tablet photo, edited in tablet

the hostility has existed since alexander and before, the tribe princess was alexander's mother, the alliance with zionism and wehrmacht jews since alexander and before.
like 1932-1945

There is no more left in great persia, in my life too, symbolically. aryan roma solidarity global with UNO city

the tribes in UNO city are international sects association, for plunder, lootin and exploitation.a fascist business global

Bertolt Brecht wrote about this Aryan breed in Austria, Germany and Europe. looting and plunder, fascism

this business is life robbery and potential robbery

stasi finance project is a roma/israel zionism business, rich roma with london and new york networks. july price the brothers and the tribes are a worldwide network and business. ali gharib's ex-wife, friends with shams and amiris, and others in iran. Franz fuchs, SPÖ and bomb attack austria

rahim amiri 1800 euro salary accountant, azim amiri 10 years unemployed, atefeh amiri court interpreter, karim a charlatan and fraudster.the topic is: we do not come from poverty and a village in a province, we are not romanian romani iranian, we are persian millionaires

UN / vienna / israel / hizbullah, attempted stasi murder global, hate campaign with fake material and lies

the vienna police and secret services are 100 percent obedient to theft, looting and murder. Money was made with the international system of attempted stasi murder and hate campaign. today bastardrace gets an order for theft because of my sister's valuables

tablet photo raw. bad pharao bad aliens, ahrimanic force. pyramid stones

Bastard race austro fascism

from 2002 the topic of my political activism was: resistance and armed struggle against mass murder, racial hygiene iran is an absolute duty.
in the austrian constitution and fundamental rights it says: freedom for political activism and organization.
bastard society vienna authorities, politicians, police elite, upper class, secret services, the secret society austro fascism says:
Shut up, racial hygiene is an absolute duty, mass murder is a duty you bastard breed, mixed breed lure and elami

Dienstag, 23. März 2021

all organizations, human rights organizations, political organizations NGOs get money from the state every year, i said i finance an organization myself in 2005, all possibilities were blocked because independence means truth

Secret camera action is a program of racial extermination, police vienna, secret service, new Gestapo, with EU America Ayatullahs and Israel. old race extermination and prevention of family formation and sex, corporal punishment like in evin prison

tablet photo raw, 1 minutes ago

An old black witch lives by the water pond in Vienna's 10th district, she hates monkeys and she despises me because of .....

that is torture, a deer notices and smells when he is observed and spied on, the austrian state tortures non-stop, with secret state cameras on the other side of the street. in kefalonia and other islands the torture methods were more radical against deer and their children, sisters and mothers

in this action the mafia and bougoisie and the church, synagogues human rights activists earn money because of the race, it is called persian deer, ibex, goat business. At that time the nazis did not have much gold to distribute among leftists for total annihilation and final solution, today in america europe israel, turkey already

how many non-jews in greece

the psychopathy of austro fascism is an issue in germany too, angela merkel says: We fully supported Ayatullah Khomeini in 1979, only for one goal: before we die the race should be exterminated in iran, that's what we do in europe after exploitation and finance projects

the funny thing is: the academics say: we are academics and these people are only informal, they only have information but no knowledge. information costs ass fuck 3 times a day plus 50,000 euros a month in this materialistic neo-liberal world.

How do academics make a living? with theft, because the networks say: we need a lot of money but we don't have any projects, why? 90 IQ academics, thieves

UNO city agenten, rumänische diebe, scharlatane, einbrecher, stasi mörder, killer aus dem iran. UNO/wien seit 1979, iran kurt waldheim politik

an 80 year old accountant a thief and an iranian roma, an insurance agent 67 each with 800 euros pensoon say:
we are important personalities and in danger. a couple from an iranian village, 1800 euro salaries, burglars and stasi camera action agents.
the police say:
wega and kobra cameras also have to monitor the target person.

5 minutes ago, tablet photo raw, control tower, ariel and police vienna, stasi stalker and darkforce

Austro sex

Viennese women fuck their husbands twice a week, but their colleagues and lovers 3 times a day, once in the car, once in the toilet and once under the table, but what the others do interests everyone, why are others having fun

samson and emam ali race

samson and many of the bloodline had this problem:
where do you put your penis in, we're chasing you, samson was constantly chased. because ahrimanic darkfore forbids happiness and joy, he was constantly in the house of joy. then people sent him a real anunnaki whore

fuck and joy

yesterday an old friend alfred kubin asked me in deep sleep:
baba what do you do when you have a lot of money:
I said:
a house of joy, when did god say to gabriel:
service, penis and vagina is prohibited?

the problem in the 21st century is: evolution says we are priests, ayatullahs and rabis. We do not accept anybody else, prophets bloodline is unknown

why have a sister: musician, the brother: antique dealer with 16 other professions and 38 projects, a mother artist and rug dealer for the last 20 years no human rights and fundamental rights in europe?

The world should agree, 600 years of colonialism, mass murder, ethnic and genetic murders, because:12 tribes of ancient civilization had apes as pets, "the evolution"

fucking bastard blue eye and children cyrus the great

In 1988 the massacre of 30,000 political prisoners was nowhere condemned, ignored, because the animal and alien bastard UNO, Europe America israel elite said and are now saying:
no attention to this topic, goat, deer, ibex does not exist for us as human

neo fascism kurt waldheim UNO, amnesty europe israel, human rights iran, luristan ,ahwaz, kurdistan, beluchistan and iranian tribes

a minute of secret filming of the most intimate situation for eternal emotional stress costs 100,000 euros in europe. from traders and business people, from the middle class to 5 million.
UN and the European and Israeli bastard says:
when do you want to understand that, we have not given you human rights since 1979 until today, we kill you every day, we, europe and israel ..
secret filming is not a problem for your race