Freitag, 26. März 2021

in vienna there is police fascism and Gestapo formation against us because of race and origin, with gas chambers and slavery, secret camera slavery, attempted murder with poison

in vienna there are no special rights for anyone, especially for illegal camera action against race and political activism

آقا این بودا بچه ایلامی بوده ها، فقط سر گوهر هیچوقت نمیرفت بیاردش بیرون، گوهر یک دفعه میلیارد سنگ رو میکنه بشقاب پرنده، پیغمبر اسلام هم گفت: دنبال من نیا الان وقتش نیست، سر اژدها رو باید برید، نه همه رو کشت

علی ‏دشتی ‏قیطریه

آقا ۵۰.۰۰۰ سال پیش از اینور کوچ کردیم رفتیم لرستان یک تصمیم شگفت انگیز گرفتیم، گفتیم آقا سیم میم هارو قطع کنید، حوصله بی سیم نداریم. حالا امروز هر جا میری میشینی خط وایرلس داره، گوشامون از دست این علی دشتی های تهرون زخم و ذیلی شد، هی میگه: تو اگر سواد من رو داشتی چیکار میکردی، تو اگر کتاب های من رو خونده بودی چیکار میکردی، حیف که فقط کار بلد نیستم وگرنه حالت رو میگرفتم. جون تو کلید قدیمی، کلید دکتر هو، چوب پنبه، چوب کبریت، هرچی تو گوشم میکنم ویز ویز و خط قطع نمیشه، کمک فنر شدن هم دردیه با این علی دشتی های قدیمی

alien/djinn/anunnaki genocide 1500-2021

europe america israel want to establish genetic murders, genocides outside iran.
persecution and murder with financial benefits should sweeten the blood of victims.
since the economic crisis of 2003, stasi shows against race and ancient civilization such as national socialism era have been supposed to fill state safes

Nasser Farahani

Nasser Farahani has been divorced since 2002 because of theft and house tyranny. there has been no contact in person or by phone since 2002, the fascist veronika weiss bought him for 500,000 euros for stasi judenmord austria so that 18 years later it could play the role of father and husband

neo-fascist angela merkel and neo-Nazi sebastian kurz exceed their competencies.everything that earns money by violating all points of the european human rights convention is national socialism and naziplunder

seit ‎2010 ‏ist abdolrahim amiri pensioniert mit ‎800 ‏euro, ‏nasser farahani mit ‎450 ‏euro, von wo ‎ist ‎das ‎5 ‏millionen u‎nd ‎500.000 ‎kapital

the maintenance of illegality, financial project against a family, without police records or crimes since 1986 to 2021 has a meaning: we have anti god genes, anti humans fascism in vienna UN, Amnesty and humanwatch

diebstahl, plünderung, minderheitenverfolgung, nationasozialismus, judenermordung, stasifolter, millionen euro UNO stasimord projekt

رحیم رژیمی مادر جنده، آزاده خارکوسده جنده، سرور کیر ساک زن، میخواین برای پول فامیل و بچه هاشون رو قربانی پول دزدی کنید گدا گشنه های مادر قحبه

give all names of atheists fascists and god gene hunters from UNO city sects out. responsible for minority persecution and assassination

Freitag, 26. März 2021

i sit isolated at home like in a concentration camp hut. Austria has violated all points of the european human rights convention internationally, regionally and internationally. the right to a job, starting a family, having a good name and everything else. bastard vienna bastard race is worse than tehran and ayatullah dictatorship

موجی ‏و ‏علی

علی آقا شما زمان تحصیل در روسیه اسبق، الحمد لله ودکا مودکا که نمی نوشیدی، شما کامتان همیشه باید شاد و شیرین باشد. ولی مثل اینکه سر سفره کینه دیرینه غذا میل میفرمودین. خلاصه ما گوهر روی زمین از دست دسیسه شما و پسر شما پیدا نکردیم، ولی خوب زیر زمین پیدا کردیم.

ای چرخ فلک خرابی از کینه تست

بیدادگری شیوه دیرینه تست

ای خاک اگر سینه تو بشکافند

بس گوهر قیمتی که در سینه تست

When an SPÖ delegation traveled to the Soviet Union in the early 80s, the first act was: kneel on the floor and kiss the Soviet floor. that was gusenbauer SPÖ, atheism and god gen

hieronymus bosch, "Austro rassenwahn" oriental resilience, god genes

my work and research 2005, tablet editing 2019. the bloodline of jesus christ, and the genetic change through stalinist people's migration strategy

Between 1980 and 1983 the whores globally in iran had a systematic racial cleansing plan, the iranian jezebel whores gave 12 to 18 year old children to distribute political flyers and newspapers, all DNA and gods carriers were listed and selected in advance in the 70s. Then the men came and arrested the children for political activism, and the children were sentenced to death for a flyer. presumably $ 5,000 per person

furie, jezebel, esel oder hirsch? du drecksau, du alien fotze

the worst massacre and mass murder, crimes after 1945 with adolfs furies and whores and killers is: genetic engineering and genetic laboratories, for psychopathy: who is higher than us, who is the master race

das ist SPÖ national sozialismus: verdient geld illegal durch juden und verteilt es unter dem volk

for 20 years ali was nothing but an iranian kebab seller, azadeh a german teacher, rahim an accountant, soroor an insurance agent. the millions are from my company, life and political activism. bastard neonazi dirt wien

firmen spionage du huankind mit zigeuner iraner, du drecksau kind du wien


The networks with judges and doctors and academics, authorities, 1200 to 7000 euros salaries, in the 21st century:
it's amusing to know what he's doing at home!? No
It is amusing that we are ruining his business, potential and 16 professions, internationally. he wants to sell a buddha?
an agent buys below the price and rahim sells it on the international market.
the aryan race does not know its way around, it has no potential, jude helps us when he is secretly observed. hahaha

In 1945 this would be a necessity so that the sons would not accept money in the 21st century and persecute Jews

the hatred of persians, elam and ancient civilization, the alien hunter was because of: alien should weep in another dimension, the tears in this world are only water. hence the two-part sword and the meteorid metal

حوری ‏و ‏گری گوری

Donnerstag, 25. März 2021

mutter tochter sohn sitzen friedlich zuhause, wiener richter, huankind faschisten sagen: angreifen, angreifen, ruinieren foltern töten, verbrennen, verbrennt die iranische juden, das sind iranische juden, juden töten, tötet die juden, die juden wollen die stasi millionen, tötet die juden, wir sind in österreich mit sebastian kurz, häupl und alexander van der bellen, tötet die juden foltert die iranische juden, wir sind die wiener richter tötet die juden

fucking UNO and amnesty international, fuckin terror blood money

to this day i am in the psychological stasi war, i am followed to supermarkets, people changed goods in my shopping basket. the behavior is established through cell phones in networks in europe with austrian intelligence and terrorism ali gharib and azadeh and the families

Iranian terrorism, gypsy clans, murderers torturers and rapists dress up as clowns for gang and multi stalking so that they can kill more easily without punishment. fuck you america, china, turkey and europe, fuck bastard uno city. this is tolerated for further projects with our breed in iran and outside iran. fuck you mother fucker amnesty and uno

ژنرال ‏بوری

آقا رفتیم ارتش، هفته دوم از افسر ارتش لجم گرفت، گفتم آقا اشمید، شما استالین گراد باباتون ژنرال نبود؟ گفت چطور؟ گفتم ۱۰ نفر مارو انداختی جایی که نباید بندازی سنگر بگیریم، با یه رگبار همه نفله میشیم که. آقای اشمید ۲ هفته به ما حق خروج از سربازخونه نداد، هفته ششم رفتم لباس های ارتشی رو در آوردم گفتم یا من ژنرال یا مادرتو میگام جاکش. آقا مهر خورد این دیونست، معاف شدیم


In 1992 i got the austrian passport without any problems, after a precise DNA origin analysis in 1998 at the military, all rights as a citizen were taken away from me. monkey human story

5000 un employees did not need any money, neither did millions of people in austria, this is an established culture: we have a desire, a wish, a desire in our collective, we need someone who dies as a spectacle, after torture or in torture. as an international show, we are a strong country with support. live braodcast from evin prison for EU and america?