Samstag, 27. März 2021

richter gib das geld asse du dieb, das geld meiner familie, schwester und mutter

sebastian kurz ich fick euch ab heute. 0 wirtschaft, 10 jahre. ich verfluche euch huankinder

Azadeh Amiri, her family, everyone else, Vienna and the state, police, secret service, networks knew about 4 hospital stays and 5 years of therapy from my sister, which the action is attempted murder with psychosis and suicidal intent

golden ayatullah cock, israel, jews lobby and europe

because of my political activism, because of our ethnicity, luristan and elam and kurdistan, ayatullah's regime, israel and jews, austro fascism also attacked my mother and sister with a stasi camera. my sister had 5 years of psychotherapy behind her, 2002 to 2012, and my mother 3 years. the international public prosecutor sits like a donkey with a golden ayatullah cock on his forehead. lot of money?

16 professions and international blockade, fascism and monkey envy

daytrade is science and metaphysics. some lose a million, some earn.
Viennese politicians can nothing no talent, except to say:
"fucking foreigners" and making money and business with it.
metaphysics is:
to buy a stone in vienna and one in graz and the brotherhood is restored.
Politicians, police officers, secret service agents, capitalists find everyone with a DNA test today. why do we lose and you deserve?

Sarkasmus: the police, secret services, all parties and authorities are in this position, 1938: if 65 Viennese whores are taken hostage, the police will say: you are a jew, and the police will kill the 65 whores. there was no terror money, no stasi money, no international action, you are a jew like ghassemloo

کپل ‏رفیق ‏ناهید ‏چه ‏سرخ ‏شد، ‏دمامه ‏سلیطه ‏چه ‏پیر ‏شد

سال ۲۰۰۲  گفتیم دیر وقت است اما زمان جنگ است، ولایت از ماتحت زخم و خون و آماده جنگ است، هیهات، خاتمی آمد و قنادی ها گر گرفتند، شیرنی پخش کنان پستان ناهید رو گرفتن، گفتن شیر رفیق ناهید حلالت باد ای محمد، کامت رو شیرین کن دستمان به دامانت جان عمت. وین آشوب شد، شیر پستان رفیق ناهید برای شیرنی پزان یک احد شد، سال ۵۷ تکرار شد: صل الا محمد یار امام خوش آمد،

Underground jazz paltalk, 2002-2013 jazz_man_ paltalk

As a political activist, I have a file, 25,000 hours of discussion, tens of thousands of users as an admin, and I was an organizer because of daily political issues

Equal rights in Europe are: 1 minute secret camera for the most intimate situation and ruining businesspeople costs: 5 million euros. everything else is like today fascism and national socialism

wir haben in wien wegen zari und rana nationalsozialismus, mit wiener richter, polizei, geheimdienste, pilz, Grüne partei, SPÖ, ÖVP. FPÖ

wiener richter, hure, bastard, nazi verbrecher mit ayatullah in dir existiert nur dreck und abschaum du bastardrasse du alien huankind

دنیای ‏امروز ‏ما، ‏عجب

abschaum dreck wien, drecksau hundesohn wien sagt 80 jahre nach nationalsozialismus mit pilz alexander van der bellen und häupl, vranitzky: jüdisch und arisch, wir hatten recht

UN and dozens of other organizations should report violations, UN is on top and says:kill the family and give us the money for houses and luxury

du scheißdreck wiener richter, jude ist antiquitätenhändler, teppichhändler, buchhändler, 16 weitere berufe. arische rasse: kebabverkäufer und deutschlehrerein, buchhalter, du scheißdreck nazi richter wien

UN and dozens of other organizations should report violations, UN is on top and says:kill the family and give us the money for houses and luxury

ich bin mischrasse 12 stämme ahura mazda, du bastardrasse, du affe. multikulti, schöpfung, eine million jahre geschichte

wiener richter sind faschisten, wiener richter haben 20 jahre mit iranische zigeuner 3 geschäfte geplündert, wiener richter sagen: das sind iranische juden, plündert und tötet, es gibt kein leben für juden in österreich, auch nicht in europa, amerika und iran, plünder iranische elamis und tötet sie. du abschaumrasse dreckrasse bastardrasse wiener richter

krankes bastard affen österreich

80 years after National Socialism, hundreds of mass graves and tens of thousands of victims have not been found, even the grandchildren know the places and do not talk to anyone about them.
the bones and brands are collectibles for genetically and brain sick austria. everyone knows the places, walks over them and secretly grins.
the same is with the video material, illegal break-in material. vienna pays millions
to witness so that it is not shown. for the psychopathic sick scrapbook. it belongs to us, says sick austria, not to sacrifice

electra you bitch, you CIA agent, you neonazi i know you, piss off, fuck your mother

accountant rahim amiri, court interpreter atefeh amiri and 35 judges from vienna have collected 65 million euros from 1998 to the present day, to enable the second national socialism and for the race-hunting business in iran

iranian gypsy families aryan race and jews race, austria vienna

according to austrian law, basic law and dozens of others
should soroos shams, their friends sisters and hundreds of others 5 to 10 years in prison, vienna police and judges say:
Aryan race does not go to jail for any jew

UNO mother fucker is human trader, UNO mother fucker you human trader for ayatullahs. UNO you dirty mother fucker you human trader

drecksau fucking wien österreich

Austria is a garbage, a dirt, the lowest, cheapest ambush: if DNa and race is a commodity and business, an investment, then we sell citizens

we have merkel fascism, sebastian kurz fascism obama and trump fascism khamenei fascism in terms of DNA and gen and ethnic origin. you see the situation and the attempted murder right now with the UN, Amnesty and human watch, where do the millions of euros come from for houses and luxury living !?

Eylam ,luristan, kurdistan semites, career, talent and metaphysics

angela merkel's government, sebastian kurz government, rohani government obama and trump government get money from 1% for a show:
elami semit DNA. it is earned with his or her's life money also with the death. elami semites DnA, god gene, from iran and the middle east, north africa. regardless of skin color


چشم پشت عینک دودی بینشی دیرینه دارد، لامپ بالای سرم لوستر ندارد، سرور شمس در خانه اش نوری ندارد، خانه ی ما هم فرشش پشم ایرانی ندارد، کلاهک اتمی ایران چرا کاندوم ندارد، اسرائیل اگر بمب با کاندوم باشد هراسی ندارد. سانتیفیوژ ها پشمکی شد جریان قربونعلی هم نمکی شد. یکی میگوید تو جهودی و ما از شما بهترون، آن یکی میگوید صندوق گنج اینجا است ای نامهربون، قربون علی زد در روی همگان،گفت: تو خفه و آن خفه صندوق گنج اینجاست تو ای گاو میش زبون، اسرائیل زد تو گوش نامهربون، گفت: بکش قربون علی را ای طاعون زمون، بگو صندوق پیش توست ای نامهربون 

all police officers refuse to work with the statement: we have the money from a jew, we have laboratory reports, a jew

bastard abschaum dreck österreich, dreckigste tiere nach mauthausen bis heute, dreckigste abschaum huankind österreich

i was 6 times at the public prosecutor's office, the chief public prosecutor's office is involved in corruption, stasi money, terror, attempted murder and racial murder

abschaum drecksau österreiche neonazi sebastian kurz staat, dreckige ahrimanische tier in europa verspricht zu verwandten: wenn diese gott gen träger sterben werden 2 millionen unter euch verteilt. du huankind österreich du bastard österreich du hure du hundesohn österreich

Good Night

I have to go to sleep, but first I will explain to you what Austrian citizenship is and how you get it: an old Turk goes to the exam for Aus...