Sonntag, 28. März 2021

80 percent of viennese animals are anti-Semites, the remaining 20% worse than the animals

I've been passing here for 4 years, this is across from my house, these people's cell phones are full, the networks are full, for four years this animal company has been grinning when I walk past,
as part of the stasi anti jew method.
we are not jews but the iranians used the 80% potential of viennese anti-semitism, just like viennese israelis zion neo-nazis.
These animals, these bastards, these scum have no problem with dying, especially the whores who say:
we like to die even for a cent from the internet business

faschismus hat rassenwahn, sozialismus, kommunismus, sozialdemokratie gott gen wahn, zionismus isaac wahn. zionismus herrscht über das wahn, fuck israel, fuck israel lobby europa und amerika

poor aryan race, 1200-2500 salaries vienna

fascism said 20 years ago:
everything that this mother and two children want to achieve, amiris and gharibs and others have to achieve, how?
amiris have no know-how, knowledge and trading potential so the amiris, naderis, and shams are allowed to plunder.
Aryan race and jewish race 1938

سوشی ‏با ‏سس ‏تریاکی

خلاصه رفیق مارکس چنین گفت و چنان گفت، رفیق اصغر هم چنین گفت: شیر آب از بشکه مربا افیون توده هاست، سر کچل لنین همچو یک معجزه  مانند ملکه مورچه هاست، کارگر سخت میکوشد برای لقمه نانی، ملکه میزاید هر یک سالی هزارانی، یک کدام باشد پیکرش از عصر حجر ملکه میکندش کور و کچل، چپ و کمونیست هی میگوید تریاکی، ولی از قرص درد بیشتر دارد او باکی، قرص درد از آموزش باستانیست، بینشش به درد اندازه قدمتش انسانیست.... ادامه دارد 

since the 19th century communism, socialism, middle left and social democracy has been ateistic fascism, what marx said about religion, the red djinn bastards have turned into god's genes problem. for 20 years the austrian state has been saying:we are the owners of private life, sex life and existence of god genes with the approval of communists, leftists and other fucking red fascists

کولی ‏گرایی ‏یا ‏کمونیستی

حزب کمونیست کارمندی به همه میگن ناسیونالیست افراطی، حتی کسانی که از قرارداد ایران و چین انتقاد میکنند، کون گشاد سر کوس و کون ما هم هرکی اعتراض کنه میگید ناسیونالیست افراطی؟، و یا افکار ماتریالیستی، کوس و کون مالکیت شخصی نیست بلکه رایج برای رفع نیازهای اقتصادی کمونیست هاست


yesterday i bought an old cigarette holder for 10 euros at the flea market, it is made of silver and ivory, it is perfect for my self-made cigarettes. but it also has 3 other functions !?
joker never separated himself from his cigarette holder except when he died

i have fascism in vienna, but there is also a connection between area 51 and american fascism, this collective is dirtier than viennese fascism: we control native americans in america but we destroy native iranians with iranian gypsies. the fact is: the old anti ahrmanic satanic technology, "UFOS" the light works with our bone crystals, structure, DNA and the old deer god gene. the support of iranian gypsies vienna, gharib, amiris, keyhanrads and others is the symbol for massacres of iranian people and tribes.the symbol of american fascists bastards

i have to go to Madschlis al-Dschinn, and to sharm el sheikh but no money

österreich geld zurück an rana plus schadenersatz, es werden hunderte sterben in wien. nie wieder faschismus

Bertolt Brecht: österreich du huren volk, du hure

die wiener weiber und junge huren ficken seit 8 jahren ausländer, wegen die nazi plünderung und wegen ausbeutung, afganischer männer, türken und araber. " wir ficken mit euch sagt aber rana und barbad nichts"

seit jeher sind türken araber, iraner, afghanen tscheschenen muslim und müll, ausländer! aber für wiener richter in plunderzeit, und plündern von native iraner, ehrbahrer bürger. du huankind österreicher

21st neofascism and plunder with hizbullah ayatullah fascism

removal of traces of Nazi plundering is fascism, 80 years after national socialism, and millions of genocides, the repetition can only be answered with a death sentence.
in the 21st century

nazi plunder mit dschuschen und kanaken du scheißdreck wien, du abschaum, nazi plunder mit zigeuner aus dem iran. seit 40 jahren

Nazi plunder, nazi capital.....the roots of the hate campaign are viennese judges, and viennese secret services, with amiris and gharibs and toudeh and aksariat party, without arrest, vienna hopes for murder, massacre and escalation because of the jews plunder money

wiener beidl

in der beis'l  do gibt a heis'l, do ist der wiener a net ist leise, beinhart! er verwandelt die cyberwelt a in a beis'l, er sieht die chaträume als heisl, der wiener ist dort a net leise, der pifke sagt: hören sie mal, sie haben doch eine meise, was ist in wien los das ist doch alles scheiße, der wiener zieht die zipper verschluss leise und sagt: main beidl is ober net scheiße, dera weib sog ma des immer leise, i vertritt a meinung auf dieser weise, woil des dschuschen waib krieg i hi auf diese weise.

ich woas des ane, a apfel ist ka banane

heas du wiener du wiener siehst du den apfel nicht, gottes geschöpfe krieg'n vü i leben hin, der apfel kriagst du a net hin, i zeig di nur des ane so wirst du a hin, a oipfl ist ka banane das weiss doch jedes hirn

universe apple

americans and europeans israelis austrians are pigs, gypsies of european origin from iran are mobilized for racial murder and genocide from ancient civilization, with the insult "jew", we are hundreds of thousands of years old, and the jew 4000 years. name and offense jude is a world intrigue against race

amir schirazi, deutschland deutschland in wien, mit kanaken und dschuschen gegen juden LOL

oh deutschland deutschland über alles, mit kanaken und dschuschen gegen die DNa juden.
dreckige angela merkel

du scheiß wiener gretz'n, im gerichthof und wiener verfassungsgerichthof, höhlenmensch du ahrimans abschaum produkt

ahrimanische göld gehört auf die ganze wölt

des is no ka ahrimanischer wölt, ober der wiener gretz'n versucht es hoit mit dem göld, a göld für haus und braus mocht di wölt zu a schwarzn graus. ana hast guddi der onder hci, michi oder heidi a jemand hasst guzi der wüll a wissn wer braucht ka jaccuzi!? fett saif'n hama kanns ab des göld für ans, des krieag ma hi wen du verstehst wos i main. fett brauch ma hait kain, a lins mocht was i main. heimlich am ecke für die juden schnecke, do bring ma was zoam für die polit strecke. a wiener gretz'n mocht es mit dem göld, a wien braucht a ahrmanischer göld, des ist no ka wölt wo i no bi a klaner wölt, ahrimanische göld gehört auf die ganzer wölt

UN / Ayatullah / Vienna terrorism continues to this day. because of money and attempted murder.with azadeh's networks family, and friends

shadows in the night

the nights are the influences of old times, the dreams make you sick out of enmity from old times, shadows are what is left, shadows from old times, they make the day painful, with a stitch in the night.
You sit motionless at the corner, the shadow seeks the helpless,
helpless through the night without knowing: what is this spell in the night. a curse from old times you are not allowed to know anything, your knowledge should fall silent, it is forbidden to know what was in old times. the shadow says: I need you ignorant, helpless, motionless through the night. the bite at night makes you sick throughout the day

Vienna has been looking at the stones for 600 years: so this is rana, a child of ahura mazda. hence the deep psychopathy since shah ismaeil tahmasob and shah abbas to this day with ali khamenei, and today in vienna with my sister

Samstag, 27. März 2021

ملا ‏صدرا

آخونده با چوس الله و سفارتی ها نشسته وین میگه: آقای فراهانی پولدار شدن ما رسم و رسوم داره، تاریخچه داره، پول در آوردن ما با صهیونیسم، آمریکا اسراییل، با اتریش و اروپا رسم و رسوم قدیمی داره. کونکش خارکوسده، امام علی اومد سر تو اژدها خارکوسده رو قطع کرد، ۸۰۰ نفر رسم و رسومی هارو گردن زد کوسکش، باز گیر دادی به ملا صدرا و حافظ؟

wieviel haben die ayatulahs verdient du hundesohn faschist

Azadeh Amiri, her family, everyone else, Vienna and the state, police, secret service, networks knew about 4 hospital stays and 5 years of therapy from my sister, which the action is attempted murder with psychosis and suicidal intent

richter gib das geld asse du dieb, das geld meiner familie, schwester und mutter

sebastian kurz ich fick euch ab heute. 0 wirtschaft, 10 jahre. ich verfluche euch huankinder

Azadeh Amiri, her family, everyone else, Vienna and the state, police, secret service, networks knew about 4 hospital stays and 5 years of therapy from my sister, which the action is attempted murder with psychosis and suicidal intent