Dienstag, 6. April 2021

at the top left corner you can see the aliev race photo.Germany says murder, Austria says suicide

fucking scum and monkeys, photo summer 2016. kefalonia

the experiments are carried out by cheap scum, 3rd class of society, 1200 to 7000 euros salary. in europe people talk about 2nd class existing from 5 million euros. that's why people like me are ruined internationally with the police state and violence

Kfalonia photo summer 2016, barbad farahani

neonazi experiments, iran, europe, america, asia. historical stones as proof

i know all the current research, 80% of it, 20% is in secret drawers.
External dopamine drugs, anti depressants and insulin and adrenaline and other poison experiments, happen strangely as a game show for networks:
when does he get: psychosis, diabetes, parkinson’s, heart attack, cerebral liver disease or other things.
what is the metaphysics in this whole subject. this analysis and research is carried out with live seats for the UN elite

politik und islam du fritzi,

heas oida, heas oida , oida oida oida heeeeee, oida oida oidaheeeeee heiiii ha hei ha heia hey, oida oida oida heiiiiii, hindi ali oida heeeee.  i hoit mi sölber net aus fritzi, heas, oida i hob nur politisches islam oida, i hoit mi sölber net aus, wail wail des politik is gegen eich SPÖ/övp fritzi, lauter satanisten, lauter ahrimanisten na oida, na oida, heas na oidaaa

Dr. Lenz the friend of kurt waldheim, UNO kurt waldheim

this is the racial attitude of Dr. lenz and fischer in vienna and the UN, it concerns the race and persian and oriental god genes and resilience.
Vienna and the UN want to use networks to establish target search and genocide. the oil fields are superfluous, iran and the middle east have tens of thousands of victims, more expensive than oil. with hundreds of millions of viewers

the federal constitution forbids one second of this action in vienna, vienna wants to say with a clown and a pistol, UNO city: we are fascism we never stop.

photo today, raw

where did islam say: shave your genital area and under your arms but not your face

Austria knows, like alexander against darius the great: family, mother, daughter, sister insult, is the sword right. psychopathic europe america and iran know it. ahriman has many assassins and suicides, for world intrigue

يَا أَيُّهَا النَّاسُ إِنَّا خَلَقْنَاكُمْ مِنْ ذَكَرٍ وَأُنْثَىٰ وَجَعَلْنَاكُمْ شُعُوبًا وَقَبَائِلَ لِتَعَارَفُوا ۚ إِنَّ أَكْرَمَكُمْ عِنْدَ اللَّهِ أَتْقَاكُمْ ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ عَلِيمٌ خَبِيرٌ

يَا أَيُّهَا النَّاسُ إِنَّا خَلَقْنَاكُمْ مِنْ ذَكَرٍ وَأُنْثَىٰ وَجَعَلْنَاكُمْ شُعُوبًا وَقَبَائِلَ لِتَعَارَفُوا ۚ إِنَّ أَكْرَمَكُمْ عِنْدَ اللَّهِ أَتْقَاكُمْ ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ عَلِيمٌ خَبِيرٌ

UN fascism has learned nothing from 9/11, say no to god genes and race trade

hate and networks vienna, against innocent mother, sister, brother

From 1920 Vienna and Berlin organized networks for hate against race, in the presence of leftists and communists, the result was:
6 million slaughter without resistance or protest.
the networks said:
we are human, the others have no use.
said by vegetable sellers to factory workers and doctors

5000 fucking gypsy iranian austrian/citizens in networks, the only productive idea: new stasi system for god genes iranian and for controlling the societies for mass murder iran

azadeh amiri i am a trader, with 16 different professions, you and your parents made me a profession and a project, god genes stasi business for millions of euros, for shams and amiri family. my professions are based on new ideas, science, know-how, and education. yours: monkey brains

jo michi, der oaff hot a vogel, es haust gemütlich. desholb essen die lait in china vü affenhirn, chicken wings

austrian hate, great persian history austria vienna 200.000 B.B.C!?

i have only been an austrian citizen since 1992, that is hate in vienna that leads to the fact that i do not get any civil rights, elementary rights and human rights, what do you think this europe has been doing for 40 years out of hate, with iran !?

for 600 years adolf, philipp, maria, markus, alexander, always had a gharib, amiri, shams, rahimi, shirazi with a dirty gang,fascists in hospitals, academia, politics, freemasonry and others in england / europe

business and stasi police camera global

i bought this carpet, 19th century, i sent the photo of the carpet to collectors and dealers in london, milano, germany, america, all refused to buy.
I was 50,000 euros salary, from 2002.
today 150,000 to 300,000 salary. Today I am faced with salaries of 1200 to 7000 euros in state buildings, in the UN, Amnesty International with a basic ideology:
god genes hate.
10 years of experience and 800 books

Montag, 5. April 2021

genetic and brain, psychopathy

the import of foreigners into iran from the 16th century on was this:
there are tribes with a thinking module and software attendant, and other tribes. tribes of criminals.
one needs the other for public confusion, was it murder or pillage, theft !?
the basic ideology of race murder remains a buried truth. like in shahaab's time until today ..
in vienna there are more assassin tribes than criminal tribes .. murderers are honorable citizens, criminals are affordable dead soldiers. an iranian company vienna

Former refugees say: we are in agreement with UN staff, we kill for terrorism and stasi money

ایرانی مادر کوسده وین میگه تا نکشی من رو، منه عن رو، ول کن نیستم، چاقو بزن تک چشم، تو کونم تا بگم بودم. مادر خارکوسده حرومزاده

österreichische verfassungsrichter sagen: wir haben nichts getan, wir sind ayatullahs hizbullah und 40 jahre mord für deine rasse familie und 8 stämmen rasse in wien, weil wir nichts getan haben, wir haben nichts getan, ayatullahs sind auch unschuldig

austrian constitutional judge says: there is no evidence of mass murders in iran, ayatullahs are innocent, we are innocent too. We didn't do anything, our people didn't do anything either, this one lies and is supposed to die in single cells

Austria has left nothing in my life with its authorities, with hate and lies campaigns, false documents, fake picture material and doppelgangers, secretly from me internationally


the 8, actually has no armageddon software, but the hostile race, it says either us or the others, a war of new races with alien mind control programs and old people with a penchant for mistikism and high spirituality.
Ultimately, flooding every 42 thousand years is the solution

american finance cannibals in partnership with ayatullahs and hizbullah

there are finance cannibals in america and europe, rich figures and black magic sects that say:
we don't have a war with ayatullahs and hizbullah but with race. this is a behavior pattern of 1932 austrofascism,
Today with the help of Vienna CIA NSA and MOSSAD

Sebastian Kurz is a terrorist, in cooperation with Iranian mafia gangs in the stasi finance project. Bank robbers with guns, either we have the millions or we die. amiri family and gharib, toudeh and aksariat party

اولالا ‏دالی ‏دالی

آقا سال ۲۰۱۳ داشتم یه هندی بازی نگاه میکردم، همایون به سکویی میگفت شما چرا انقدر بد دهنی، گفت همه رژیمی هستن بجز من، یکی هم هست پالتالک سر لشکر جاز من، از بچه های ارشد شازمان اطلاعات ایرانه. بعد به یک نتیجه رسیدم، زمان شاه ما با شما جنگ داشتیم نه با شاه خدا بیامرز، هنوز هم مادر قحبه هستین

mary poppins

i was seven and went to the doctor
He said something about allergies, autumn, spring, and that I should eat everything raw for 2 years if it gets worse. then i went to a friend of my mother as a guest, she was two streets away. she looked at me for half an hour like a mother and was sad, then she went into the bedroom and got a video cassette and said:
that's your fate and cried, i watched mary poppins movie and said: is she your sister? she asked why!? I asked: can you do magic with a broom? she looked at me and i distributed a full fruit salad in the room, she laughed for 2 hours and cleaned it up. the question was answered, she was the sister

"alte schachtel" wien, mit tradition

häupl/ghalibaf, kurz/zarif

michael häupl and ghalibaf and larijanis have the same european origins: we plunder and steal and lie, torture and murder. the problem is:
Vienna has anti-semitism and murder tradition, psychopathy and sadism is a wish of parts of the population

österreich sagt dazu: wir haben das recht unsere staatsbürger nach ausbeutung zu töten, UNO und amnesty international geben uns das recht dazu. oriental gott gene ist in österreich verboten und ist zu verbannen

I am a victim of terrorism and the ayatollahs and hezbollah sit in the embassy and "imam ali mosque" and have the power to make decisions about Austrian and European citizens, we are only Austrian citizens, my sister and I, there are no Iranian citizens

1999, and 1938 system in vienna, against god genes

the girl plays next to a 15,000 euro painting by gunter damisch chopin on a 20,000 euro piano, our children don't have that, why these persians. ruin the whole family internationally

a city in a wine glass, dry, aged, cold

an art academy or university that in the 21st century is convinced of tribe hate, and god genes hate, and racial hate against a little girl, this university and academy only produces zombies and bastards in your city

what ayatollah dictatorship is doing in iran i can do better and dirtier in my vienna, my wife controls doctors and hospitals, we are the mafia, anti god genes mafia global