Dienstag, 13. April 2021

austro fascism and iran 1979-2021

Austria has been using this model gypsy/native iranian, since 1979 in iran, bring gypsies up, kill, isolate and persecute nationalists activists and leaders and anti regim political activism. the country should be switzerland 5 times today, everything plundered in the last 40 years, everything plundered, central: austro fascism vienna 

iran politik 1979-2021, wiener richter du kanake mit roma abdolrahim amiri, du kanake du einbrecher scharlatan und plünderer mit iranische zigeuner, wiener richter du kanake mit zigeuner amiri, du scheißdreck kanake und dieb mit zigeuner abdolrahim

iran politik 1979 bis heute: arische rasse hoch die anderen töten und runter ziehen. arische rasse sind die zigeuner einwanderer. zigeuner aus rumänien, bulgarien, georgien, albanien, indien. du scheißdreck kanak österreich, du scheißdreck kanak

austrians have been genocides and persian murderers in iran since 1979, besides the ayatullahs, the austrians are genocides with romanians and gypsies, the country is being exploited and money is being laundered in austria. the same system as in vienna with us

malieh gharib nayereh gharib unemployed and taxi drivers say: we are iranian roma, SPÖ says you are aryan race, higher and have special rights and status

wiener polizei und richter kollektive sind rassenmörder, rassenmörder, judenmörder, rassenmörder, faschisten plünderer mit iranische rumänen, rassenmörder und gott gene mörder mit UNO city und iranische zigeuner und einbrecher, diebe und mörder

du kanak du scheiß österreicher, du kanak du plünderer, dieb, scharlatan und ausbeuter SPÖ du kanak

scheißdreck du kanak du drecksau richter du kanake du scharlatan und dieb

iranische kulturministerium 1975, elam, luristan/elam, kurdistan, azerbaijan. 1979 war eine wiener, londoner, europa intrige für rassenmord und massenmord. gott gene tribes

tablet editing

i was also fascinated by the painting behind her, because of the angles, the evil from 4 dimensions

UNO city and Vienna, soroor shams, amiri, family, gharib family, naderi family want to murder my mother because of robbery, exploitation, the stasi system and because of ruining her existence

verstehen sie, kim rosa amiri war 35 jahre UNO mitarbeiter, azim's frau, azadeh's onkel

UNO city is a mafia and killer collective, mafia and killer collective with iranian terrorism

UNO city mitarbeiter waren 25 jahre diebe und plünderer, einbrecher mit kim rosa amiri und azim amiri, azadeh amiri, rahim amiri und shams familie, kim arbeitete als diebin 35 jahre für UNO, für 5 häuser

Montag, 12. April 2021

what karbala proved: there are tribes, turkish and arab, iranian with haram testicles, the haram testicles proves this today in vienna with european and UNO satanism

davood my mother's brother

viennese doctors, viennese politicians and judges, nazi and fascists said in 1998: 2 carpet shops are worthless, despite 4000 pieces of carpets. In 2002 the networks said: why don't they close after the action, it makes no sense, despite 8000 carpets. In 2003 doctors said the private apartment and rooms are not enough, install a camera in his shop too.since 2019 people have been saying that his work is worthless, despite copying and imitation

the whore of babylon is extraterrestrial, with all the leaders of the world

the whore of babylon is extraterrestrial, with all the leaders of the world religions.
all original texts of prophets have disappeared, except: handwriting by unworthy ones. religion is only original script, that is holiness

i only accept complaints under oath, in court

UNO the 1932 killer psychopaty

plunder the jews, if they complaint kills them, don't let god genes torture you, they torture you with morals.
2021 michael häupl:
what does he want from you? to destroy your beautiful lives?, god gene wants to destroy and take away only

michael häupl is a systematic adolf hitler, vranitzky a göbels, sebastian a himmler

SPÖ is a terror organization next to ÖVP, the genetic psychopathy in 1932, was at home, in 2021 the psychopathy says: we are the best partners and friends of ayatullahs, first rank list in the world

i live in a city where women, the human rights activists from amnesty zara and dozens of others, come out of the apartment every day with caliber 7, because of terror, stasi and psychological and physical torture with the islamic government of iran. 1998-2021. caliber 7 against a mother, daughter, son without a police or criminal record

UN Amnesty and Zara Human Watch know: someone who has been filmed every second of his life by the 2 states for 25 years will be killed, like a concentration camp prisoner in 1940, with poison and poison gas

since 2019 people have been saying that his work is worthless, despite copying and imitation

viennese doctors, viennese politicians and judges, nazi and fascists said in 1998: 2 carpet shops are worthless, despite 4000 pieces of carpets. In 2002 the networks said: why don't they close after the action, it makes no sense, despite 8000 carpets. In 2003 doctors said the private apartment and rooms are not enough, install a camera in his shop too.
since 2019 people have been saying that his work is worthless, despite copying and imitation

iranische terrorismus sagt wird sind das recht, es gibt kein illegalität, wir sind das recht in österreich, wir die iranische terror kommandos sind das recht seit 15 jahren. wir verdienen geld, das geld ist ein recht

UNO city elite, die reichen mitarbeiter arbeiten mit wiener eng zusammen: wir lassen nichts beweisen, gibt uns prozente aus illegale internet geschäfte

iranische terrorismus, mordversuch, spionage, neonazis und neofaschisten, linksradikale terroristen haben datenschutz, die handys haben datenschutz trotz stalking spionage und verfolgung und heimliche aufnahmen mit einbruch und illegales eintretten in wohnungen

Since 1998, the austrian data protection authority has not raised the alarm because the data does not appear on international sites but in private group distributors, today the authority says cell phones have data protection, everything is a lie stasi terror and attempted murder on an international basis has no data protection. In europe, the international data protection agency is more racist, nationalism and hatred than in police stations

روانی ‏های ‏بینظیر

آخه جریان اینه، ایران یک جامعه گاو میش، سگ و شغال مرفع درست کردن، که دریک محدوده و شبکه بندی کار میکنن، بشدت سرمایه دار بشدت هم وسواسی روانی نسبت به ژن شدند، از بس اتریش و اروپا به این ها گفتند: شما ها انسان های بزرگواری هستین، این بچه ها، بچه های شما رو با هنر و سواد و علم از بین میبرند. همین کاری که زن فاشیست ناصر ورونیکا کرده: تو آدم بزرگی هستی، فهمیده و فرهیخته، بزرگوار و بینظیری، پسرت بره بالا می افتی زمین. زشته، نزار بی افتی، این نباید بره بالا تو باید بالا باشی

غار ‏نشین

کمال الملک اومد اتریش، بعد یک چیزی فهمید، من با این زن برم سیستان بلوچستان تو یک غار هم زندگی کنم، اتریش امکان نداره بچه من رو پیدا نکنه، اصلا کلآ آمار بچه یک غار نشین هم از سیستان بلوچستان میخوان: کی بدنیا اومده، کی بدنیا اومده، کی بدنیا اومده، خودشه یا اینکه نه!؟

جامع ‏آدمیت

آقا سال ۲۰۰۹ گفتم یک جامع آدمیت تشکیل بدیم ببینیم کسی آدم هست یا نیست، یه ۴۰ نفری جمع کردیم ببینین قطبی در مقابل اصلاح طلبان میشویم یا نه. دیدیم ما عباسقلی نیستیم، عباسقلی کمال الملک کنارش نشست، کنار ما خسرو فرهور

do incomprehensible texts create more fear or are the spirits?

die polizei von wien kann nicht meine wohnung stürmen wegen ranas steine, mehrere tausend können nicht gestohlen werden, sogar nicht eine einzige

a piece of equipment worth 500,000 euros puts all physicists and metaphysicists and scientists in one box.if these bastards hadn't manipulated my life from 1998 onwards. other dimensions other possibilities

fucking america, CIA NSA, FBI, UNO and american fascists

killers from vienna and austria, america take on the role of judge, police and public prosecutor in international chats and social media:
in vienna we have indo aryan race and iranian something. the killer means something, the native iranian. these are the mass murderers and friends of hizbullah and ayatullahs for 40 years

aryancrace, romania gypsies and native iranian

the most regrettable thing about the people is:i have been showing 3 shops for 4 years and that terrorists and fascists have earned millions through terror and stasi method, the only thing people say is:if these people have too much evidence these people get rich because of political activism and 3 business.offenders should keep the money

meine schwester sollte in deutschland ständig beschützt werden michael und sebastian und wien sind mörder, rassenmörder, wiener polizeibeamten sind rassenmörder

das was sebastian kurz mit rana macht ist; judenhass, antisemitismus faschismus und juden verbrennen, mit iranissche roma und zigeuner und ahmadinejad

fascism and racial hatred are not allowed to work in the un, amnesty, international court of justice and international prosecution buildings. the money is illegal, blood money and attempted murder on an international level

Iranian gypsies and romanians say: everyone in vienna was in solidarity with the Jewish murder intrigue, we agreed that they are not muslims only jews, michael häupl showed us laboratory reports. I'll show you history, there is no jew or aryan race, only the old race and the new race