Dienstag, 13. April 2021
austria says: we have achieved the second national socialism with secret cameras and stasi show, we have ruined 3 shops, destroyed 3 livelihoods, and the world, all human rights organizations, journalists, judges, human rights activists are involved in the finance project and support us. we kill again got gene
UNO raubt die statistik von meine webseiten
die polizei sagt: solange UNO city geld verdient können wir barbad farahani nicht töten, die ayatullahs geben uns solange kein geld, bis wir befreit sind, befreit vom UNO finanz stasi kamera system, und webseite plünderung
richter das ist terrorismus in wien mit amiris und gharibs, und ein nicht aufhörendes stasi system mit 1.5 millionen menschen
wiener und UNO city haben wie tiere und dreck geld gefressen wegen meine rasse und politische aktivismus, wie tiere abschaum und hunde
بازم بگم؟ اونجا تهرانه، موز رو با پوست لاپات میذاره، هندونه بدون موز زیر پشم بغلت نمیذاره
این آخوند و اتریش اینو میگن، ما لازم به هیچکس داریم، به هرکس لازم نداریم. یه لب بخون پارچه فروش: سر تورم قیمت هندونه با موز قاطی شده، بچه سرمایه دار از خون شاشخالی شده
austro fascism and iran 1979-2021
Austria has been using this model gypsy/native iranian, since 1979 in iran, bring gypsies up, kill, isolate and persecute nationalists activists and leaders and anti regim political activism. the country should be switzerland 5 times today, everything plundered in the last 40 years, everything plundered, central: austro fascism vienna
iran politik 1979-2021, wiener richter du kanake mit roma abdolrahim amiri, du kanake du einbrecher scharlatan und plünderer mit iranische zigeuner, wiener richter du kanake mit zigeuner amiri, du scheißdreck kanake und dieb mit zigeuner abdolrahim
iran politik 1979 bis heute: arische rasse hoch die anderen töten und runter ziehen. arische rasse sind die zigeuner einwanderer. zigeuner aus rumänien, bulgarien, georgien, albanien, indien. du scheißdreck kanak österreich, du scheißdreck kanak
malieh gharib nayereh gharib unemployed and taxi drivers say: we are iranian roma, SPÖ says you are aryan race, higher and have special rights and status
wiener polizei und richter kollektive sind rassenmörder, rassenmörder, judenmörder, rassenmörder, faschisten plünderer mit iranische rumänen, rassenmörder und gott gene mörder mit UNO city und iranische zigeuner und einbrecher, diebe und mörder
du kanak du scheiß österreicher, du kanak du plünderer, dieb, scharlatan und ausbeuter SPÖ du kanak
scheißdreck du kanak du drecksau richter du kanake du scharlatan und dieb
verstehen sie, kim rosa amiri war 35 jahre UNO mitarbeiter, azim's frau, azadeh's onkel
UNO city is a mafia and killer collective, mafia and killer collective with iranian terrorism
UNO city mitarbeiter waren 25 jahre diebe und plünderer, einbrecher mit kim rosa amiri und azim amiri, azadeh amiri, rahim amiri und shams familie, kim arbeitete als diebin 35 jahre für UNO, für 5 häuser
Montag, 12. April 2021
davood my mother's brother
viennese doctors, viennese politicians and judges, nazi and fascists said in 1998: 2 carpet shops are worthless, despite 4000 pieces of carpets. In 2002 the networks said: why don't they close after the action, it makes no sense, despite 8000 carpets. In 2003 doctors said the private apartment and rooms are not enough, install a camera in his shop too.since 2019 people have been saying that his work is worthless, despite copying and imitation
the whore of babylon is extraterrestrial, with all the leaders of the world
the whore of babylon is extraterrestrial, with all the leaders of the world religions.
all original texts of prophets have disappeared, except: handwriting by unworthy ones. religion is only original script, that is holiness
i only accept complaints under oath, in court
UNO the 1932 killer psychopaty
plunder the jews, if they complaint kills them, don't let god genes torture you, they torture you with morals.
2021 michael häupl:
what does he want from you? to destroy your beautiful lives?, god gene wants to destroy and take away only
michael häupl is a systematic adolf hitler, vranitzky a göbels, sebastian a himmler
i live in a city where women, the human rights activists from amnesty zara and dozens of others, come out of the apartment every day with caliber 7, because of terror, stasi and psychological and physical torture with the islamic government of iran. 1998-2021. caliber 7 against a mother, daughter, son without a police or criminal record
UN Amnesty and Zara Human Watch know: someone who has been filmed every second of his life by the 2 states for 25 years will be killed, like a concentration camp prisoner in 1940, with poison and poison gas
since 2019 people have been saying that his work is worthless, despite copying and imitation
viennese doctors, viennese politicians and judges, nazi and fascists said in 1998: 2 carpet shops are worthless, despite 4000 pieces of carpets. In 2002 the networks said: why don't they close after the action, it makes no sense, despite 8000 carpets. In 2003 doctors said the private apartment and rooms are not enough, install a camera in his shop too.
since 2019 people have been saying that his work is worthless, despite copying and imitation
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