Dienstag, 13. April 2021


تار و پودت طلا، استخوان هایت الماس، چشم هایت مروارید، دست هایت شاخه های حیات، عزیز دلم لامبادا میخونه: آخه وقتی من تو رو دیدم، مثل سگ  به خودم ریدم، از اون زمان من گیرم، با زندگی درگیرم، من تو رو ابدی میگیرم، صبح تا شب واست میخم، تو زندگیت میرینم، چون من یک حوریه عوضی بی دینم، تکه کلامم اینه: این چه جور میخواد به من برینه..، لالالالالا لالالا، شالالا شالا 

the vienna security police say:We are absolute fascism for these families with the support of the judge, we attack him, he should kill one of us, or one of us will kill him for 20 years in jail. I have had white police files since 1986 until today, clean files

Austria, UNO has been speaking from the position and angle: racial hatred for 20 years until today. With this motivation austria pulled all Iranians in Vienna into the financial system for the hate campaign

quok quok quok, quaaaa quaaa quaaaa

I have your gold, success, life, existence, I have everything from you, I leave you nothing

mazdak, kaveh ahangar, 130 iron

the children of perses, perseus andromeda are distributed in italy, greece, spain, middle east, iran, africa, latin america, the children of daraios and cyrus the great. Kings, magicians and prophets in the secret state stasi system

cuba has been under economic sanction for decades, the old races of the middle east, iran, north africa and south africa, latin america has a price. cuba doesn't sell, toudeh party, aksariat and many others sell, we have gypsies, cuba doesn't

من ‏خوار ‏مادر ‏سازمان ‏اکثریت ‏و ‏حزب ت‏وده ‏مادر ‏جنده ‏رو ‏تو ‏پالتالک ‏۲۰ ‏سال ‏گائیدم، ‏مادر ‏جندت ر‏و ‏با ‏سازمان م‏لل ‏متحد کشیدم ‏بیرون ‏کوس ‏مادر ‏های ‏قاتل ‏کوسکش ‏با ‏دختر ‏رحیم ‏توده ‏ای

Sebastian Kurz received 7 million euros to glorify the stasi camera action with the ayatullahs, 7 million euros with his father

UNO city mother fucker thieves and charlatans, terrorists and human trader. i catch you animals

I am ruined as a political activist, antiquities trader, carpet trader, and a person with 16 other professions. because of azadeh, and the amiris, UN charlatans and thieves, austro fascism and ayatullahs. secret camera action hundreds of millions of euros and attempted murder

آقا ‏اقوام ‏ایرانی ‏باید ‏سر ‏ژن ‏خدا ‏پرستی ‏با ‏هم ‏ازدواج ‏کنند ‏وگرنه ‏همه ‏را ‏میکشند

after 600 years of genetic murders in iran, and 10 million victims in 1918, we persians have become a minority in our own homeland.8 million victims between 1979 and today

everything vienna does with my family, the ayatollahs have been doing with minorities for 40 years. this has been a joint action for 40 years

rumanian and roma in iran, austria 1979-2021. austrian genocide in iran with iranian gypsy tribes, like in vienna against my innocent mother and sister. fucking bastard anti perian austria, anti native iranian, racial murder like in vienna

iranian roma and sinti families.
muhammad naderi ( 1800 salary) is the cousin of azadeh, 600,000 euro murder assignment from america europe and iran because of my sister. hate campaign on global level with fake material

i blocked all contacts with nasser farahani from 2002 onwards, no phone calls or conversations, absolute contact prohibited.my price is:Nasser receives 500,000 euros a year from veronika weiss from stasi pot for daily talking on the internet and in the city.azadeh amiri even more

sebastian nazi kurz, sebastian nazi kurz, sebastian nazi kurz, anti christ with your father, the last 25 years and the next 25 years, stasi action against jesus bloodline, and old civilization DNA

europe and the west are the new rome, they kill and torture not only in the middle east and guantanamo, they torture and kill with all journalists, UNO, amnesty international, and all human rights organizations, in australia, europe and america. blood money and ritual murder of animals

the tribe jesus christ, flesh and blood jesus christ, great empire persia, the old civilization

ahura mazda your flesh and blood, the tribe of jesus christ needs your help. satan and ahriman are planning total annihilation, come down

the collective of capital fascism and the children in europe america and australia say: we are with vienna, we are the murderers of race, iranian race, we kill the families in the west and protect ayatullahs and hiznullah for mass murders iran, many american families there

das ist zweite nationalsozialismus, plünderung der rasse mit UNO diebe und piraten

The shams family is a javad zarif team, but also a UN special command team in iran and abroad for racial and minority persecution

UNO city vienna is a pirate island, networked with all mafia organizations hiznullah sepah, police and politicians, pickpockets, burglars, fraudsters, charlatans and organ traders, stasi traders and god-genes traders worldwide

austria says: we have achieved the second national socialism with secret cameras and stasi show, we have ruined 3 shops, destroyed 3 livelihoods, and the world, all human rights organizations, journalists, judges, human rights activists are involved in the finance project and support us. we kill again got gene

anscheinend lebt dritte welt und hunger in UNO city gebäude, hungrig und durstig mit 3500 euro bis 25.000 euro gehälter

wiener polizei beamten und UNO city huankinder sind diebe, plünderer und mörder, killer, huankinder und diebe. UNO city ist ein dieb, scharlatan, persidche rassenmörder und gott gene plünderer, iraner mörder

ahura mazdan djinn, meteorite metal, kaveh ahangar 130 gram. emam ali was 110

sebastian kurz michael häupl wollen mich wegen terror und stasi show und hunderten millionen euro einnahmen töten, eine öffentliche hinrichtugn für ayatullahs

UNO faschismus, antisemitismus und gott gene mord in wien, UNO faschismus, antisemitismus, und gott gene mord mit UNO, UNO faschismus, antisemitismus, gott gene mord mit UNO, terror mord und meine politische aktivismus

UNO raubt die statistik von meine webseiten

die polizei sagt: solange UNO city geld verdient können wir barbad farahani nicht töten, die ayatullahs geben uns solange kein geld, bis wir befreit sind, befreit vom UNO finanz stasi kamera system, und webseite plünderung

die LPD und polizei wien, sicherheitspolizei und geheimdienste besitzen illegales geld, stasi geld, terror geld, sebastian kurz noch mehr

richter das ist terrorismus in wien mit amiris und gharibs, und ein nicht aufhörendes stasi system mit 1.5 millionen menschen

wiener und UNO city haben wie tiere und dreck geld gefressen wegen meine rasse und politische aktivismus, wie tiere abschaum und hunde

بازم بگم؟ اونجا تهرانه،  موز رو با پوست لاپات میذاره، هندونه بدون موز زیر پشم بغلت نمیذاره

این آخوند و اتریش اینو میگن، ما لازم به هیچکس داریم، به هرکس لازم نداریم. یه لب بخون پارچه فروش: سر تورم قیمت هندونه با موز قاطی شده، بچه سرمایه دار از خون شاشخالی شده ‏