Mittwoch, 14. April 2021

ahrimanic power zion nazi eye, fucking big brother eye, ahriman eye, israel eye. israeli nazis, wehrmachts nazis, judemörder, rassenmöder, perser mörder mit molloser affen

die tablet photos sind roh, raw, steine und metal zeigen ahrimanische bastardrasse und das auge, black sun society gegen gott gene und ahura mazdas 12 stämme. genau, 12 stämme ahuramazda, 12 rassen, 12 stämme international, afrika asien amerika europa.

israeli drecksau, hurenkind israeli bastardrasse du nazi, ich werfe nicht mit steine du scheißdreck nazi israeli, scheißdreck wehrmachts israeli du rassenmörder, scheißdreck israeli rassenmörder du scheißdreck faschist

simone du nazi wehrmachtshure, du wehrmachtshure du zion nazi, mein leben, mein leben du scheißdreck nazi, du israeli nazi

pürstl du bastard burschenschaftler hundesohn, mein geschäft, du bastardrasse, du hurensohn rasse du himmler du bastardrasse, mein geschäft, nicht deins du affe, du banane, meines! nicht deines, du hurekind pürstl abschaum nazi, hundesau du drecksau mit michi, scheißdreck polizist mein geschäft

bastard faschist polizei kind sagt: wir haben und hatten das recht juden geschäfte zu plündern. 1932 und heute. bastard hundesöhne polizeikinder affen

UNO plündert gott gene wie 1938. looting and plunder UNO city like 1938

huankind, hure, bastard, was bedeutet handel und geschäft mit polizei geheimkameras und spionage, huankind, hure, bastard was bedeutet 3 geschäfte mit polizei und geheimdienst geheimkameras.

bitte: österreich sagt mit UNO heute, wir sind tiere und fressen stasigeld wie faschisten, mit ayatullahs hizbullah und iranische roma, österreich sagt: wir sind tiere und fressen stasi schwarzgeld wie tiere, UNO piraten und scharlatane sind mit uns

aus meiner firma und business hat UNO wie tiere gefressen, aus meiner geschäft und firma, ein UNO city mit 3500 bis 25.000 euro gehalt, bis heute mit iranische zigeuner österreich und ayatullahs

what just happened today: Nasser controls the Tehran networks, I'll pay you 800,000 euros.this is what a fascist veronika douda farahani Weiss says,a austrian viennese bastard and killer, that wants to kill me and my family with the european elite. because of financial project

new iranian animals and austrian animals, leftists animals vienna

Do you understand
this deep animal psychopathy austria with gypsies iranian?
Why are there stones, wood and metal and paintings in Rana’s apartment, we have to find a way to plunder

bertolt brecht, gott gene, metaphysik, rasse, logik

ژنرال سایکس در مورد کولی‌های ایران و آذربایجان نوشته‌است

زن‌ها برای گدایی و کف‌بینی، دسته‌دسته به محله‌های دیگر شهر می‌رفتند و ضمن دزدیدن اشیای کوچک و فریب دادن زن‌های ساده‌لوح، کودکان آن‌ها را نیز می‌دزدیدند، به همین دلیل در میان مردم تبریز در مورد دزدی «قره‌چی» ها داستان‌های زیادی بر سر زبان‌ها بود و مادرها برای ترساندن کودکان خردسال به جای «لولو» و چیزهای ترسناک دیگر، بچه‌ها را از «قره‌چی» می‌ترساندند.

Dienstag, 13. April 2021

österreich ist krank im kopf, österreich ist krank, abscheulich krank, wegen persische native rasse, dieses land ist dreckig abscheulich krank. zigeuner hoch, perser runter

ali gharib never had money, a turnover of 200 euros a day, the money he owns today, or his family is my property, my life, my existence. gypsies and nazi theft

österreich ist psychopathie und krank im kopf, abbschaum und dreck. die polizei sagt: ali gharib ist der perser und er darf machen was er will, er hat sonderstatus, barbad farahani ist der penner und zigeuner. abschaum und dreck dieses land, abschaum und dreck, wegen die elite psychopathie

vienna still does that today, we are driven to poverty with 3 shops, to gypsies, and iranian gypsies to original iranian and rich

Do you understand? For 600 years many Iranian children have been kidnapped, women kidnapped and exported and made into gypsies, for gene politics, gypsies were imported and made into iranians

romani gypsy romania

iranians were never fascists or racists, iran always had a welcoming culture and hospitality. but that does not mean that these guests become elite and piss on us with racial hatred from above. like today for 40 years in hizbullah ayatullah or sepah uniform


I am of the opinion and position for genetic separatism, like this artifact, or who is at least 50% of old race should rule in iran, compared to DNA from bones 5000 BC. iranian nationalism no Shiite, emam ali was iranian

zion nazis, austrian nazi, social finance projects, anti god gene system, finance and politics, anti iran, anti god genes, money for everyone and slavery

this jew / molossian hostility towards persians, the genetic hostility towards iranian tribes, has existed since alexander and before. to this day in vienna

viennese israeli, wehrmachtsjude vienna, and adolf kurz

the nazi and killer society has provided the sebastian neonazi Kurz with 7 million euros with the iranian regime for murder.
we have no evidence, we can't find anything, victims are guilty and should die

das geld was zweite bezirk und elite kinder verdient haben oder hatten ist judenfaschismus anti gott gene und austro faschismus anti gott gene geld und gold. KZ stasi system geld wie 1938

god genes, old civilization, austrian european nazi woman, adolfs furies: kill everyone, we are not the old one, they are old

from 1998 the dirtiest woman was not azadeh amiri or her mother, a 1400 euro salary, the dirtiest was a collective of 15,000 viennese whores fascists: we will destroy your existence and life with the stasi psychological system, and kill you, as in Heinrich gross psychological experimental laboratory. til today. 04/14/2021

sensation, 130 grams, photo angle, i'm elam and luristan. sacred water tradition

well..... fati and jezebel say: keep the rhythm with me, forget the water, rhythm until you die. the dervish says, I'll keep the angle, get johann sebastian Bach for you from somewhere else. fly to istanbul götebach is said there


since the 15th century until today hundreds of millions have been killed, with absurd and scientific research in retrospect, with show and fake discussions and topics of the human psyche. that is actually:
a circle of secret society says:
nobody can be 300,000 years old.
to this day, millions have been killed. That is the reason

kiwara das göld was amiri schirazi, ashkan keyhanrad, ali gharib und amiris fressen wül i sehen, des ist illegal, zeigt das terror und stasi göld

130 grams of meteorite metal, of natural origin and formation says:we the minority in iran are a million years old, and the west, austro fascism is trying to destroy us all, alongside israel

rich elite your children are scum and genetic psychopathy against race

god gene experiments since 19th century until today in austria, since 19th century until today with police judges and authorities support, foreigners and oriental god genes and resilience experiments

The international court of justice should long ago convict Iran and Austria because of terror, the stasi system and attempted murder, the Iranian regime says: kidnaps him like Ruhollah zam, sends him without an Iranian passport to Iran for execution, with police and secret service violence

austrian aristocracy and elite and genetic hostility to iran, monkey and duck DNA

veronika weiss die killerin, leidet unter rassenwahn, mit ihre familie und freunde, die stasi methode gegen rana ist DR.lenz, fischer und heinrich gross psychopatie, veronika ist eine dreckige faschistin, mit wiener ärzte netzwerke

ناصر خوار مادر کوسده، پیر سگ کفتار ۷۲ ساله، مادرسگ مادر کونی، جنده زن خوارکوسده شاشیدم به کوس زن فاشیست جندت مادر کونی، کوسکش مادر، ناصر فراهانی خوار مادر کونی، یک جرم از زری، رعنا، شخص بنده در پرونده جایی هست یا نیست!؟ مادر کوسده ناصر، اینجا ترور و پرت کردن میان گرگ هاست کوسکش ننه چی میگی خوار کوسده بمیر مادر جنده. این کوسکش ها قاتلن ، ایرانی اتریشی، امیری قریب، آخه کونی، مادر کونی، جنده خواهر کوسکش کیر تو اون مغز مریضت مادر جنده، مادر جنده، کوس لیس کونی، ناصر کونی، مادر کونی ناصر کونی

rahim amiri war 1800 euro gehalt, heute 800 euro pension, und ich habe 16 berufe, dreckige österreicher und wiener sagt: romano zigeuner rasse hat vorrang weil wir alle arisch sind.

you understand, azadeh amiri has been a lambada singer for 4 years: i sold jews and no one punishes me, no one shows anything. i am a millionaire with my family and friends through: looting and not working