Mittwoch, 14. April 2021

persian history vienna, telekinesis helmet

emam zaman and emam zaman soldier equipment, the helmet is for power. it increases tenfold the spiritual, mental and physical power. telekynesis for lifting and floating stones, building pyramids

austrians, all colors and political ambitions have persian VMAT2 psychopathy, because of a million years of persian history vienna, and the DNA under viennese soil

genetic psychopathy, neonazi and scheißdreck österreicher bastard breed, scum, race killer, anti god gene bastard, bilderberg bitch mamma, freemason

Heinz Patzelt (born 1957 in Vienna) is an Austrian lawyer. He has been Secretary General of Amnesty International in Austria since 1998.

bastard kurz and ÖVP/SPÖ

the life that the Viennese had in the last 20 years until today:
every night party, the money came without work and effort, millions because of the stasi show.
for this life austrians want to be killed or go to prison.

because of hizbullah police and israel fascism, UN materialism, i was in intensive care for 6 days, i was in mortal danger, because of stress and psychological torture. til today. Writing and scolding is a self protective ritual for draining aggression, fear and psychosis

scheiß österreicher du scheißdreck abschaum bastard

Austria has deeper psychopathy and scum than a dog attacking a child:
bring the perpetrators to jail, if not go to the madhouse, if you kill we will kill your innocent family you iranian jew you god genes.
Gypsies are worth more than Persians

الان ‏داشتم ‏می خوندم

آیا سعدی ،حافظ و فردوسی اسمی از کوروش بزرگ نبرده اند؟

my english is bad, no value for humanrights

In three Austrian secret services there are a large part of the Austrian Wehrmacht Jews, second and third generation, they are genetically selected because of some specialties, what do you want to say:
we know which position you are in, and in which front and how you want to talk?
300,000 years ago I did not spray my sperm into your mouth when you were still doing "oing oing oing", and neither do I today

Both have been together, for 600 years in mass murder, the woman and Wehrmacht Jew, internationally in all cities: Barbad farahani is not allowed to have a child, family, money, job, or capital, he has no right to exist in our ahrimanic world

wenn wiener huanweiber wie die tiere illegal geld fressen, dann ist ganz wien nur mehr ein mordversuch, kein analverkehr ohne solidatität, nur blasen ohne lippenstift

payback, satsi system and society

The stasi financial system means, as in the ghassemloo case: police officers are not heroes, just well trained and educated. for a hidden place and shot

sooshiant and ahrimanic capitalism matrix. two minutes ago, tablet photo raw

gypsy naderi and amiri, and value in europe

there are beautiful apartments in gasometer, muhammad naderi (1800 euro salary) azita pyran naderi ( 1500 euro salary) had 80 square meters for 700 euros total rent.
they said:
we rent this apartment and buy a house for 300,000 euros, we have barbad and rana, we, romanian gypsies from mazandaran, and a gypsy girl from azerbaijan say:
we are worth more in austria than the persians

to be victims of international stasi and terrorism, without money and capital is attempted murder, I experience second national socialism with SPÖ/ÖVP/FPÖ / Greens / leftists and viennese judges

viennese hospitals, azadeh amiri and insulin poison for diabetes

today i weighed myself, i'm 88 kilos, i'm 46 and fit.
between 2012 and 2017 i was between 105 and 117. no more insulin poison in my coffee and sugar, for 4 years, i have been between 88 and 92 for 4 years

illegal fascism, stasi torture and attempted murder money back, azadeh amiri, the family and the entire mafia gang, black magic ring mafia

jimmy in UNO city is a satanist and comedian, but actually the un employees also finance their homes in this way, like kim rosa amiri and the entire amiri and shams family

130 grams, iron, kaveh ahangar

the seduction and kidnapping of jezebel so that the bloodline is broken. In normal life, the choice of partner is fate, and metaphysics.
today the police satanism network is responsible for changing fates with cameras and stasi shows.
the center for this basic thought and philosophy of life is america, american police officials say:
a policeman who cannot buy a house is not a human, money only comes with corruption and the state makes it possible. through multi stalking.

secret genes and DNA test so that animals know who to show hostility to,

scheißdreck parteien österreich, FPÖ/SPÖ/ÖVP bastardrasse elite, huansöhne polizisten und huansau drecksau 3 geheimdienste machen heimliche gene und DNA test, damit sie wissen zu wem sie feindschaft zeigen sollen, Mutter und tochter sind juden und unsere feinde, hurekind michael häipl vranitzky, schüssel, und kurz, bastard und psychopathie österreich

dreckige wiener richter und scheißdreck polizei, huankind gestapo sicherheitspolizei befinden sich in faschismus und judenmord. die tiere, die huankinder die bastardrasse, verlangen beweise wegen 20 jahre plündrung

cheap dog and bastard, scum and fucking Nazi Austria:

nasser farahani left after the divorce in 2002, terrorism and fascisms pay him money for lies.
He should say that was his business and not mine, the dog and Nazi Austria are so cheap

neonazi police and elit and secret stasi cameras,

that is the viennese tradition, god gene must not have any money, that has nothing to do with the jewish religion, that is what you see today in vienna against my family and in iran

i am looking for the gate to saints maria and fatima. arasch amiri, maziar, azadeh amiri, ali gharib and hundreds in networks in attempted murder against my sister. tablet photo, raw

die leute sagen wir müssen geld verdienen, wer seid ihr? das ist illegal, du zoo affe ich kann 16 berufe, wer bist du? was kannst du? warum brauchst du ein geld du abschaum, ich kann 16 berufe du müll, was bist du, du affe du müll, illegales geld ist was? potenzial?

آخه ‏کوسکش م‏ادر ‏تو ‏چیکاره ه‏ستی ‏صبح ت‏ا ‏شب م‏یگی م‏ن ‏آدمم ‏اجازه ‏دارم، ‏من ‏باید ا‏ز ‏باربد ‏پول ‏در ‏بیارم، ‏ما ‏باید ‏پول ‏داشته ‏باشیم، ‏تو ‏چیکاره ‏هستی ‏خوار م‏ادر ‏کونی

das geld zurück du zoo affe, du bist nichts wert

wer kann hier 16 berufe? du scheißdreck österreicher und wiener, oder du simone oder ali und azadeh? zoo affen, wer seid ihr überhaupt, abschaum, überflüssig für die welt, müll, dreckige bastard psychopathen. wer seid ihr? was seid ihr wert? du scheißdreck

simone dinah hartmann, stop thebomb, Mossad, israel and hezbollah, CIA. secret cameras, financial project for racial murder

there are rich children in europe iran america who work with the cia on the internet, these people, like ali azadeh and thousands of others, are worth as much as monkeys in the zoo, who say we have to start the genocide together with jews in vienna, kill ayatullahs in iran we in europe

the austrians in vienna are not stupid, they are the dirtiest animals and races murderers, people have been educated by wehrmacht jews for 10,000 years

Die Toten – Männer, Frauen und Kinder – waren zumeist in Bauchlage abgelegt worden, bei vielen untersuchten Skeletten fehlten Arme oder Beine, auch wurden abgetrennte Schädel einzeln vorgefunden. Auffällig war, dass kaum junge Frauen unter den Toten waren.[3] Vermutlich wurden bei einem Überfall auf die Siedlung sämtliche Einwohner getötet oder gefangen genommen; danach war das Siedlungsareal nicht mehr bewohnt.

stasi opfer international und ohnecgeld bedeutet mordversuch gegen die rasse, wie 1938 in juden gethos. du bastard kurz. stasi opfer ohne kapital und geld nach plünderung bedeutet mord

attempted murder according to the stasi system: you are not allowed to own money is 1938 fascism and plundering, 1938 against god genes, UN, vienna, iranian gypsies fascism. 1800 euro salary gypsy rahim amiri, ali gharib, azadeh amiri

ناصر ‏به ‏کوس ‏جنده ‏ورونیکا ‏خارکوسده، ‏مادرت ‏رو ‏گائیدم ناصر ‏فراهانی، ‏عن ‏به ‏قبر ن‏نه ‏جندت ‏با ‏محمود

sie dürfen kein geld besitzen ist 1938er faschismus und plünderung, 1938 gegen gott gene, UNO, wien, iranische zigeuner faschismus. 1800 euro gehalt zigeuner rahim amiri, ali gharib, azadeh amiri

heute verteilen 500 UNO mitarbeiter und UNO elite fake material, für mord, weil die piraten millionen euro schadenersatz für sich beanspruchen. UNO city mitarbeiter sind killer, auftragskiller für ayatullahs

since 1986 to 2021 i have no police files and crimes, police produce fake material for murder and torture international with hizbullah

i kill. i am a killer, i kill nazi and zion nazi and iranian gypsy dragons. like emam ali. money back and our names. fake material international is murder, fake material international is murder, police published: fake material for hate and stasi torture and murder

ahrimanic power zion nazi eye, fucking big brother eye, ahriman eye, israel eye. israeli nazis, wehrmachts nazis, judemörder, rassenmöder, perser mörder mit molloser affen

die tablet photos sind roh, raw, steine und metal zeigen ahrimanische bastardrasse und das auge, black sun society gegen gott gene und ahura mazdas 12 stämme. genau, 12 stämme ahuramazda, 12 rassen, 12 stämme international, afrika asien amerika europa.

israeli drecksau, hurenkind israeli bastardrasse du nazi, ich werfe nicht mit steine du scheißdreck nazi israeli, scheißdreck wehrmachts israeli du rassenmörder, scheißdreck israeli rassenmörder du scheißdreck faschist

simone du nazi wehrmachtshure, du wehrmachtshure du zion nazi, mein leben, mein leben du scheißdreck nazi, du israeli nazi

pürstl du bastard burschenschaftler hundesohn, mein geschäft, du bastardrasse, du hurensohn rasse du himmler du bastardrasse, mein geschäft, nicht deins du affe, du banane, meines! nicht deines, du hurekind pürstl abschaum nazi, hundesau du drecksau mit michi, scheißdreck polizist mein geschäft