Donnerstag, 15. April 2021

wiener jude und israeli sagt: ich will seine unschuldige schwester töten, eine pychopathie, 25 jahre gefängniss, das ist schwere nötigung und versuchtermord

austrian/ ayatullah terror agaim race and political activism. rotfaschist, ein cent aus stasi system kostet dein leben, alles asse

Austrian constitution, UN, amnesty, politicians, police, iranian gypsies, iranian embassy, iranush mosque, nazi women, armed forces Jews.
a cent of secret camera action stasi method in your pocket means death for you.
stasi racism anti semitism method against my sister

electro VMAT2 music, umtzz umtz, umtz, umtz, umtz, aulllll aulllll umtz umtzumtz umtz

elam, luristan, and other tribes in vienna. melchior, balthasar, caspar tribes‌‌. our race, iranian, elam semites. 20 years, research, work and effort experience

ناصر ‏شاشیدم ‏به ‏کوس ‏اون ج‏نده ‏که ‏لیس م‏یزنی ‏کونی، ‏ناصر ‏کونی، ‏ناصر ‏کونی ‏ریدم ‏به ‏کوس ‏اون ‏پیرسگ ‏که ‏لیس م‏یزنی، ‏کونی، ‏ناصر ‏کونی

bastard austria has always been in the race business and terror with ayatollahs

wiener richter ich kenn di, du wirst sho was erleben, du terrorist mit hizbullah, du ghassemloo mörder, du bettler du 4000 euro gehalt du penner du abschaum

du scheißdreck wiener du bastard du scheiß österreicher mit wiener israeli, du huankind israeli du bastard mit wiener

wiener gesellschaft ist ein huankind, ein huankind, ein scheißdreck und huankind ein drecksau hure und bastard,österreichischeverfassung? wo? iranische familie ausbeuten, heimliche kameras installieren und geld verdienen, wo in österreichischeverfassung du scheißdreck wiener du huankind östereicher? der flüchtling 2015 ist kein ausländer, wir sind die ausländer oder was? du huankind wiener du bastardrase du scheißdreck existenz

Mittwoch, 14. April 2021

chi hau chi, te hau titititit chit hau cha hi hi hi hi teryaki

chen chen is iranian fucker, true? chen chen and austrian nazis and jews, chen chen chen, are you iranian fucker chen chen? black dragon, black magic dragon. i have a lot stones frome you, black magic chen chen austria with wehrmachtsjews

vienna/tehran, millions stasi business with " safavid time style" romani gypsies iranian and viennese jews

Fifteen years spent in the country changed his mind: “He came to realise that the Safavid way of dealing with criminals had to do with the rarity of crime in Iran, where home invasions and killings were all but unknown. In all of his time in the Safavid state, he had only witnessed one execution. Besides the Shah alone had the right to order capital punishment

lesen sie, shah abbas beziehung österreich, und 15 jahre massenmord/rassenmord mit ali und rahim zigeunern. mit adolfs furien und wehrmachts juden. österreich vernichtet unsere stämme und rasse seit 500 jahren mit wehrmachts juden wien


در سفره ، اگر نان و کره، مرغ و پلو نیست

شادیم که این سفره، همینجور ولا هست

گیریم که حالا نحوریم آب اناری

یک چایی کمرنگ که در قوری ما هست

در کلبه ی ما مبل و کمد نیست ، به جایش

در ، پنجره ،دیوار، زمین ، سقف، هوا هست

عمریست که مستاجر دایی رمضانیم

یک دایی خرپول و خفن؛ شکر خدا هست

viennese darkforce, black magic tradition in iran and austria

darkforce, black magic tradition, home invasion, psychological stress and torture. shah abbas time, 1918 iran, 1932 vienna, adolfs furies, armed forces jews, today in vienna against us

Austro fascism, genocide, racial hate. adolf furies and wehrmachtsjews. stones collected yesterday, the evil bad viennese eye, tablet photo, raw. two minutes ago

orient, asia, and afrcian, native american history vienna, today: "the third world"

yesterday i saved these stones, construction workers wanted to throw it in garbage after digging 2 meters.
Bricks puzzle pieces and work of a persian magician

zion nazis, wehrmachtsjesw, israel, europe, america, zionism fear and god genes. tablet photo, raw, two minutes ago

Fear of god genes and mass murder, intrigues and intrigue of the world is nothing natural, it is not human nature or phenomena, but djins and anunnakis with monkey masks, today human masks, as in the UN and Amnesty International Vienna, human face, control from other diemnsions

persian history vienna, telekinesis helmet

emam zaman and emam zaman soldier equipment, the helmet is for power. it increases tenfold the spiritual, mental and physical power. telekynesis for lifting and floating stones, building pyramids

austrians, all colors and political ambitions have persian VMAT2 psychopathy, because of a million years of persian history vienna, and the DNA under viennese soil

genetic psychopathy, neonazi and scheißdreck österreicher bastard breed, scum, race killer, anti god gene bastard, bilderberg bitch mamma, freemason

Heinz Patzelt (born 1957 in Vienna) is an Austrian lawyer. He has been Secretary General of Amnesty International in Austria since 1998.

bastard kurz and ÖVP/SPÖ

the life that the Viennese had in the last 20 years until today:
every night party, the money came without work and effort, millions because of the stasi show.
for this life austrians want to be killed or go to prison.

because of hizbullah police and israel fascism, UN materialism, i was in intensive care for 6 days, i was in mortal danger, because of stress and psychological torture. til today. Writing and scolding is a self protective ritual for draining aggression, fear and psychosis

scheiß österreicher du scheißdreck abschaum bastard

Austria has deeper psychopathy and scum than a dog attacking a child:
bring the perpetrators to jail, if not go to the madhouse, if you kill we will kill your innocent family you iranian jew you god genes.
Gypsies are worth more than Persians

الان ‏داشتم ‏می خوندم

آیا سعدی ،حافظ و فردوسی اسمی از کوروش بزرگ نبرده اند؟

my english is bad, no value for humanrights

In three Austrian secret services there are a large part of the Austrian Wehrmacht Jews, second and third generation, they are genetically selected because of some specialties, what do you want to say:
we know which position you are in, and in which front and how you want to talk?
300,000 years ago I did not spray my sperm into your mouth when you were still doing "oing oing oing", and neither do I today

Both have been together, for 600 years in mass murder, the woman and Wehrmacht Jew, internationally in all cities: Barbad farahani is not allowed to have a child, family, money, job, or capital, he has no right to exist in our ahrimanic world

wenn wiener huanweiber wie die tiere illegal geld fressen, dann ist ganz wien nur mehr ein mordversuch, kein analverkehr ohne solidatität, nur blasen ohne lippenstift

payback, satsi system and society

The stasi financial system means, as in the ghassemloo case: police officers are not heroes, just well trained and educated. for a hidden place and shot

sooshiant and ahrimanic capitalism matrix. two minutes ago, tablet photo raw

gypsy naderi and amiri, and value in europe

there are beautiful apartments in gasometer, muhammad naderi (1800 euro salary) azita pyran naderi ( 1500 euro salary) had 80 square meters for 700 euros total rent.
they said:
we rent this apartment and buy a house for 300,000 euros, we have barbad and rana, we, romanian gypsies from mazandaran, and a gypsy girl from azerbaijan say:
we are worth more in austria than the persians

to be victims of international stasi and terrorism, without money and capital is attempted murder, I experience second national socialism with SPÖ/ÖVP/FPÖ / Greens / leftists and viennese judges

viennese hospitals, azadeh amiri and insulin poison for diabetes

today i weighed myself, i'm 88 kilos, i'm 46 and fit.
between 2012 and 2017 i was between 105 and 117. no more insulin poison in my coffee and sugar, for 4 years, i have been between 88 and 92 for 4 years

illegal fascism, stasi torture and attempted murder money back, azadeh amiri, the family and the entire mafia gang, black magic ring mafia

jimmy in UNO city is a satanist and comedian, but actually the un employees also finance their homes in this way, like kim rosa amiri and the entire amiri and shams family

130 grams, iron, kaveh ahangar

the seduction and kidnapping of jezebel so that the bloodline is broken. In normal life, the choice of partner is fate, and metaphysics.
today the police satanism network is responsible for changing fates with cameras and stasi shows.
the center for this basic thought and philosophy of life is america, american police officials say:
a policeman who cannot buy a house is not a human, money only comes with corruption and the state makes it possible. through multi stalking.

secret genes and DNA test so that animals know who to show hostility to,

scheißdreck parteien österreich, FPÖ/SPÖ/ÖVP bastardrasse elite, huansöhne polizisten und huansau drecksau 3 geheimdienste machen heimliche gene und DNA test, damit sie wissen zu wem sie feindschaft zeigen sollen, Mutter und tochter sind juden und unsere feinde, hurekind michael häipl vranitzky, schüssel, und kurz, bastard und psychopathie österreich