Freitag, 16. April 2021

Amercian animals in UNO city

this whore and fascist this american woman in uNO city is more dangerous than sepah and hizbullah, this animal from america, screams like an animal with american slang all the time:
we made money with amiris he knows he knows, kill him, kill him

hey blondi, rakhsh and spirituality, mysticism VMAT2 vienna, 800,000 years ago

american fascism has been supporting indian roma anti-semitism and fascism for 20 years, one foot on persian soil and the heads of you fuckin israelis and americans should be cut. this action in vienna shows your bastard nature

bastard breed, ahrimanic breed austrians elit, esterhazy bastards, austrian parties, secret service, hizbullah, ayatullahs, sepah/haram breed

filthiest scum breed lives in vienna and austria.
for salaries from 1200 euros to 50,000 euros,
the country establishes the stasi camera financial system so that:
the iranian in iran with 3 million tumans and a kilo of meat 200,000 tumans thinks:
It is normal to live on flesh and blood VMaT2, as in 1938.
Austria: we earn millions in vienna, with this meat, sells this meat to buy meat in iran

the persian VMAT tribe, the shepherd, magdalena, and hades underworld

tablet photo, raw. two minutes ago. the grave of cyrus the great is a tradition, a culture. the intrigue against him too

anti iranians, anti cyrus the great iranians

anti iranians, dual citizens, go back and live in iran, you don't want to live a second in iran because you are not connected to persian soil.
neither should i, with your hate campaign, so i don't see what you ruined with austrians in iran

Donnerstag, 15. April 2021

UNO city neofascists, and iranian neonazi and alien networks, VMAT genocide iran

Most of the alien genocides and racial murderers come from the lower class of society, stalin, or like övp and spö politicians, there is a reason: mind control, the workers and the middle class say: they are from us

Austro faschismus, ayatullah terrorismus: 800.000 nasser farahani, 150.000 mansour farahani, 300.000 mahmoud farahani, 80.000 ghassem farahani, 70.000 familie karimi. für terrormord und faschismus gegen Mutter sohn tochter.

یَا أَیُّهَا النَّاسُ إِنَّا خَلَقْنَاکُم مِّن ذَکَرٍ وَأُنثَى وَ جَعَلْنَاکُمْ شُعُوبًا وَ قَبَائِلَ لِتَعَارَفُوا إِنَّ أَکْرَمَکُمْ عِندَ اللَّهِ أَتْقَاکُمْ»

unsere stämme sind höher und weiser als arabische und türkische stämme, beweise liegen unter wiener erde

انجمن ‏فرهنگی ‏وین، ‏

rahim amiri is sumka, national socialism fascism in iran, set up by romanians ، and gypsies with justification arian race

Michel häupl SPÖ, wolfgang schüssel ÖVP haben 3000 iranische zigeuner in wien mobilisiert, für rassenmorde tehran, beluchistan, ahwaz, kurdistan. DNA hunter

if you are not fucked in the ass as a child, then there is a Michael Häupl, 3 secret services and a red dragon formation for psychological rape

children fuck austria high SPÖ/ÖVP statistic, UNO soldier high statistics

a vmat child is visited after the birth, there are vestiges of old science in judaism, you cannot leave the child alone from the age of 3, the child needs a sense of security in spiritual struggle.
Pedophelia and child abuse is an ahrimanic data storage in order to take away the feeling of security, for loss of trust and security and the belief in humanity, so the child becomes a lost in all spiritual dimensions and levels.

6 millionen foltermord wegen ein scheißdreck story, 6 millionen und SPÖ huankinder jagen und töten immer noch, 6 millionen plus stasi system gegen meine familie

my sperm and future vision austria, austrians are old

the UN elite people in vienna are like the kefalonia murderers and hunters, because the SPÖ and ÖvP had shown a lot from underground, they should see what my race is and what the aryan race is, the aryan race cannot use any of the artefacts and the system.
Because they have no hands, feet and brains DNA and genes from ancient civilization.
they just stole my sperm for the future

underground tunnels, vienna tehran, shahre rey, cheshmeh ali

in vienna there are underground caves, some of which have been destroyed over the centuries or sealed 15 meters with concrete. With beautiful wall painting, art, technology, medicine, medicine plants seeds, water and other things, 3 of them are 4000 kilometers to Tehran

VMAT, 500.000 years history in vienna, you mass killer, you psychopath, freedom for archeology

SPÖ / ÖVP / FPÖ / LEFTISTS / GRÜNE three secret services police authorities and WKO are the secret society and 1932 fsschism, 6 million murders 1938-1945:
god genes VMAT tribes have 500,000 years of history in vienna

du 1932er bastardrasse, du plünderer, dieb, mörder, du ritual bastard, KZ opferung , VMAT2 opferung, du bastardrasse

azadeh amiri mit arasch und maziar in wien bleiben ihr seid terroristen und mörder, die aktion ist mordversuch gegen eine unschuldige familie. hier bleiben

rana hatte nie ein politisches problem, rana ist nur VMAT2 aus persien

UNO, viennese judges, CIA, NSA, Mossad

My mother, my sister and I never had anything to do with the police between 1986 and 2021, or with judges and courts, the only thing is:
UNO wants to establish god genes murder with the SPÖ / ÖVP, jews and fascists, with fake video, voice material, and secret private life clips.
hate campaign for murder against god genes

وین، ‏قتل ‏زنجیره ‏ای د‏ر ‏ایران

آقا حواستون رو جمع کنید، وین داره با شبکه بندی تهران قتل ژنتیک راه میندازه، میگه: آنهایی که در ایران آدم حسابی موندن باید کشت، باربد که مرد. وین باکی این کارهارو میکنه؟ کسانی که سرشون به تنشون نمی ارزه. بچه هندونه فروش که شده امروز سرمایه دار، چوپونی که مثل بابا علی و حسین از قزوین اومده تهران

rana hatte nie ein politisches problem, rana ist nur VMAT2 aus persien

everything that SPÖ häupl/ ÖVP kurz, police 3 secret services do to this day with fake marerial and hate campaigns is attempted murder, austria says the islamic government has the right to do so, we as an arian race also with our police officers

SPÖ ist heinrich gross partei, nazi waschmaschine und anti gott gene psychopathie, sozial demokratie ist EU mafia mit rassenmordplan und gott gene mordplan, michael und franz sind himmler und adolf, beide sind killer, beide sagen barbad und rana sind versuchobjekte und keine humans

michael häupl hat in sozialdemokratie 3000 iraner, alle wurden zu anti gott gene terroristen gezüchtet, für iran europa und amerika, für targetisierung

du depperter michi, du du du arschloch, du sozialdemokratie

اقتصاد ‏بیل و کلنگی

آقا این حفره سیاه قاطی داره، به کل قاطی، افسردگی اقتصادی میاره، بعد میگه بزن بکش تا سرمایه رو پخش کنیم، جنگ جهانی دویوم: بزن ۲۰۰ میلیون رو بکش تا سرمایه رو پخش کنیم و بازسازی کنیم، یعنی آدم بکش، ما رو، همه رو، تا آخرین نفر، تا آخرین فرد رو از قبیله ما نکشه ول نمیکنه، بعد میگه: میمون تو هم کیش که خارکوسده تر از آدم تویی، مادر قحبه چرا هرچی من میگم میگی چشم، ۶ میلیارد از ریخت تون سگ اسهال مغزی میگیره، کیش کیش، بمیرید 

the black hole is: 3 billion annual exploitation, and one billion alms for africa. before two billions disappears into the black hole, millions are cut away at the entrance, for silence

balck magic mafia in UNO city, we are humans, barbad farahani is not human, what the fuck is humanrights!? we are humans he ist not human

Unfortunately, I only have one tablet camera, the black game is the old man, international color society in the UN, as a camouflage for mass murder and racial murder, we have third world as employees, we are humans, the others are not humans, we are with Africa and asia and latin america humans in un building. satanism with human rights activism costume

if my mother and sister get sick, i kill 5000 UNO bastards with children and Familys