Freitag, 16. April 2021

rassenmord in österreich, wiener richter: 7 millionen euro terror geld sebastian kurz, hussein gharib, hizubullah, ayatullahs mit wiener mafia, und grasser bekommt 8 jahre wegen 500.000 euro. indo iranische faschismus hat 15 millionen verdient durch VMAT2 stasi methode

since 2008 iran has been screaming why no one is helping us, therefore:UN ruined the existence of 3 iranians in a democracy and constitutional state, and gave indo-iranian fascism in vienna 15 million euros from stasi pot

österreich hat in mauthausen altösterricher verbrannt, rosenfeld und rosenbergs und könig und schmied, altösterreicher in wien, ukraine.....

na michi, wer ist herrenrasse? wir sind alt michi, wir sind sehr alt, wer ist herrenrasse? Mauthausen? mauthausen ist alt, hungern und sterben, wail: ihr seid oild, warum said ihr so iold, des versteh ma net, heas guddi? warum bin i so oild? i maAn, mauhausen und verbrennen gibts nimmer mehr, ober guddi frag den hci warum bin i so oild, wie a jud, wie a jud ist der ahura mazdaner oild, des versteh ma net

tablet photo raw, 2 minutes ago, dali dali, salvador dali, daliiiiii

FPÖ sitz du hund, sitz du wehramachtsjude hund, an die leine du hund, du werhemachtsjude hund, geh zu herrli, geh zu herrli hund FPÖ, geh zu wehrmachtsjude. stasi system, illegale DNA und gene business ist faschismus, geh zu herrli FPÖ, kefalonia huankinder österreicher, hirsch jäger, dreckige hirsch VMAT2 jäger

کیر ‏تو ک‏وس ‏ننه ‏جنده ‏هرچی ‏تواب، ‏اونی ک‏ه ‏مرد م‏ا ‏بودیم

huri, zeki, beki, deki, zepeleki, du willst menschenrechte? shepeleki zeki, depeki, ridan kardandaheeeyyy, ridan kardandaheyyyy

بیا ‏با ‏جندت و ‏زنت ‏تو ‏خیابون ‏خارکوسده ‏هندی ‏کولی ‏فاشیست

vor 5000 jahren schickte der wehrmachtjude reife weiße affen, wiener huanweiber, drecksauweiber, nach indien, so hama indo arische faschismus, du huankind

کیرم ‏تو‌‌ ک‏وس ‏ننه ‏هرچی ‏ایرانی ‏این ‏شهره، ‏از ‏جمله ‏حزب ‏توده ‏و ‏سازمان ‏اکثریت، ‏چریک ‏های ‏فدایی ‏خلق ‏یران

children fucker, SPÖ, ÖVP, greens. pürstl the pig bastard, animal and terrorist, pürstl the terrorist and bastard, mother fucker killer and fascist, fucking pürstl bastard

12 year old girls cost 500 euros an hour, pürstl, michi SPÖ. ÖVP, FPÖ, Green Party get the money through terror and murder plans so that they don't fuck their own children. therapy money for politicians, police elite and upper class

UN doubled and tripled stasi psychological torture. more fascism means more money from iran, america and europe, murder ten times as much, for private purposes not for bangladesh or africa

he was one of us.

A painter lived in Austria, at some point the church towers rang:
he died from spanish flu, spanish flu, spanish flu, he died from spanish flu, he was one of us.

deepest envy and hate is no coincidence, xenophobia it is not natural, it was bred for a taboo subject: history


anunnakis rebels are next to luris, beluchis, kurds, azeris, elamis, mazandaran gilan, and other semites, 12 tribes of ahura mazdan semites

Amercian animals in UNO city

this whore and fascist this american woman in uNO city is more dangerous than sepah and hizbullah, this animal from america, screams like an animal with american slang all the time:
we made money with amiris he knows he knows, kill him, kill him

hey blondi, rakhsh and spirituality, mysticism VMAT2 vienna, 800,000 years ago

american fascism has been supporting indian roma anti-semitism and fascism for 20 years, one foot on persian soil and the heads of you fuckin israelis and americans should be cut. this action in vienna shows your bastard nature

bastard breed, ahrimanic breed austrians elit, esterhazy bastards, austrian parties, secret service, hizbullah, ayatullahs, sepah/haram breed

filthiest scum breed lives in vienna and austria.
for salaries from 1200 euros to 50,000 euros,
the country establishes the stasi camera financial system so that:
the iranian in iran with 3 million tumans and a kilo of meat 200,000 tumans thinks:
It is normal to live on flesh and blood VMaT2, as in 1938.
Austria: we earn millions in vienna, with this meat, sells this meat to buy meat in iran

the persian VMAT tribe, the shepherd, magdalena, and hades underworld

tablet photo, raw. two minutes ago. the grave of cyrus the great is a tradition, a culture. the intrigue against him too

anti iranians, anti cyrus the great iranians

anti iranians, dual citizens, go back and live in iran, you don't want to live a second in iran because you are not connected to persian soil.
neither should i, with your hate campaign, so i don't see what you ruined with austrians in iran

Donnerstag, 15. April 2021

UNO city neofascists, and iranian neonazi and alien networks, VMAT genocide iran

Most of the alien genocides and racial murderers come from the lower class of society, stalin, or like övp and spö politicians, there is a reason: mind control, the workers and the middle class say: they are from us

Austro faschismus, ayatullah terrorismus: 800.000 nasser farahani, 150.000 mansour farahani, 300.000 mahmoud farahani, 80.000 ghassem farahani, 70.000 familie karimi. für terrormord und faschismus gegen Mutter sohn tochter.

یَا أَیُّهَا النَّاسُ إِنَّا خَلَقْنَاکُم مِّن ذَکَرٍ وَأُنثَى وَ جَعَلْنَاکُمْ شُعُوبًا وَ قَبَائِلَ لِتَعَارَفُوا إِنَّ أَکْرَمَکُمْ عِندَ اللَّهِ أَتْقَاکُمْ»

unsere stämme sind höher und weiser als arabische und türkische stämme, beweise liegen unter wiener erde

انجمن ‏فرهنگی ‏وین، ‏

rahim amiri is sumka, national socialism fascism in iran, set up by romanians ، and gypsies with justification arian race

Michel häupl SPÖ, wolfgang schüssel ÖVP haben 3000 iranische zigeuner in wien mobilisiert, für rassenmorde tehran, beluchistan, ahwaz, kurdistan. DNA hunter

if you are not fucked in the ass as a child, then there is a Michael Häupl, 3 secret services and a red dragon formation for psychological rape

children fuck austria high SPÖ/ÖVP statistic, UNO soldier high statistics

a vmat child is visited after the birth, there are vestiges of old science in judaism, you cannot leave the child alone from the age of 3, the child needs a sense of security in spiritual struggle.
Pedophelia and child abuse is an ahrimanic data storage in order to take away the feeling of security, for loss of trust and security and the belief in humanity, so the child becomes a lost in all spiritual dimensions and levels.

6 millionen foltermord wegen ein scheißdreck story, 6 millionen und SPÖ huankinder jagen und töten immer noch, 6 millionen plus stasi system gegen meine familie

my sperm and future vision austria, austrians are old

the UN elite people in vienna are like the kefalonia murderers and hunters, because the SPÖ and ÖvP had shown a lot from underground, they should see what my race is and what the aryan race is, the aryan race cannot use any of the artefacts and the system.
Because they have no hands, feet and brains DNA and genes from ancient civilization.
they just stole my sperm for the future

underground tunnels, vienna tehran, shahre rey, cheshmeh ali

in vienna there are underground caves, some of which have been destroyed over the centuries or sealed 15 meters with concrete. With beautiful wall painting, art, technology, medicine, medicine plants seeds, water and other things, 3 of them are 4000 kilometers to Tehran