Samstag, 17. April 2021

6.6.6. editing from the photo below. 1998-2016. i should die 2016 at 41, liver and kidney disease and cancer

du huankind psychopath anti VMAT2 nazi, ich bin mehr psychopath gegen nazis und ahrimans bastarde

ich arbeite jedentag, 200 fotos am tag, 200 blackjacks, was wollt ihr stehlen bimbos?

azadeh du bist eine hindi faschistin, ein hindi hure, eine hindi killerin. mit arasch, maziar, nayereh, ali, hussein, malieh, shams familie amiris und tausende drecksau huanweiber nazis wien. diebe und scharlarane, das sind meine arbeiten, potenzial und entdeckungen

Austrian landscape, rocks next to river, tablet editing, 2020, the original 2006, my discovery and work

the photos and edits are saved on my tablet and google photo memory, from february 2019 i only worked with a tablet, as an explorer. from 2005 to 2010 is the earlier work. not with tablet

can an international public prosecutor and judge afford apartments between 800,000 and 1.5 million euros? the aryan race has great potential and should be of high standard through pillage and theft

the tradition and culture of animal breed and scum breed austria

between 1932 and 1938m jewish shops were ruined and looted, the jews were driven to poverty, then in gethos,
until the last piece of human dignity, then their work was exploited, here in vienna and mauthausen.
vienna police have been using the same system with me and my family for 20 years. an international stasi and terror victim with 800 euro salary will be killed by the police, the tradition and culture of animal breed and scum breed austria

fucking austrians and KZ psychopathy 2021

Austria is a bigger scum than the black Iranian government and Wehrmacht Jews:
secret cameras is the death sentence for VMAT2:
we take the respect away, normality, all chamcem in life, normal life path, job, family life, sex life, intimacy, friendship, social contacts and everything else:
we show a social personality worldwide for total international ruin and melancholy.
at the same time the austrian thinks that he is not a: concentration camp nazi

tablet photo today, raw. two different worlds, two different philosophies of life

cheschmeh ali race, god genes race

isaac and goat conflict, god genes/VMAT2 conflict till today. tablet photo, raw. 2 minutes ago

du scheißdreck wiener du abschaum

ich stehe im konflikt mit ayatullah, und scheißdreck österreicher springt mit schaufel und besen auf die tribüne: heas oida heas oida heas oida verdien ma göld mit juden, heas oida a jud hama a jud wieder verdien ma a göld, der jud bringt vü göld. du huankind hundesohn bastard, du schande du abschaum

fuck CIA and NSA fuck bastard nazis

i have been out of the apartment in the 2nd district for 4 years, no israeli jew austrian, iranian or other reacted, no human rights organization, because no act means in europe and america: money from iran and mojtba khamenei

UNO city is a CIA NSA MOSSAD company.......Bastard Nazi race EU, America and UN and international authorities: for 35 years reform politics has been a hindi game, hindi game, like hindi ali and hindi rahim stasi game for looting, theft and exploitation. fucking bastard austria and EU.

Regime change means: no billion exploitation, and looting For Fucking Austria and EU

Uno City says with Amnesty Vienna:
That was not terror, 18 years of political discusion and regime change parole, and armed fight is not a policy, we only accept reform discustions as politics and politicians.
Regime change means: no billion exploitation. For Fucking EU


آقا ۱۵ سال ما هی تو پالتالک خواندیم: الجزء الجزء وهده الجزء الجزء وهده، جنگ ما جنگ ما جنگ ما یک عهده. دیدم کسی نیست، کوسکش ها همه رو بردن جنگ کشتن، اسمش هم گذاشتن کربلا

jazz man in paltalk, diana krall music room, politics in the dark

hey mister DJ, 67 editings. tablet photo and editing

the photos on this tablet are owned by rana farahani, and legally protected, it was bought and paid for by rana farahani in 2019 and is located in her apartment

Austria has been saying for 20 years: you are VmAT2 and worthless, we have no money for courts, judges and lawyers it costs and a lot of money, the family should stay in vienna and die. all of austria agrees

hades and the fish

when horus comes in the night, the forest is dark, a duck sits by the pond in the night,
a fish springs from pond of the time, the water from the pond, the water is ripe for
the time. he comes he comes the fish has to get out, the fish provides clarity because of the time. the time is ripe, the time is ripe,
for hades cave, all are ripe in this time

bone and jaw crystal, organic technology lips. austrian soldier in iran. photo: barbad farahani, 2007

austrian bastard, government judge, police, public prosecutor, secret services and all parties imitate the islamic republic of iran, we are allowed, he is a foreigner and against us, and he has been an enemy of the state for 20 years. secret camera means death sentence, the courage to deprive all civil rights, burning human rights is with this statement:
before he finds out, the doctors and policemen will kill him.
Austria stands next to the ayatullahs because of a truth:
we are not fascism, but shi'ite iran, with tens of thousands of supporters

darkforce vienna

hide evidence and kill VMAT2. murder with UNO city and amnesty international

I only say Austrian constitution, everything else is shit nazi austrians against race and political activism, against VMAT2

the photos on this tablet are owned by rana farahani, and legally protected, it was bought and paid for by rana farahani in 2019 and is located in her apartment. 

آقا شیعه یعنی شعوبیه، شیعه ایرانی یعنی اسماعیلی، این شیعه صفوی هندی اروپایی هستش، گاییدن مارو، ده آخه خارکوسده ولد زنا مادر جنده به کوس اول تا آخرتون با انگلیس و اتریش در این ۶۰۰ سال گذشته، مادر کوسده شیعه شما یعنی غارت، دزدی، فلاکت، قتل و ویرانی و دروغ

romani antisemitismus, austro faschismus, 1449-2021

For 500 years, austrofascism has been using romani anti-Semitism to turn native persian objects into objects of hatred, for exploitation, this structure and tradition can be seen today in vienna:
Iranian gypsies are allowed to terrorism, we also! this is not fascism but exploitation of dirty Iranians

islam and anomaly

from 1996 to 2008 i had a lot to do with gypsies, i never had any problems the people were all correct,
But when they went from serjan and goran to ali and hussein and became muslim, apparently a cultural anomaly is responsible for these people becoming enemies:
we are persians, you are not, you are jews

Freitag, 16. April 2021

Austro fascism, viennese judges, police, secret service: native iranian are jews, was ghassemloo jews too? or old race with 500.000 years history in europe and vienna!?

what the viennese judges have been doing with my person for decades with police officers is more serious than ghassemloo, exploiting all of his resources then secretly killing him

Looting, nazi plunder, austria EU, gypsy regime iran

the photos on this tablet are owned by rana farahani, and legally protected, it was bought and paid for by rana farahani in 2019 and is located in her apartment. the theft of photos and the distribution in europe, america and iranian networks is cyber piracy charlatanism and fascism, state fascism and ayatullah terrorism, american anti god gene semitism

actually people wanted to see haschuga maschuga and illusions. the elamish luric african dna has the eye, these people are offended because of the eye: why do you know that my mom fucked the butcher 3 times a week. you asshole barbad we have secret cameras for your mom today, we can see too

mother fucker, CIA and NSA, i was just an antique and rug dealer, what the fuck is wrong with you? european bad gene bastards

SPÖ / police fascism and dictatorship. CIA agents in Iran. god gene mass murder negotiations, the whore and the bastard austro fascism. ahrimanic fatwa global. after 6 million burned god genes

du huankind michael häupl mit die spital huren und gott gene massenmord plan mit CIA

i have been a political activist since 2001, a victim of austrofascism, ayatullah government and non-stop state secret cameras.
my ethnic origin and DNA, VMAT2 was the bigger problem for austria. today police austro fascism, SPÖ, green party, anti-Semitism, ÖVP racial mania says: there is no evidence or authorities that work, we are like dictatorship Iran against race


ahrimanic fatwa is a tradition against the old race, against elam, luristan beluchistan and kurdistan azerbaijan, the high-tech race,