Dienstag, 20. April 2021

because of our great history in vienna, 40 years genocide iran

Thousands of Nazi doctors, academics, researchers and animals, child murderers, women murderers, families murderers became party members of the SPÖ, family murder proves this party today in Vienna, with hostility to my family, and 40 years in Iran, friendship with Ali Khamenei

Michael häupl ist ein stasi nazi faschist und mörder. ali gharib ist bis heute mit michael häupl, mit heinrich gross SPÖ, SPÖ secret service in mord versuch gegen VMAT2 rana farahani, im internet international in europa und amerika mit hass kampagne und fake material

alev ist zigeuner jash und koskesh, zigeuner hizbullah jash, alev korun ist jash, hure für hiznullah, alev jash, jash ist zigeuner kurde, verräter


ein cent in euer tasche ist faschismus, du huankind grüne partei, linke, kommunisten und bastarde, ein cent ist fashismus, UNO und amnesty international, ein cent ist stasi faschismus

i have had since 2005; 35,000 euros owed! because of the stasi secret cameras, no business and career possible until today. a gypsy family the amiris have 5 million euros plus because of the cameras, the state hiding from me and my family all the evidence for eternal stasi business with the un, america, ayatullahs

Tablet photo raw, 3 minutes ago, stone system tribe 9.

hizbullah toudeh aksariat, iranian terror, police, parties, secret service fascism, looting and murderplan

i suffer from schizophrenia, that's what austrians and iranians say.
I hear the voices now:
1. This apartment cannot be entered, once a mother is at home, once a son.
2. Hit his head with a wooden stick and steal.
3. It's not worth it in your hand.
4. We already get it.
5. We cannot transport all of them, the people are watching.
6. kill both.
7. the father or azadeh shall complain that these are his or azadeh's stones.
8. The police and the secret service are supposed to steal by force, judges will not prove anything.

israeli jews, leftists and greens Dr. lenz fascism: we have the rights to earn money with VMAT2 in a democracy and rule of law

the money that leftists vienna and green party have in their pockets is from the lives of me and rana. earned with hiznullah and ayatullahs and fascism.give everything out and arrest criminals

no leftist and green want to live with 800 to 3500 euros, but with 300,000 euros each.I'm only worth 800, useless bastard beer drinker is worth more

the evidence of the light of persian kings, magicians and prophets is inside in crystals and stones

Because of my family and person, Austria wants to introduce austrofascism with the help of ayatullahs and hiznullah, against political activism and VMAT2

In 1969 my mother started to work, every day until 2002, until austrian bastard said: gypsies from ghazvin village and babol province and dezfull village have more rights, these are aryan and are allowed to sell native iranians

Nasser farahani hat ein noch größere psychopathie weil meine mutter 35 arbeitsjahre hat und er nur 6. er nutzt austrofaschismus aus für rache gegen zari

SPÖ, ÖVP und FPÖ, fucking UNO wollen beweisen: rassenkampf, "mein kampf" forever, gegen rasse mit wehrmachtsjuden, wir haben austrofaschismus gegen perser und elamis, luris, kurden, beluchtschen

Politicians say: 3 people should die sooner, we don't go to jail for a second for the lower race, inferior race. the money and 20 years of life are ours. iranian gypsies are also the master race

michael du huankind psychopath mit SPÖ, was haben mutter mit tochter verbrochen das sie international zu hass objekte wurden

SPÖ, ÖVP, FPö police secret services and UNO develop systems and intrigues for two innocent women, for torture, exploitation and murder, you monkey you son of the bitch why do you need technology? for psychpathetic innocent murder?

The technology should never come into the hands of monkeys, Wehrmachtsjude said: not in your hands, but we give it in ape hands for war, hunger, first world war and second world war. the box of pandora. for pollution and ahrimanic system. the result is: secret cameras for psychopath michael häupl, police and secret services for destruction of life. valuable lives without police and criminal files

ancient political Myrrh, natural formation

europe rome and the tribes have narrowed iran in such a way that persians wanted to free themselves again and again with alliances and talks, austria europe never left iran alone because of remnants of technology in europe

ایران ‏آریایی ‏و ‏ساواکی ‏امروزی ‏و ‏پرچم ‏هندی ‏شیر ‏‏خورشید. ‏ملی ‏گرایی ‏و ‏ایرانی ‏فروشی ‏ساواک ‏و ‏حزب ‏لله

بینم اون ‏کونده خ‏واهر مادر ها، ‏علی و حسین ‏غریب ‏نبودن؟ ‏رحیم و زنش بودن؟ شمس، کیهان راد؟ ممد نادری و آزیتا؟ مادر ‏جنده ه‏ا، چپاول و غارت از زندگی شخصی، و رایج کردن رسم نژاد کشی؟ آقا ما با حزب کون الله، همون اهریمن پول در آوردیم دو تا زن بیگناه رو بکشید

نوشته‌های مورخین در مورد تاثیرات مثبت یا منفی حمله اعراب آمیخته با ارزیابی‌های خوب و بد بوده‌است. زرینکوب رفتار اعراب با ایرانیان را «مضحک، شگفت‌انگیز، و ظالمانه» خوانده و اعراب را مردمانی «خشن و ساده دل» می‌داند[۱۶] و می‌نویسد که به‌جز کسانی که به‌شدت تحت تأثیر تعالیم اسلامی قرار گرفته بودند، بقیه نسبت به اعراب احساس کینه و نفرت داشتند.[۲۳] از طرف دیگر حقیقت را نویسندگان شکل دیگری می‌بینند. کلود کائن می‌نویسد که تحت تأثیر جنبش‌های ملی گرایانه دوران مدرن، تمایل به سمت نمایش ایرانیان و اعراب به عنوان دو گروه متخاصم رفته‌است، درحالی‌که این دیدگاه با حقایق تاریخی سازگار نیست.[۱۲] چیز رابینسون نیز خشونت‌های نظام مند دوران فتوحات علیه غیرمسلمانان تا پیش از مروانیان را مطالب تحریف شده می‌داند.[۲۴]

sasanid artifact, austria esterhazys and ghadesie. iran and austria today. emam ali would be a monafeghin today with a death sentence

the child of political relationship maria theresia and wiener whores collective with russia queen and whores collective is ali khamenei and his clan, cyrus murderer since 1449

tablet photo, raw, 2 minutes ago

quartz or diamond? ritual state stasi kidnapping with jezebel.
cyrus dynasty line europe with 8 kings, 89 photos

150.000.000 euro black money and secret cameras vienna.

you can systematically earn more money with the children of viennese politicians, elite, and secret services, hizbullah and ayatullahs, with financial plans and videos. especially with son michael häupl, or the child of hc and fascist children. up to 20 million euros per child. the black money was earned through my family

Dienstag, 20. April 2021

state stasi kidnapping with contracts and help from human rights organizations and journalism because of genes and DNA is dirtier than ISIS and al qaida and mafia kidnapping

Montag, 19. April 2021

VMAT2, stasi, terror opfer. 2001-2016 anti regime activism paltalk. fuck CIA and NSA

police terror state terror society psychological game is Hezbollah and Ayatullah coalition, million euro project with iranian dual nationals. my paltalk discussions were hot

austrians are poison killers against VMAT2, after looting of god genes and finanz projects

From 1932 to 1945 Austria poisoned millions of VMAT2 intellectuals and made experiments, many experiments were made for 100 diseases, for global food programs and drugs against god genes.
if one of us gets sick then it's unnatural, austrians are poison killers against VMAT2

austrian passport and VMAT2

Austrian passport means:
We have sworn to observe all laws of this country, we have no police or criminal files since 1986 until today.
the leftists, green party, social democracy and vienna says:
we have sworn not to regard VMAT2 as a person or a citizen, because of austrian culture and tradition

the vienna police are at home with their pistols and rifles, for one reason:The houses were funded with fake material, lie campaign and hate campaign international. attempted murder of 3 people, mother daughter son without crime and police files

tablet editing 2019, Rouffignac cave, VMAT2, and materialism

no matter what I write, the bastard state and bastard race says: It doesn't matter you are a citizen, but you are not humane, UN confirms that. we couldn't kill or eat you, but we can do one thing, we don't work and give you no citizenship rights

Do you understand? fascism xenophobia, racism and colonialism are illegal in this world, artificially created

anti human race

this breed was bred in Rouffignac, the chemistry and magnetic field, tear bags and biology of this breed is seduction, antipathy and mass murder. cannibalism is a secret passion

fascism immigrated illegally to austria, immigrated to kill the native people, even then, VMAT2. this bastard breed is still a hunter, VMAT2 hunter

austria is my history and jesus history, emam ali and muhammed, moses history, kurz is illegal, police and the state is illegal

du huansohn scheißdreck michi mit kiwaras und geheimdienstler. du drecksau du scheißdreck einwanderer, du jesus killer und christen killer. i kenn di sho, du jesus killer du anti christ, illegal eingewandert wegen rassenmord, illegal eingewandert nicht wahr? mit die römer nach jesus mord, und christen verfolgung

Good Night

I have to go to sleep, but first I will explain to you what Austrian citizenship is and how you get it: an old Turk goes to the exam for Aus...