Mittwoch, 21. April 2021

آقا نانجیب باید استخاره کنه، هیز باید استخاره کنه، نامحرم باید استخاره کنه، حلال زاده احتیاج نداره، حکم الهی داره، تو مستراح هم از این کارا میکنه، بعد طرف از اونور میگه آی دمت گرم، آی دمت گرم، ما ۲۰۰.۰۰۰ ساله یبوست داریم، عجب ریدنی

ali khamenei SPÖ/ÖVP/UNO, money laundering with ayatullahs and hizbullah, israel/vienna

ali khamenei ordered fischer, franz, Kurz, schüssel, vranitzky and wiener secret services and the UN elite: kill him, because of the financial project and money laundering, and because of his current work, we are killing this race in all of iran too

österreich sagt nach 80 jahren nationalsozialismus und massenmord: wir plündern leben und sind mörder und killer, wir geben nichts zurück. diese drei geiseln sind unsere eigentum, die juden sind einverstanden und mit uns

old game

the hatred campaign is an old pattern in vienna, the old black makes djinn and anunnaki king and queen and the monkey becomes an obedient soldier. it only works with wehrmacht jews and zionists


One day in 2003 a man came to me, nemat, he was angry and said: you owe me 2500 euros, you paid 1500, I need the rest.
I said:
The whole world economy is based on debt, what do you not understand that you are so upset?
he said you have money, you lie, i said lift the kazak, he said why? I said pick it up, I took pictures and said take it away and go, this is my money. When he left I called out again on the street: where are you going with my carpet? He looked annoyed again, I said this is a shop, why do you take the carpet if you want banknotes? that's how you make enemies

fick dich austria ich habe 12+7

SPÖ häupl and bagher my grandfather from elam

democracy made in austria:
among a million of this strain there are 8000 resilience and special DNA genes and VMaT2 combinations. in europe one in a hundred thousand, allow us to destroy this one and we will take care of your prosperity.

UN zionist, black sun and mafia, fair trade is forbidden but illegal human trafficking, rights and civil rights trade allowed !?

kazak 7000 euro. 7000 euro antique kazak, hayahey hayahey hayakhim shalakhim he sells kazak, kazak, kazak, hayakhim hayakhim

1934 brecht

VMAT2, occult stasi stalking, genocide global

you understand, mass murder and stasi torture with the UN and Amnesty International is worse than nazi germany. nobody sees the corpses

money money money, money money shalaaaaaaakhim, haaaaaaalaa shaballlaaaa halakhim

complaint about israel, subject for processing, photographed today, with tablet, raw


as long as I misspell and make grammatical errors, human rights watch says: he doesn't deserve any human rights, for nationalistic reasons we refuse all services, english is the most important thing. we are patriots

2003, my shop and property and fucking police

anti kasak carpet, early 20th century end of 19th century, perfect condition, not restored, full wool. 7000 euros
they wanted to put my cock in their mouths

Azim amiri, kim rosa amiri, the charlatan and thief. UNO city kim rosa amiri, my keys? azadeh?

if my father had worked for me in 2003 he would own 5 houses instead of living with veronika weiss. i wanted to have someone in the shop and get into the real estate business.
he went and worked as a salesman in other stores, like asim amiri the charlatan and thief

verstehen sie, massenmord und stasifolter mit UNO und amnesty international ist schlimmer als nazi deutschland. niemand sieht die leichen

E, elam calls gabriel, emam zaman, because of E mass crime and VMAT2 genocide

In UNO city there is no human, but an american great alien fascist. a bastard and beast. filthiest beings in the name of human rights

das ist eine azadeh amiri internationale allianz, E

bastard race police, bastard breed, police file 1986-2021?

for me is fascist and nazi, killer race the bastard race scum race. bitch mom scum bastard father police.
You whore and bastard, where is a police file between 1986 and 2021, a single crime of 3 people?

Dienstag, 20. April 2021

scheißdreck kiwarai wien: die terror opfer sind jüdisch, täter sind indoarisch, wir verhaften die opfer und töten die juden wie in ghassemloo fall. die opfer sind elami und luri jüdisch, wir haben labor tests, österreich ist mit uns einig: tod der juden

Veronika douda farahani weiss ist eine huren, huansau nazi, abschaum und drecksau und killerin, veronika douda hure weiss hat es auf meine unschuldige familie abgesehen, diese hure ist eine killerin mit internationale netzwerke, du nazi hure du abschaum du frauen killer du mutter und tochter killer du adolf's hure,

American aliens and DNA bastards and "greatness"!!!! fuck off stasi sadists with iranian gypsies

mutual respect is human, american alien existence is different:
i'm not the ayatullahs and austrians, i'm american and i'm great, this size enables freedom in this world for us, we are allowed to kill and torture.
the american alien says to me from afar, why are you scolding me, i'm great, i am american. I say your scum feeling greatness allows ayatullah terror and EU fascism to humiliate and subjugate my family. therefore your greatness for me is a wide open old shoe for my piss and shit needs. when i see you i piss on your face i shit in your mouth and say:
I shit on an America where you the invader
are the elite

bastard race neonazi terrorist alien jezebel sebastian kurz and ayatullahs

the paranormality of ayatullahs is the dirtiest and cheapest way, unproductive existence with high psychology and miserable murder demands, even in vienna against innocent mother and daughter, supported by bastard race austria

brain damage, dirty aliens UNO and viennese woman and children

Heinrich Gross killed 800 children, Austria tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands secretly, the speculations are:
national socialism was bad, anti-semitism a problem until today. LOL
none says:
That is the bastard breed with brain damage to this day, what the SPÖ police and secret services are proving today. brain damage and alien control. it is not human normal or human behavior to kill children en masse. It is not normal for the UN to support the persecution of minorities and ethnic groups in Vienna today. these are black alien scum and figures

occult stalking, stasi hostage taking and fucking austrian "aryan race" and indo gypsy aryan race. viennese scum calls themself aryan. scum. austria

Austria does not want to answer why this society turns 3 people and citizens into international hatred objects and targets, I say it:
this is an occult stasi hostage of aryan alien race. a murderer and torturer race against ancient civilization, a race that also works in buildings for human rights organizations

the drawing is from a relief in elam, the ę symbol is the frequency and melodies for mind control, jezebel mind control, command central chief squadier annunaki darkforce

adolf psychopathy and michael's SPÖ kurz ÖVP, police and secret service psychopathy

the austrian woman works for the police public prosecutor, is a judge and politician and says: we are natural born killers with persuasive powers. veronika douda weiss even fucks a father for murder. But the UN, Amnesty International women and men are worse than Viennese and Austrians: we don't kill people, there are no people as victims,

fuck american bastards fascists and CIA and NSA. VMAT2 genocide iran

the new iranians, the middle class gypsies and the established middle class in exile will receive millions of euros in projects if they can and politically establish genocide and VMAT2 murder in and outside of iran. In 2007 an American 70 million packs, and the Dutch parliament 10 million euros, France 14 million euros. I've heard these rumors, are they rumors? million projects with my family?

آقا این زن جواد شمس دایی آزاده میگه: جواد باسواد تر و فعال تر از این هم هست ما اینرو بکشیم کسی حرفی نداره، جنده تو دهن تو نشاشم تو دهن دختر جنده و پسرت میشاشم، وایسا حالا جنده کولی بافت قاتل

fick dich huankind österreich, du rassenkiller du arschloch drecksau bastard ayatullah freund und perser killer

the ali is 60, this man has never bothered to open a book in the last 45 years, not a single one, his ex-wife not his children and neither does the amiri family. I am open to a discussion azadeh, 5 minutes me, 30 minutes you and your 40 people academic family