Donnerstag, 22. April 2021

800 hours of secret camera action ayatollahs and austria means 1938: we have jews, we market their private lives, we have no citizens

anti human rights UNO and amnesty international, god genes genocide iran and global intrique.

SPÖ, ÖVP, FPÖ say: we have the indo-aryan government in iran, the lions, we do good business, there is freedom in iran, many live well, but you are superfluous, everyone else is satisfied, the jews

ali gharib and azadeh and rahim and viennese sects are gypsies darkforce, i screamed: freedom for iran! ali gharib: dictatorship in austria, azadeh rahim and the sects: freedom for genocide and torture in EU

hey du schwarze, lila und rote affe, bomben sind sinnlos, nur beweise hole ich euch, du affe ich tarzan 2.000.000 jahre geschichte, du bastardrasse, killferaffe, huankind ich ahura mazda, du affe, hey du michi, ich tarzan mit beweise du affe mit beweise

die SPÖ bitch mamas und geheimgesellschaft töteten franz fuchs mit ein okkulte darfkforce ritual und männer und frauen anti christen runde: du hast keine hände, aber alle glauben uns, das ist selbstmord, du bist kein mensch

michael häupl's wien ist oberwart, dieses mal mit iranische roma und zigeuner: findet opfer, polizei fahndet nicht, die opfer sind keine opfer, sondern die opfer sind zu verhaften, wegen selbsterniedrigung

there were black money campaigns in vienna for 20 years, the shams amiri family and of course gharibs, austrian women have been using the KGB stasi system for 20 years, with iranian and austrian secret services, with the aim of:no system and income can be proven except with bombs terror and hostages, these people have no friends

VMAT2 set system, 12 jahre gesucht und gesammelt. rassenmord politik/intrige und tradition wien. ( Brecht, 233)

die anfrage grüne partei 2001 war: heas oida SPÖler sads deppert oder wos, heas oida michi gibt uns a a göld, wir brauch'dn a marie net oills allain fressen, wir san a wer mit 7 prozent

heas michi ist a killer, ein bastard nazi und faschist. dreckige bastardrasse michael häupl. VMAT2 jäger, stasi huankind drecksau politiker und bürgermeister mit hizbullah und ayatullahs. iran experimente und massenmorde mit wiener SPÖ/ÖVP

shame on heinrich gross SPÖ and mengerle ÖVP, UNO city kurt waldheim fascism

from 2001 the police brought lawlessness because of my political activism, from 1998 because of VMAt2, my sister left school in 2001 because of the bullying of a teacher and director

the reason why i scold is: racism and xenophobia says: We have a race duty, we have to keep our bloodline, but what we don't have, the others are not allowed to have either. the cheekiness is: europe calls itself christian occident. christianity is VMAt2, flesh and blood jesus christ.

2.000.000 years VMAT2 history

پسر خوشگله، قیمت داره، دیپلم نداره، دانشگاه نرفته ولی خیلی قیمت داره، خطری نیست سواد نداره. خارکوسده مگر ما زمان کاوه آهنگر مدرک دانشگاه و دبیرستان داشتیم که شما امروز ملاک سواد میدانی؟ زمان امام علی قانون مدرک داشتیم، چون هندی زیاد شد ایران،گفتیم زر نزن قربتی مدرک نشون بده

بازار ‏دراویش ‏ایران

آقا این یارو اینجا وای میسه شنبه بازار هی داد میزنه: شورت بچه ۱ یرو، لنگه کفش ۲ یورو، بیل ۵ یورو، دیلدو آکبند ۱۰ یورو. حالا خوارکوسده رفته ایران جور دیگه کاسب شده: هالیود بچه میخواد ۱۰۰ تومن، هالیوود واسه دختر میده ۵۰۰ تومن، هالیوود پسر خوشگل میخواد یه تومن. کیرم تو کت شلوار بابا همتون

i'm just wondering how an indian and iranian gypsy fucks a hollywood star in the brain, asghar and angelina, black magic mafia and deep psychopathy

austrofascism hisbollah and ayatollahs, UNO, EU psychopathy: we have focused the world psychopathy on your sister, we do not kill the other murders for us, but we hide evidence

old persian ritual, the birth of falcon baby, my child. spiritual sex, james brown is god genes, oh my god he is sex machine

red dragon vienna and wehrmachtsjews against great persia

austria you bastard scum and race killer, you bastard scum austria you killer of native iranian because of our history in vienna, you mother fucker dirty jesus killer, you mother fucker new ROM. you mother fucker dirty scum and DNA hunter. austria kills native iranian for 40 years in iran with hindi ayatullahs

ÖVP/SPÖ/UNO city black magic mafia CiA, NsA, mossad says: For the first time we have to manipulate the international database because of a financial project with ahmadinejad and the iranian government

i have all my hard drives and political internet activities with ip, screenshots and data since 2001 until today. the original

stasi hostage of the Iranian and Austrian government, fucking bastard race viennese jesus line killer, mother fucker viennese police and secret service, fucking austrian scum and anti persians, fucking european dirty bastards and killer, fucking european scum

anunnaki colony earth, 2,000,000 B.B.C. In the stasi hostage of the Iranian and Austrian government, the bastard child, bastard police child says: his tablet and photos are ours. this is not my tablet, but the property of rana farahani

oh alex, oh alex, oh alex joooooon oh alex joooonnn my ass is ready for your....

even that was a mistake: hindi is not an original native persian and showbie, hindi always has to be on the third wheel and class in politics, hindi is europe-friendly. daraios fought, but some parts of his army wiggled ass like ali gharib, oh alex oh alex oh alex fuck me alex, alexander friendly

the bird's suffering is khosro, kaveh, ardeshir and keyvan, barbad. the suffering is: inner happiness and have, i don't

persian power, cyrus power and asghar hindi, rahim romani, azade gypsy, fake academics

i slept for a few hours, i got up and it was raining, i was thinking about indian treaties with europe since the 17th century, gypsies, roma sinti tribes, and today assimilated Georgian, Romanian and Albanian treaties. the proof is the vienna cation. all exist in politics, and have priority in parties in exile, especially in left-wing parties, nationalism is hindi, patriotism is european, the patriot says:
80% of science is imported from europe, we are aryan and europe.
only asghar farhadi, as a national hero, are exported

Mittwoch, 21. April 2021

juden und österreicher sind heute in wien bedrohlich: wenn wir wegen antisemitismus und rassenverkauf und finanz projekt angezeigt werden töten wir mit ayatullahs und hiznullah zari und rana

viennese wehrmachtsjude and sooshiant. ayatullahs, hizbullah viennese wehrmachtsjuden, romani iranian and old native iranian race

In the 21st century, an Iranian romani gypsy, an accountant with 1,800 euros, became a millionaire and owner of 5 houses. next to him a kebab seller iranian roma tribe gypsy. the state of austria and the judge collective says: we are in agreement with the UN and amnesty international, the armed forces Jew is right, it has priority and an existence right on this earth, and vmat2 does not have it

tablet photo, raw, 2 minuten ago. kultureller Materialismus, metaphysik, ethischer materialismus. ya mazdak, ya ali, ya ahura mazda, ya isa massih

1449, VMAT2 hunt europe in asia, africa, america, international prosecutor iran/austria terror and stasi hostage crime

the sick scum international prosecutor is reading my site and is looking at the photos, he says:
money is no longer important, the most important thing is that we start with this family, some people have to be tortured, humiliated and killed like in iran. I say:
but actually in 1449 europe began to seek, enslave and kill some. what you see today is not colonialism or fascism, but worse: blind sideline perpetrators,
silent spectators. torture money is important, not life

viennese judges and hizbullah ayatullahs vienna, against VMAT2 and political activism

kambyses ll also saw what i see, sick psychopathic judges, sick scum and dirt, judge! filthiest figures in vienna, sick judges and scum in the rule of law and democracy. Insane sadists, racists, fascists. hate man, paranormal insane scum and shame