Freitag, 23. April 2021

wiener linke sind mörder, rassenmörder, wiener linke töten für SPÖ faschismus und hizbullah, linke drecksau arschlöcher wien sind mörder, die grünen sind mörder, mörder alev korun ist ein killerin. VMAT2 mörder für geld

huankind kiwara du huansau du scheißdreck bastardrasse, die polizei akten von uns sin seit 1986 bis 2021 heute leer. du recksau rassen und VMAT2 mörder mit michi, du scheißdreck du du huankind, drecksau faschist, du drecksau kiwaram unsere akten sind weiße akten

Iranian prisons are full of god genes criminals. god gene is humanity and a crime. Austria UNO, amnesty international says: we still have a family here, they are not dead yet. Ayatullahs have the right too

tablet photos, raw. 10 minutes ago, for editing

diese internationale aktion ist: iranische botschaft, hussein und ali gharib, rahim/azadeh/arsch/maziar amiri, wiener polizei, geheimdienste und politiker

Denial of service by the Austrian authorities, judges, public prosecutor, police, security police, secret services and constitution protection agents means:
1938 model VMAT2 genocide plan, international conscientious objection international: racial cleansing global

fucking black magic mafia erdogan. fucking turk satanists

Denial of service by the Austrian authorities, judges, public prosecutor, police, security police, secret services and constitution protection agents means:
1938 model VMAT2 genocide plan, international conscientious objection international: racial cleansing global

فتنه ‏۴۰ ‏ساله ‏و ‏مسجد ‏امام ‏علی ‏وین

مادر قحبه ها هرروز مینویسند: دکل نفتی گم شد، اختلاص شد، مال خورده شد، حقوق نداده شد، گلابی گران شد، پسته حرام شد. خوب کونی، فتنه بنده نافش به در کونه اسراییل ، اتریش و اروپا ، امریکا نسب شده ۴۰ سال، وایسادی ببینی گوجه فرنگی چرا کیلو ۶۰ شد؟ رفتار اتریش همینه دیگه، به ما میخندن به شما هم میخندن

in wien ist kein emam ali zentrum sondern: hindi zigeuner anti emam ali rasse VMAT2 rasse zentrum, nazi hindi zentrum mit iranische rumänen und zigeuner stämme. michael häupl und franz vranitzky rasse

die rassenlehre himmler und Lenz macht roma und rumänen, zigeuner zu herrenrasse in wien und uns zu juden

UNO AND ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN VMAT2 GENOCIDE. The fourth Reich against oriental VMAT2, against suhrawardi and light over the light

nobody understands. the fourth Reich europe america is not anti race but anti god genes. we have EU, america anti god genes fascism. international judges europe america and prosecutors, UNO, amnesty international use 3rd Reich system against god genes in 21st century

wiener huankinder linke, bastardrasse, rote affen drecksau bitch mamas und huanväter bastardkinder linke abschaum in wien: eigentlich hatte stalin recht, der michi auch, die welt braucht ka gott gene

leftists schweine eure kinder haben keine existenzrecht, rote wiener faschsiten, eure kinder zuerst

stasi money, bombs, chemical attacks and street fight

Social democracy has always had one meaning, namely: no to fascism
international with CIA / America and EU call for:
stasi torture and murder plan against VMAT2 is fascism,
It is a right to fight with bombs and weapons for a right to exist

viennese red dragon stasi fascism, red heinrich gross fuck against VMAT2

the antichrist, photo, raw, 20 minutes ago, fake prophet, aliens and fake angels.

ahrimanic capital vienna/tehran black magic stasi game

saudi arabia ayatullah's vatican jersusalem fuck you, fuck you, fuck you ahrimanic church, two satanic states, un europe and america forcibly take us hostage for stasi torture, and erase all civil rights so that you can say:
these are not humans, they have no rights, no organization reports anything

mecca and sadighe, bagher's wife

my grandmother talked about mecca for 30 years, about the beauty of god's house. she never understood it, beauty was physics, mathematics and science, the physical structure and order is the gateway to peace, to god's kingdom

you bitch mama you mother fucker CIA, austria, europe, america, UNO, suhrawardi wrote about persian light over the light, light over VMAT2

hansen fablehaft and his cock

the problem in this world: a bird has its nest in a monkey's head, and every now and then does ququ ququ, ququ. when it sleeps then the monkey is stupid, when it is awake it says:
i am an absolute right, i am the law of the universe, i am the ultimate existence, i the bird today has a cock, i am the master breed. ariel says bravo

suhrawardi keeps reminding us that we had kings of light, light bearers, so VMAT2 was meant. showbie is justified

یَا أَیُّهَا النَّاسُ إِنَّا خَلَقْنَاکُم مِّن ذَکَرٍ وَأُنثَیٰ وَجَعَلْنَاکُمْ شُعُوبًا وَقَبَائِلَ لِتَعَارَفُوا ۚ إِنَّ أَکْرَمَکُمْ عِندَ اللَّهِ أَتْقَاکُمْ ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ عَلِیمٌ خَبِیرٌ

satanic hihihi hahaha europe

Sarkozy the Wehrmacht Jew and Ahrimanist said:
we can't kill ghadafi in strasbourg in a building with poison ritual, we use evil 19 with society and satanist sects.
this building has a clown theater, either poison, or torture death of the entire  family. in both cases the society is silent because of media manipulation

Viennese anti VMAT2 judge fascism

this is the official judge fascism and national socialism of the viennese judges against native iranian VMAT2, rana and zari. Judge fascism with UN and EU support, after 600 years of genocide in orient and asia and africa, latin america


sasan du bist kein "archäologe", du bist ein bastard mit ali gharib, seit 2002 mit CIA, mojtaba khamanei, austrofaschismus und black magic mafia in zusammenarbeit. verpiss die mit die hure in polizeiuniform

hey ficker, VMAT2 arbeit, schmutzig, sehr schmutzig, ich kann es auch, 8000 bilder, mihtraismus, visual language

vienna is CIA, CIA is vienna

world domination is a culture, genetically related, as in the aristocracy, in addition the cousin and cousin are sought in laboratories for ahrimanic perfection and world intrigue, networks and collectives. ernesto was killed by whores and girls, CIa and vienna

fuck your mother ahrimanic alien darkforce CIA, fuck your bitch mom

pinochet, stalin, hitler, kissinger blutlinie gegen alte zivilisations DNA und rasse, native stämme aus österreich

pinochet war ein austro faschist, wehrmachtsjude und kissinger blutlinie. schwarze magie wien. 200.000 jahre

decades apartheid in south africa was the UNO bastard race, like today in vienna apartheid against a VMAT2 family

SPÖ wien führt nach 1. und 2. weltkrieg seit 1954 mit UNO gründung krieg gegen VMAT2, korea krieg, lateinamerika, iran, naherosten, südafrika/nordafrika bis heute

Brecht, die 3 groschenopfer

Whores children earn with flesh and blood jesus christ millions of euros, and the ahrimanic bastards, black magic mafia mark the victims in retrospect 3 groschen victims.


fascism in germany is actually not a fascism, a fraud. fascism is communism, socialism, zionism/wehrmachtsjude race and social democracy and the conservatives. Alien fascism is war against old race and VMAT2

20 jahre hass kampagne mit wiener drecksau nazi richter wegen VMAT2 bis heute, isolation und folter pollitik mit iranische roma und zigeuner. ich finde euch huankinder faschisten

Good Night

I have to go to sleep, but first I will explain to you what Austrian citizenship is and how you get it: an old Turk goes to the exam for Aus...