Freitag, 23. April 2021

Fuck UNO black magic mafia, Fuck UNO soldier, Fuck kofi anann, fuck all of you UNO. fuck america, fuck aliens and anunnakis and alie djinns, Fuck UNO amnesty international fuck your children and families, fuck your capital and fake standard, bloody money, torture money and fuck your religions

The tribe cuts across all classes and professions, and includes lawyerssoldiersartists and engineers. In Facebook forums and call-in support groups, they commiserate over the skepticism of their loved ones and share stories of black vans that circle the block or co-workers conscripted into the campaign.

fucking dirty mother fucker alien, anti human, anti VMAT2 fucking Euro bastards in amerika, fucking ahrimanic sick european, austrians, german, and other sick bastards. fucking wehrmachtsjude and austrian whores.

america is pretty sick, tragic, america is perverse, tragic, america is ahrimanic and anti human, anti humanity, anti gene, anti VMAT2, america populated by white men, sick white men with armed forces Jews. anti human, anti human antiVMAT2

tötet die amerikaner es ist mir egal, amerikaner wollen VMAT2 genozide global, tötet amerikanische UNO mitarbeiter, botschafts mitarbeiter und diplomaten, und andere, es ist mir egal. tötet amerikaner wegen VMAT2 massenmord mit österreich und ayatullahs und hiubullah

this country has ruined 3 businesses, existence and everything else with secret cameras, i don't allow myself to be humiliated by scum and dirt, genocides and fashcists, i fuck you bastard race and looters

elamische dämonen für pürstl

Dämon für michael häupl und SPÖ

for sebastian and ÖVP

special for you wiener israeli, owls claws. photo 2 minutes ago, raw, tablet photo

These people don't need any money, they just want to establish genocide and god genes murder internationally: torture, laugh and build beautiful lives for you.simone's father has 4 apartments in vienna, 4 million euros, veronika weiss 8 million euros.

my family, DNA, genes, VMAT2 and israel, khavaran crime, israel europe america crime

in the 90s, mossad chief said: ayatollah khomeini is a godsend for us.
hundreds of thousands died in iran, nobody in israel

sebastian ich werde dich wegen meine schwester verbrennen mit dijnns und deine eltern mit ahura mazda dämonen wegen meine schwester, ich verbrenne euch

scheißdreck österreicher soroor shams ist eine 1400 hure, 3 leben ruiniert damit eine zigeuner hure aus dezful, eine bäuerin und zigeunerin aus einem provinz dorf 5 millionen euro leben hat, leben aufbauen ohne arbeit?

simone mein leben ist zu folter geworden wegen dir und wiener geheimdienste, weil du leben ohne arbeit aufbauen wolltest, fliehe, ich finde familie und freunde und verwandschaft ich sende schwarze flüche, fliege, flieh du wehrmachtsjüdin, flüche flüche, erziehe die kinder groß, schwarze flüche

دعوا ‏زرگری

چهل سال این کولی مولی ها با اسراییل دعوا "زرگری" دارند، ۵۰۰.۰۰۰ هزار نفر را سوریه کشتند، و صد ها هزار نفر ایران، ما هم که از بین نمیریم، خلاصه جنگ هسته ای راه میخوان بندازن، ۱۰ میلیونی هستیم هنوز نه؟ رادیو آکتیوه دیگه ۱۰۰ میلیون هم میکشه

israeli cunts are wide open, for hezbollah cocks, for money whore israel does everything, torturing political activists and their families and calling them nonhuman. war with iran is for genocide, also for money

شاهین نجفی میخونمت مادر کونی، تو از سال ۲۰۱۰ داری با سیمونه اسرائیلی کار میکنی مادر جنده، شاشیدم به پستون ننه جندت شاهین کونی

wiener linke sind mörder, rassenmörder, wiener linke töten für SPÖ faschismus und hizbullah, linke drecksau arschlöcher wien sind mörder, die grünen sind mörder, mörder alev korun ist ein killerin. VMAT2 mörder für geld

huankind kiwara du huansau du scheißdreck bastardrasse, die polizei akten von uns sin seit 1986 bis 2021 heute leer. du recksau rassen und VMAT2 mörder mit michi, du scheißdreck du du huankind, drecksau faschist, du drecksau kiwaram unsere akten sind weiße akten

Iranian prisons are full of god genes criminals. god gene is humanity and a crime. Austria UNO, amnesty international says: we still have a family here, they are not dead yet. Ayatullahs have the right too

tablet photos, raw. 10 minutes ago, for editing

diese internationale aktion ist: iranische botschaft, hussein und ali gharib, rahim/azadeh/arsch/maziar amiri, wiener polizei, geheimdienste und politiker

Denial of service by the Austrian authorities, judges, public prosecutor, police, security police, secret services and constitution protection agents means:
1938 model VMAT2 genocide plan, international conscientious objection international: racial cleansing global

fucking black magic mafia erdogan. fucking turk satanists

Denial of service by the Austrian authorities, judges, public prosecutor, police, security police, secret services and constitution protection agents means:
1938 model VMAT2 genocide plan, international conscientious objection international: racial cleansing global

فتنه ‏۴۰ ‏ساله ‏و ‏مسجد ‏امام ‏علی ‏وین

مادر قحبه ها هرروز مینویسند: دکل نفتی گم شد، اختلاص شد، مال خورده شد، حقوق نداده شد، گلابی گران شد، پسته حرام شد. خوب کونی، فتنه بنده نافش به در کونه اسراییل ، اتریش و اروپا ، امریکا نسب شده ۴۰ سال، وایسادی ببینی گوجه فرنگی چرا کیلو ۶۰ شد؟ رفتار اتریش همینه دیگه، به ما میخندن به شما هم میخندن

in wien ist kein emam ali zentrum sondern: hindi zigeuner anti emam ali rasse VMAT2 rasse zentrum, nazi hindi zentrum mit iranische rumänen und zigeuner stämme. michael häupl und franz vranitzky rasse

die rassenlehre himmler und Lenz macht roma und rumänen, zigeuner zu herrenrasse in wien und uns zu juden

UNO AND ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN VMAT2 GENOCIDE. The fourth Reich against oriental VMAT2, against suhrawardi and light over the light

nobody understands. the fourth Reich europe america is not anti race but anti god genes. we have EU, america anti god genes fascism. international judges europe america and prosecutors, UNO, amnesty international use 3rd Reich system against god genes in 21st century

wiener huankinder linke, bastardrasse, rote affen drecksau bitch mamas und huanväter bastardkinder linke abschaum in wien: eigentlich hatte stalin recht, der michi auch, die welt braucht ka gott gene

leftists schweine eure kinder haben keine existenzrecht, rote wiener faschsiten, eure kinder zuerst

stasi money, bombs, chemical attacks and street fight

Social democracy has always had one meaning, namely: no to fascism
international with CIA / America and EU call for:
stasi torture and murder plan against VMAT2 is fascism,
It is a right to fight with bombs and weapons for a right to exist

viennese red dragon stasi fascism, red heinrich gross fuck against VMAT2

the antichrist, photo, raw, 20 minutes ago, fake prophet, aliens and fake angels.

ahrimanic capital vienna/tehran black magic stasi game

saudi arabia ayatullah's vatican jersusalem fuck you, fuck you, fuck you ahrimanic church, two satanic states, un europe and america forcibly take us hostage for stasi torture, and erase all civil rights so that you can say:
these are not humans, they have no rights, no organization reports anything

mecca and sadighe, bagher's wife

my grandmother talked about mecca for 30 years, about the beauty of god's house. she never understood it, beauty was physics, mathematics and science, the physical structure and order is the gateway to peace, to god's kingdom

you bitch mama you mother fucker CIA, austria, europe, america, UNO, suhrawardi wrote about persian light over the light, light over VMAT2