Sonntag, 25. April 2021

Austria repeats National Socialism with Ali/Azadeh and both families: private law and private life law 1938. in EU America and Iran

stasi torture vienna and fromer mayor häupl

the former mayor of vienna said:
i studied zoology, i always wanted to become a zoo director, i managed that too, i have a zoo in vienna with leftists, socialists and communists. my wien is an anti VMAT2 zoo. as a triumph: UNO city too

3 minutes ago, tablet photo, raw. die bundeslad, holy grail


آقا جریان این توهم میدونی چیه: من از کتابخانه و بانک کتاب بانو فرح دیبا میتونم از ۴۰ تا کتاب با ۶۰ ورقه اش سیستم درست کنم. ولی با چپق و بافور و انگشتر و عصا علی خامنه ای نه. بدبختی همینه دیگه، چپق بافوری اومده جا کتابخانه رو گرفته

آقا امام علی تشریف آوردن ایران، شمشیر رو تا ته فرو کرد تو کوس ننه "ایرانی" گفت خارکوسده، مادر کونی، تو ذاتت شکنجست، ذات تو یعنی شکنجه، هندی کولی اجنبی، مثل خمینی. صخره ای در هند و ذات شکنجه. مثل رحیم هندی، علی هندی و هندی های وین

UNO city animals vienna, aliens and djinn spirits. animals, in UN nests no people, scum and dirt and bastards live in the UNO city for torture, scum animal UNO city

parts of the viennese police, UN elite and 1200 UN employees are animals, UN elite vienna is an animal and not a human, the bastard race ahrimanic scum curses every day, a djinn and alien I hear him every day

muhammed, ali, hussein, abbas, abuzar, hassan and envy, ayatullah, zionism, fascism eny and genocide

al khidr plays a prophetic role in islam, holy water was a main topic in islam, the problem was:
bones, dna and genes.
so the scene in karbala, and 7000 years of fighting and slaughter in persia.
emam ali was jesus, jesus was emam ali both were killed out of envy. 2,000,000 years of existence.
As in Austria today, people thought:
if we can not produce water then we have no right to exist, no adam, but the old civilization is the right!

muhammed reza pahlavi sagte: fick dich netanyaboo, ariel und simone, er sagte fickt euch huankinder und bastarde

judas ist VMAT2 christen und muslim hunter, christen jäger mit scheißdreck österreich

judas ist österreicher und war der österreicher

polizei faschismus: wir arbeiten nicht für "juden"/wir arbeiten für juden, das volk hat das recht und ist das recht, immobilien sind teuer

politiker, polizei, geheimdienste, sekten und satanismus ziehen das volk in richtung: plündern, ausbeuten und austrofaschismus, mit iranische roma. mit der begründung: wir haben 80.000 leere immobilien objekte, macht illegale internet geschäfte für eigentum kaufen. das ist wehrmachtsjude strategie und politik

I don't have a criminal record until today, white files. bastard Kurz bastard michi bastard viennese secret society i'm VMAT2 and politically

Samstag, 24. April 2021

muhammed reza pahlavi was anti fascist not antisemit

austrian nazis and killers have been killing with zionism in iran for 35 years, muhammed reza pahlavi said: fuck off wehrmacht jews pigs and VMAT2 killers, not as anti-semists but as semites and anti-genocide politics israel eu america

light over the light solution and help against killer and animals, UNO black magic mafia, dirty austrians, austro fascism and iranian regime

genocide and torture because of VMAT2 is not child's play, a show or a laugh, austro fascism kills VMAT2 in iran, millions of euros for torture show, with UN top secret business guarantee

500 polizeibeamten sitzen gerade neben hizbullah in chaträume und skandieren: wir sind in foltergeschäft, foltergeschäft foltergeschäft

österreich sagt wir foltern körperlich und psychologisch VMAT2, wir beantworten nichts. 7000 tage sind uns egal bis wir sterben oder die opfer sterben

alte chinesische magierin, die freundin von frau eule

بیگناهی ‏در ‏وین ‏هست ‏یا ‏نیست ‏علی د‏ایی ‏خوار ‏مادر ک‏وسده، ‏تو ‏چه ‏کاره ای ‏زر ‏میزنی

علی دایی من کیرم تو کس زن و دختر جندت خوارکوسده کونده مادر جنده، زن و مرد ایرانی دارن از مریضی و گرسنگی و بی پولی میمیرن تو مادر جنده نشستی میگی: اینجا همه دارن میمیرن این خانواده چرا نمی میره. کوسکش مگه من فوتبالیست لات مادر کونی مثل تو بودم، ۲۳۰۰ کتاب بارمه بچه کون، بی خاصیت، بی وجود، بی رگ و ریشه مادر کونی، بی همه چیز، سواد داری بیا جلو بی خاصیت سیب زمینی

Nasser farahani last contact 2002. veronika douda farahani weiss, ÖVP stasi agent, austrian secret service

my sister has been in the music business since 2005 and has been a producer since 2008, VMaT2 projects with electro music, see many magazines and newspapers with interviewers, i am a trader worldart expert, islamic art before islamic art, international art, art dealer, asian art. what wet farahani does is mind control program austro fascism by stasi agent, austrian secret service ÖVP veronika douda farahani Weiss

gestapo formation und hass, mordversuch, mord passiert wieder mit beihilfe der juden, juden ohne VMAT2.

Brecht, SPÖ/ÖVP und gestapo 2021

today is april 24th 2021, seven thousand days of human rights violations because of the VMAT2

ای ‏ابوذر ‏جانم ‏فدایت، ‏جون ‏دلم ‏با ‏اون ‏علمت

CIA: secret processes against god genes, global networks. fuck amerika cheap bastards, 3 cent assholes mother fucker world scum police because of VMAT2

CIA: secret processes against god genes, global networks
CIA NSA cheapest scum with 4000 euros, organize family murders with secret trials, in europe, asia, americas networks:
the hatred of campaigns only works with billions in capital funds.
a hate campaign works:
he slapped the woman, he fucks without a condom, he didn't pay 500 euros back. these are the death sentences. he did not pay back 500 euros kills him. with staging and fake material

america europe, israel ayatullahs are Rakhsh hunter and killer. (suhrawardi and VMAT2 woman)

3 viennese secret services cheated on nasser farahani, he is said to be arrested as a stasi helper because the goal is:
black magic mafia un and vienna america earns more money with the murder of VMaT2 woman. As suhrawardi wrote, the woman of light is stronger, the man a fighter

child fuckers are not in the stasi system, but the police say: earn money with VMAT2 and buy children safely

verstehen sie, österreich sagt: alle länder und städte hassen dich, befrei dich selbst, töte, nehme geiseln geh ins gefängniss oder stirb. du huansau drecksau scheißdreck österreicher bist ein psychopathischer rassen mörder, nein VMAT2 mörder

there have been hundreds of cases of children fucking, SPÖ and ÖVp. what did i do in my private life? austrian intrique: fake clips, fake documents for international establishment of god genes genocide

VMAT2 fascism 1998-2021

my sister came to austria at the age of 4 and i at the age of 11.
don't talk about xenophobia, racism or foreigners. talk about VMAt2 fascism by the police, secret services, politicians, the upper class and parties


از امام علی(ع) درباره ابوذر سؤال شد. امام(ع) فرمود: او دارای علمی است که مردم از آن عاجزند و بر آن تکیه زده در حالی که از آن چیزی کم نمی‌شود.[۲۱] امیر مؤمنان(ع)، ابوذر را از افرادی می‌داند که بهشت مشتاق آنان است.[۲۲]

آقا شاهنامه رو ابوذر اگر مینوشت جور دیگه از آب در میومد، از زمان صفویه ابول قاسم ریده بهش رفته، شاید هم نوشته، خدا میدونه

this is my discovery in 2006, in 2019 i worked a little with tablet. This rock is in Azerbaijan, but also in Austria. elam luristan and kurdistan native art.the rocks should be exposed with 48 colors, it is more important than shahname

Good Night

I have to go to sleep, but first I will explain to you what Austrian citizenship is and how you get it: an old Turk goes to the exam for Aus...