Freitag, 7. Mai 2021

15 young police officers want to act autonomously, murder for ayatullahs, viennese jews, judges, secret service, women collectives and stasi capital. SPÖ,ÖVP, FPÖ heinrich gross psychopathy, VMAT2 business global, with leftists and greens, antifa

kleinste anomali in körper von rana, schneidet zuerst die brüste von polizistinnen weg dann verbrennt sie, das sind keine menschen nur tiere. dann die mädchen und frauen von UNO city. sie ist unschuldig, seit 1986 bis heute keine polizei akte und verbrecher akte, dass soll der 3. reich sein mit UNO

suhrawardi, the light over the light, kill us, kills us jersusalem, qum, vatikan, in the name of moses. kill us with stasi show, mother fucker

26.000 generationen vor moses, krieg mit pharao, horus. in wien. tablet photo raw, 2 minutes ago. das gekaufte kleine ball heute

the rat line after 6 million murdered VMAT, christians and jews was created by vatican, the vatican enabled ahrimanic escape for genocide in latin america

vatican and its foreign ministers: held prayers and ceremonies, 10,000 gladios locate gps cell phones and VMAT2. a cobweb

meine schwester war 5 jahre unter therapie mit medikamenten, "österreichische ärzte". panikattaken führen zu psychose und selbstmord. aus existenz angst, oder sociopathie zustand, vor angst der rückkehrung starke panikattaken weigert sie sich auf mich zuhören. angst vor panikattaken und psychose.

Menschenrechte. österreichische regierung muß, muß alle beweise heraus geben, wegen zwei staatsbürger, zari und rana, die menschenrechte müßen beachtet werden. sonst werden beide krank, oder beide sterben, oder werden mental krank. das kostet wiener politiker viele kinder...

nasser farahani und mahmud farahani sind terroristen, es gibt eine strafanzeige. 2010

ناصر مادر کوس بیابونی، کونی، ناصرکونی با عباس و محمود و قاسم کوس مادر، خواهر جنده، زن کوسده، بمیر مادر کونی، من ترور شدم، پرت کردن مارو میان گرگها، با جنده خانوم های اکرم و زن جندت و بچه هاش پول در بیار، با فرناز، با کونی فرهاد کوسکش، کونی فرهاد و افسانه جنده، من ترور شدم فیلم بفروشید پول در بیارد گرگوری های پل سیمان


ارتجاع کوسکش مادر ضد مذهبی ۳ ساعت نقد اسلام و مسیحیت و یهودیت میکنه، ولی زمانی حرف از ژن خدا پرستی و سیستم اهریمنی میشه میگه به کیرم، میگه به کیرم، پول اهریمنی کجاست، اسلام به در کونمون، این شیطان پرستی نیست صنعت گرائیست، از اونور ارتجاع قلابی مذهبی میگه: کافر داریم، مفسد داریم، مفسد، کیرش رو تو کوس کافر میکنه قبلش صیغه نمیکنه، ثواب بعد از دعا داره 

abuzar ghaffari was cool, who the hell is will smith!?

what europe and wehrmacht jews never said:
religion is cosmas, damian, jesus, abu ali sina, zakaria and abuzar, and zarathustra: technology, medicine, help, war against ahrimanism

alerta alerta anti fascista, wienerisch: a hammer a hammer a hoam hama, bei dera dahoam sand ma

You understand?, Viennese leftists are Viennese families, Viennese families are Viennese families. revolutionary anti-capitalism had a different meaning in vienna:
anti capitalism, not anti ahrimanism. so is the slogan meaning:
anti fascista in vienna, the opium of the people not ahrimanic capital fascism

Menschenrechte. österreichische regierung muß, muß alle beweise heraus geben, wegen zwei staatsbürger, zari und rana, die menschenrechte müßen beachtet werden. sonst werden beide krank, oder beide sterben, oder werden mental krank. das kostet wiener politiker viele kinder.....

heas oida oida, esterhazy, hast du mit franz brecht gelesen?

alchemist. (great work) productive?

Philosopher's stone

The philosopher's stone, more properly philosophers' stone or stone of the philosophers (Arabicḥajar al-falāsifaLatinlapis philosophorum), is a mythical alchemical substance capable of turning base metals such as mercury into gold (chrysopoeia, from the Greek χρυσός khrusos, "gold", and ποιεῖν poiēin, "to make") or silver. It is also called the elixir of life, useful for rejuvenation and for achieving immortality;[1] for many centuries, it was the most sought goal in alchemy. The philosophers' stone was the central symbol of the mystical terminology of alchemy, symbolizing perfection at its finest, enlightenment, and heavenly bliss. Efforts to discover the philosophers' stone were known as the Magnum Opus ("Great Work").[2


hey nofretete, im hof ist eine wette, eine fette wette, wenn ich tina rette. was ich davon hätte?  dein wien ist ein: was wäre ich wenn ich hätte? wo wäre ich wenn ich täte, es ist vorbei, es ist alles eine wette, die prelle ist nur ein poker tisch wette

my little ball is not fake, tablet photo raw is not fake, 2 minutes ago is not fake, my falcon is not fake. but your standard, life and capital is fake

two fake faces, the garden the house is fake. 1800 and 1200 salary. it is based on this carpet shop and my shop. 1938 1945 faces, because of looting murder and stasi show

jesus sagte das sogar, wer gegen rassenmischung ist, ist ein tier. nicht wahr israel? und österreich

the bloodline has to be symbolically in a cage

The most dangerous international mafia works in UNO city, which is working with hizbullah, ayatullahs because of VMAT2 and 1 and others from iran.
the capital of 20 years is hidden and washed by UN employees, with the statement:
there is only evidence with pistol and murder, because with secret cameras in prison we earn another 500 million, the bloodline has to be symbolically in a cage

the small one is the original one

today. 4 euro health ball and 10 cent health ball, the 10 cent is maybe: 17th century. for my next projects

سم زدایی یعنی: ۱ ماه دو لیتر آب معدنی، سه وعده نان حلال، با ۴ خرما حلال. ۴ تا لیمو با ۲ سیر ظهر وعصر، کنار ویتامین سی و دی

2003, ahrimanic darkforce eye, secret camera eye in my shop. original photo, raw.

i have been presenting sensations for years, with 0 statistics. thank you CIA NSA and austria. catch the light

soroor shams, viennese judges, international networks

the result of ahriman judges, police, secret service, politicians vienna:
Tehran: we don't accept religion and emams like that, we believe in soroor shams, 3 businesses ruined, 3 lives ruined for 5 million euros

tablet photo, raw. 1 minutes ago. emam zaman and great persia suffering. the master race, humanright race

ohuuuuu ohuuuu ohuuuu

Donnerstag, 6. Mai 2021

in principle, the old persian body needs 6 months for detoxification and normal body and brain function. through healthy systematic food and water

my activism

In 2004 i held a discussion on economy and independence, production, and organic farming for food chain and price. that organic production in iran can be cheaper than chemistry. 60%. whole grain grains and staple foods, butter, rice meat.
austria offered our meat as an economy and product with gypsies, pakistani and hindis

what the judges do in vienna from wilhelm reich up to today is 340 volumes of books, we can do that, the people say we can too. kill 500 judges, women and men, it doesn't stop. that is religion, attitude to life, freemasonry, destruction. the vienna judges are an example of crimes in the whole world: we are allowed to do this, based on which laws? natural law?

my dude, and frankl incense dud

Today i was walking in 10 districts, i passed a seconhand store, i said do you need something?
I went in and saw 6 drink glasses in the original packaging, I said good, I went in the direction of the clothes and ruffled everything, I found this shirt for 5.99 euros. linen shirt. I thought either the previous owner was a sadist, or it was a birthday present from an unpopular person. In any case, I bought it with 6 glasses for 9.98 euros. Then I walked 200 meters to a park, I opened a bottle of water, I drank, and suddenly I heard: dude, dude, hey dude heyyyyyyy I'm here behind the old tree, heyyyyy dude, you need me, you need me