Montag, 10. Mai 2021

400 millionen euro hat die wiener geheimgesellschaft verdient ab 1998 bis 2021. UNO etwas weniger, für alchemist folter, wie im iran

here vienna was stasi camera financial business for 20 years, 60 million euros were distributed to viennese judges, today the nazi judge says: the has been writing for 4 years, 4 years in prison.murder for ayatullah money with the help of the city of vienna

tablet photo, raw, 3 minutes ago. old black magic hindi and aryan race stasi ritual, 7 ahrimanic tribes. vienna, UNO tehran.

rahim amiri, familie amiri, shams, gharibs, und tausende andere iraner verdienen geld in stasi system und mit mordplan gegen politische aktivismus. österreich befürwortet und lobt iraner gegen "juden"

There are hundreds of international lawyers in UNO City, perpetrators alongside iranian regime and terrorist commands. UN says:VMAT2 has only two options against us, kill or let yourself be killed. black magic ritual and finance project is 1938

if 32 years of dictatorship is not destroyed, there is a reason.

iranians need to know one thing, the enemy is kurt waldheim, he founded the un with wehmacht in 1954, with black sun sect, black magic mafia against old civilization in latin america, asia, africa and the middle east.
Ayatullah intrigue was a long-term strategy, alongside saddam and others. 32 years of system strategy. if 32 years of dictatorship is not destroyed, there is a reason

ایرانی و‏ ‏ایرانی

تاریخ مشروطه رو که آدم میخونه، میبینه ایرانی اصیل درش زیاد وجود داشت، تاریخ ۴۰ ساله گذشته رو که بررسی میکنی، هیچ بجز این نیست که سلطنت کولی هاست، ایرانی ها را میکشیم تا ایران آزاد شود، الکل آزاد فقط برای کولی ها. 

Ayatollah regime kills because of drinking alcohol, I was active from 2002 to 2014 because of armed struggle ideology and revolution: Austria says there is no political file. because Austria is the murderer himself. no alcohol, pretext to kill VMAT2 live in front of the eyes of the sadism

ich pisse und scheiße auf pürstl und wiener kiwara, hizbullah und ayatullahs anal huren und killer kommando in europa neben wiener richter

Sonntag, 9. Mai 2021

20 years leftists bastards, SPÖ/ÖVP bastards, FPÖ and green party. hate against persian VMAT2, in europe america

40 years best friendship with ayatollahs hizbullah, because of my person and family, lies campaign and hate campaign and fake material distribution is this:
this is your history and your stones in vienna. unfortunately we only killed 6 million including 80.000 in greece and greek islands.
even left bastrade say that

tablet photo raw, collected stones today.

actually the state was afraid and asked itself:
as an antique dealer will he find the mortar?, the spirit of the mortar is harmful to us

UNO the bird nest "we"

european states are nothing but basement fascists towards VMAT2. Politicians, police, secret services, judges, upper class, without any particular potential or ability say:
we decide who does what profession, who does what, we earn money, we exploit, we are worth living, we are the aryan or european race. the statement "we" refers to alien we, whoever has a bird nest in his head is the right person

tablet photo, raw. 5 minutes ago. collected stones today. jezebl at 18 and 46

parts of europe are just a robot army, for total race extermination: We want to live in wealth and luxury as long as possible. We don't care whether we die.1st and 2nd world wars was evidence of cyborg behavior, bilogical robots

tablet photo raw, 3 minutes ago. collected stones today. intrique, EU/IRAN, gene DNA, VMAT2

قاتل ‏فروهرها، ‏جامعه ‏مخفی ‏ایران، ‏فتنه ‏اروپا

من شاشیدم به کوس ننه لاشی هر مادر کوسده که از شخصیت حرف میزنه، من کیرم تو دهن هر مادر کوسده ای که از شخصیت حرف میزنه، شاف کون کوس مادر،کیری، مثل قاتل فروهر ها خودت رو از دیوار خونه مردم کشیدی بالا، تجاوز به حریم شخصی کردی، شعار مرگ برای ما کل دنیا پخش کردی، حالا از فحش دادن من ناراحتی، کوس ننه مادر لاشی خواهر مادر جن

viennese secret services want to establish genocide with 4 parties, globally with stasi show and finance projects, money and laughter for everyone. the reason is: why are you human and we were chimpanzees. the thousand year reich was only 7 years, but apparently fascism wants to get thousand year reich with UNO

stone set system. collected today, 20 years of study, system research, structure math and physics for construction. the valuable

i will dig and present aveste and hand over. freedom for archeology, stop genocide and VMAT2 murder

for me moses is the truth, my tribe, tanach and tora the lie, a fake and a copy of avesta

THE VIENNA AUTHORITIES AND POLICE ARE NOT WORKING BECAUSE OF OUR BLOODLINE, EVEN IN THE CASE OF GHASEMLOO. we are the bloodline from austria, our ethnic origin is austria, this definition of anti-semitism is a lie, persians are from old civilization. Austria has been in ultra fashism for 20 years because of the bloodline, our bloodline

UN Amnesty International Zara, Human Rights Watch, EU, Austria, Israel, Turkey, America say:ali khamenei has had the right to persecution, killing, torture, existence destruction of minorities and ethnicities for 40 years and no one is doing anything for iranian.we are right too, no one is doing anything for this Iranian. our society networks agree and want prosperity and money

‎اسطوره ای مربوط به پرندگان در افسانه های لری

tablet photo today, raw. the alchemist, holy water and spiritual development


آدم پایبند به ارزشهای انسانیست، نمیرود سعی وکوشش کند، تحقیق کند، دگران رگ و ریشه و تبارشان از کجاست، نمیرود بر اساس تحقیقات ژنتیک پرونده سازی کند. که گویا ایشان از قدیم دزد بوده اند. دزد؟ بله ژنرال اسکندر مقدونی در مورد ایلام اشاره میکند: ایلامی دزد کلاهبردار و سارق عینی است. پیدا کنید پرتقال فروش را

علی و‏ ‏رحیم ‏قاتل ‏ ‏حیوون

کمبوجیه وحشی بود؟ نه، گفت حرومزاده ثابت میکنی حیوونی، ثابت میکنی مرغ پریشونی، به من نگو وحشی. پیغمبر اسلام هم این رو گفت، امام علی این رو گفت، مسیح و موسی این رو گفتن. حروزاده، بچه دار نشو، جن و پری تحویل جامعه نده، الیاس و حضرت خضر این رو گفتن، مثل بچه پولدارهای مریض، کثیف، نجاست، بی غیرت، وطن فروش. کیر و خایه بچت رو میبرن میزان دهن ننه و لل ه، گوشویل کوس رو میبرن میذارن دهن پدر و ناپدر، این وحشی بازیه؟ نه، حیوون رو داری از خودت ثابت میکنی، وحشی بازی یعنی چی؟ یعنی بی گناه کشی به جرم رگ و ریشه کهن، به جرم ژن، ۴۰ سال ایران

tablet photo, raw. 5 minutes ago. big brother eye is old, alien old. kambyses ll and judges

nasser farahani hat 3 arbeitsjahre= iran, 6= österreich. meine mutter 35 jahre

was scheißdreck östereich macht ist terror und mordversuch mit wiener richter, wegen rasse DNA gene und politik. 500.000 morde im iran 600 im ausland

سرور ‏صدیقه ‏ارشادی، ‏دخترش ‏اینطور ‏بود ‏جریانش، ‏هنر ‏و ‏کار

سرور ‏من ‏مادر ‏دارم ‏تو ‏هم ‏مادر، ‏قبر م‏ادرت ‏رو ‏لوله ‏فاضلاب ‏وصل ‏میکنم ‏لاشی ‏کولی


Terrorism is that an insurance agent, soroor shams with 1200 euro salary and a 3 class singer arabella fenyves, american / austrian travel around and talk about crimes, as perpetrators in front of international prosecutors and judges. supported by fascism networks and ayatullahs