Dienstag, 11. Mai 2021

tablet photo, raw. 3 minutes ago. for editing. black stone from black hole

over 15 years i had more than 3000 political chat rooms, with tens of thousands user statistics, over 8000 times political admin. if america cia nsa manipulates the statistics i kill americans, i have all hard drives for 20 years

ژن، ‏نژاد، ‏‏سیاست

ما ۱۸ سال در پالتالک ۳۶۰۰ اتاق باز کردیم، با ۲۰۰-۳۰۰ همراه سیاسی، یکبار نشد بگن جزی فحش میده یا بداخلاقه یا لمپن هستش، یک بار ما جواب فحش رژیمی هارو هم ندادیم، بعد میبینیم سیاسی خواهر ننه جندست، کوسکش ننست، خوارکوسدست، مجاهد چپ، راست، شاهی، کونی مادر های شاشخالی سنده تاپاله، طرف دزده، کلید مارو دزدیده دوربین مخفی کاشته، جنده لاشی کوسکش میشینه تماشا میکنه، میگه: سیاسی ما بودیم نه تو. میدونی یا نه ۵ دقیقه حرف میزدم عنت با گوهت قاطی میشد. حروزاده های تخم حروم

نیاید طرف من ها، بعد از ۲۰ هندی بازی کونتون میذارم، چنتا علی دشتی از تهران اومدن وین زندگی میکنن، برید با اونها کار و زندگی کنید ‏

avesta history vienna, natural stone, natural formations

rabbi, ayatollah, bishop, vatican, qom, jerusalem: iran is holocaust, because of race, i am holocaust because of race

Envy and stasi crime means, and confirms: Melchior Balthasar and Caspar, the Iranian tribes are the chosen ones

Sasan ali darvishzadeh ist seit 35 jahren mit ali und hussein gharib in mojtaba khamenei team, heute ist seine tochter polizeibeamtin, er sieht sich durch seine tochter berechtigt terroranschalg durchzuführen mit ali und azadeh und rahim

tablet photo raw. crystal, metal ball, stone, mirror . luri semit mythology

mindertwert österreich, abschaum rassenkiller

What nationalism and inferior master race said from 1952 to 2002:
no evidence because of 800 children, Heinrich gross is innocent.
Today the horrible inferiority is "xenophobic", foreigners don't work.

Montag, 10. Mai 2021

i shit on a europe that after 40 years of mass murder in iran says: we are VMAT2 fascists, with international judges and public prosecutors. for 20 years, 15 years, 10 years and 4 years no action, and arian races do not come forward because of terror and stasi system

i shit on ahrimanic europe because of lies in history, lies with wehrmachtsjude

michael häupl SPÖ,

the capital psychopaths iran europe america: if the police break in and legally steal the stones and crystals and minerals from his sister, then the burglar gets up to 5 million euros.

the real national socialism is this message: The rich children are our tribe, Aryan race and Wehrmacht Jews and Hindis and Pakistani, our Aryan race and crossbreed. that's what the viennese judge, public prosecutor, police and secret services, as well as international judges, UN, public prosecutor and human rights organizations and journalists say. you are a jew race and muslim

stalker, ‎spionage. ‏VMAT2

ضدیت ‏با ‏معنای ‏زندگی ‏ژن ‏خداپرستی: ‏اه. ‏‏ه. ‏ه.  ‏میخواهی ‏زندگی ‏کنی؟ ‏میخوای ‏بزرگ ‏شی، ‏موفق ‏بشی، ‏مگه ‏ما ‏زندگی ‏داریم ‏که ‏تو ‏داشته ‏باشی.

Police run mafia wars apps against VMAT2 with young people, with finanz coins collection, who is tracking, stalking and doing more?

Do you understand, the substance is national socialism, with traces removal techniques, but in vain

my sister is psychologically checked by 100 people, from vienna. all evidence is hidden from her and she is constantly checked,because of criminal charges and financial project and compensation. the viennese eat money with the police because of races stasi show

مشکی ‏رنگ ‏عشقه

black from anger is not Ahrimanic black magic. this black is love

seit 600 jahren tötet europa wegen gene und DNA global, bis heute, aber warum? das will niemand wissen, das gemeine volk sagt: das ist nicht unsere geschichte, uninteressant hollywood geschichte mit blondies ist genug

i'm sorry, tablet photo raw, i was an antique dealer and carpet dealer, the hindi got my money from my golden times. so i can't afford a 70,000 euro lens, but the angle is ok

hindis and pakistanis are america israel europe CIA NSA intrigue, for genocide and VMAT2 murder, the goal: iran was and is indo aryan

i piss on you america, i piss on CIA and NSA, reza nasri is javad zarif's legal advisor, arasch amiri was supported by the cia nsa against my family, his wife arabela fenyves is american and the family is an nsa family in vienna

arasch amiri ich töte minderweritge abschaum carla oder andere enkelkinder wenn rana etwas passiert

what vienna does with rana due to ethnic and genetic origins, after 5 years of psychotherapy and medication is attempted murder, viennese behavior is for psychosis and suicide

tablet photo, raw. 3 minutes ago. Mythology. freedom for archeology, austria and europe israel kills because of history,

UNO city vienna and vienna: hide evidence and kill for money

scheißdreck wienerblut, wo ist eine polizei akte oder vorstrafenregister? außer 3 geschäfte und VMAT2, du scheißdreck blut.
wiederbetätigung wird nicht bestraft, wer tötet die wiener?, es ist kein terror, nur abschaum mord und neonazi mord, drecksaumord

shame on israel. elamis sind semiten, mehr semiten als israel, luren kurden gilan, blutschen, azeris und afghanen sind semiten, mit wurzel europa österreich. iran wird gefoltert, europa ist antisemitisch, wien ist dreckig anti semitisch

wie sind melchior rasse, die herrenrasse, ihr seid rassenkiller und abschaumrasse, wien beweist es nach 80 jahren wieder, wien ist abschaum

we are 3 lefthand persons, VMAT2 persian family from tehran, rana ist lefthand, zari is lefthand, i am lefthand, nasser you mother fucker we are baghers children you righthand

the money is fascism, and whoever says i'm a fashcist in the 21st century will be executed unless the judges convict the perpetrators

bitch mama state, u mother fucker animals, you dirty bastards austrians, scum blood, we have no police files, no crime files, 1986-2021. only VMAT2, fucking police, judges, parties, leftists

hc wenn du mit guddi göld mit mein mutter und schwester verdient host, und net in häf'n ane gehst und ka göld zurück gibst, ich scheind den kopf vom kleinen ab

table photo, raw. 2 minutes ago, babylon tower, favoriten oida, whore of babylon, persian king, black magician