Mittwoch, 12. Mai 2021

if, i say if europe says: 25 years is a right, ruining VMAT2 and killing it is a right. Then there are bombing of hospitals and the burning of kindergartens is also a right. Killing carla vida amiri is also a right

schwarzgeld häuser sollten verbrannt werden. wien etabliert 1938 mit iranische zigeuner. rahim das haus ist nicht dein haus, es ist blutgeld. rahim your house and capital is blood money

the vienna police work for ali khamenei, the viennese logic is we have no money, die in prison. with money is meant: racial murder money

austria UNO, salary 1200-50.000 euro

Austria, the Ayatollahs and the UN are establishing something: we have to find oriental VMAT2 victims, and organize and achieve luxury life with VMAT2

vienna security policemen and secret services are ali khameneis terrorists, vienna is a hell and attempted murder because these bastards have turned the cell phones into stasi finance project

tablet photo, raw, 1 minutes ago

فهمیدی یا نه، کولی و اروپائی زندگی ایرانی رو نمیتونه بالا ببینه، نابودش میکنه

کیرم ‏تو ‏دهن ‏ننت ‏مادر ‏کوسده ا‏یرانی و‏ین

آقا ما فحش میدیم، چون نظر مارسل موس، فوکونه، داوی، لئون دوگی امانوئل لوی، موریس اوریو چنین است: دولت  قاجاریه و مشابه آن را به جوامعی مثل انگلیس آمریکا و فرانسه نمیشود تحمیل کرد، قادر به تحمیل کردن آن به بنگلادش هم نیستید، به ما چه میخواهی تحمیل کنی؟ به یک فرد و خانواده؟ منظور چیست؟ مقاومت مسلحانه؟ تف به شرفت ایرانی اتریشی

eine polizei dass mit neonazis und hiznullah und linke meine mutter und schwester angreift ist ein tier, schlimmer als fake linke, arschloch tiere

master race doesn't kill, master race corrects history. You are scum murderers and dirt, not us, killer are Viennese politicians, federal chancellors, judges, police and secret services, the sub-race, the killer race

stasi show, terror, murder, psycholical warfare because of B.B.C, because of B.B.C

culture, gene, civilization DNA, biology, chemistry, physics vienna, showbie, god gene showbie, master race

zehn millionen 1918 iran, 6 millionen wegen VMAT2 in europa, und heute mit meine familie und anderen. österreich neben die ayatullahs. fucking SPÖ,ÖVP, FPÖ, grüne und leftists, linke abschaum, marxisten abschaum schweine, drecksauuuu rotfaschisten, VMAT2 faschisten

VMAT2, 1.000.000 B.B.C. fuck bbc. bbc fuck us because of B.B.C. 600 years africa america asia, orient iran genocide, because of B.B.C, fuck bbc, 1979 bbc, bbc fucked us because of B.B.C

1938 mit zigeuner iraner. huankind richter huankind richter nazi du huansau faschist drecksauuu richter, du hure du bastard nazi du scheißdreck österreicher du abschaum rasse, 6 millionen VMAT2 und 1 waren nicht genug du abschaum rasse wiener richter

israeli simone dinah hartmann ist dreck, ein niemand, zionisten wehrmachts hure, israeli hure, das stasi geld in ihre tasche bedeutet mord, VMAT2 mord, du huankind scheißdreck israel, du bastard israel du huankind abschaum zionist

azadeh amiri, ali gharib und hussein und 2000 iraner sind killer und terroristen mit illegales internet gechäft, wiener polizei richter und geheimdienste machen terrormord geschäft, du bastard östereicher du abschaum mit wehrmachts zionismus

tablet photo, 4 minutes ago. for editing

a second in my life, action and reaction is priceless, the occurrence a physics sensation. the inferior aryan austrian race only wants to destroy the master race because genetically the secret society with judges are inferior

the elami fereydoun farrokhzad, said in the movie "i love vienne" as muslim i love vienne, a year later he was killed with 40 knife wounds

viennse judges, killer and terrorists of ali khamenei, nex to 2 austrian secret services

in the shapoor bakhtiar case, fereydoon farokhzad and ghassemloo, two austrian secret services were terrorists, terrorists from ali khamenei in addition to vienna judges, vienna police and secret services
prove it today with iranian embassy

österreich ayatullahs UNO etablieren: wie müssen orientalische VMAT 2 opfer finden, und mit VMAT2 luxusleben organisieren und leisten

hindi ali gharib is working in darknet with international cannibbals and darkforce psychopathy, if something happens to my sister, then hot spits in the vagina of sophia gharib, in the ass of arman gharib and in the pussy of daughters and ass of sons pakistani amiris, and hindi gharibs

das ist österreich mit 1800 euro rahim und kebab ali: 2001 bis 2003 hat ali perische kebab verkauft, 2003 bis heute hamburger. rahim mit 1800 euro bis 2012 und seit 8 jahren 800 euro pension

i am an austrian citizen.UN City employees, are involved in attempted murder with Azadeh Amiri, Rahim Amiri, Kim Rosa Amiri, Gharib's Family, Hezbollah and Iranian Secret Service

20 millionen euro, und 60 millionen euro an wiener richter. ich lebe mit 800 euro

i am a terror victim, 20 million euros were distributed to the public prosecutor's office in vienna and the international public prosecutor: don't work so that he dies, he is a strong VMAT2 with his mother and sister

shiva's hanuman god gene project and the betrayal behind monstermind. alfred kubin

UNO, sebastina kurz, amnesty international, toudeh and aksariat party against political activism vienna

tablet photo, raw. 2 minutes ago

there is secret government everywhere, inferior scum, psychopaths and animals. the main pillar are doctors and psychologists and pharmacists

tablet editing, 2019. gabriel and ahrimanic demon

fake freemasons

the social politics of prehistoric civilization was: animals are not allowed to have any important positions, not to be leaders, politicians, police judges and economic bosses, army leaders.
people were genetically catigolized at that time. with special rare skills, talent and potential


Human beings are members of a whole
In creation of one essence and soul
If one member is afflicted with pain
Other members uneasy will remain
If you have no sympathy for human pain
The name of human you cannot retain

quran correction, you shall not kill adam. society and politics, only heyvan is looking for adam to kill adam