Freitag, 14. Mai 2021

tablet photo, raw, 10 minutes ago. prophet khidr, iranian showbie. iranian, great persia, old race

zionismus, wiener wehrmachtsjude 3. generation führen die welt ins VMAT2 handel mit amrika unterstützung, sollen eure synagogen und israel vernichtet werden. wir waren es immer, ihr seid nur fake

natanyahoo: wir werden bombadiert, is das normal? huankind basrard israeli was ist mit wiener israeli und rana? bastard arschlöcher, ahrimans dämonen ist das normal?

die wiener bastard terror polizei sagt: ihr seid die original juden wir werden nichts verhindern, ihr sollt sterben

die millionen euros sind menschehandel und faschismus geld, du abschaum israeli österreich amerika EU TÜRKEI, abschaum israeli netanyaboo mit ayatullahs

this bloodline is original, ahura mazda and avesta is original, jesus and zarathustra is the truth, israel is fake, our bloodline is the old one and creation, israel is fake, iran is truth

austria and aryan race iran

have you seen syria crisis?
the warp and weft of Iranian society is different
than the neighboring countries and the middle east. to prevent revolution, to prevent the right to decide on your own fate, cause
america israel and eu racial problem in iran. gypsies, hindi pakistani and native iranian. what is currently in vienna:
you are allowed to plunder native iranians that is natural law

i ruin your business, i plunder and kill you is a 1938 crime, i have the right to kill like partizanen 1938, the counter-law of the wilderness

1999......1050 wien kohlgasse. 160 m2 wohnung, 20.000 euro klavier, musikuntericht

sebastian kurz: ich unterstütze und fördere alle zigeuner iraner, hindi und pakistanis, indo arische rasse. wir sind eins, native iranian sollen sterben, innerhalb iran und in europa amerika

Through this terror, stasi system and attempted murder, Soroor Shams (1200 salary) is constantly buying apartments in iran, 5 appartments. and ali gharib (1400 salary) 6 houses. this is the mental wank, the satisfaction of satanic genes, ego genes and existence

österreich ist illegal, das geld was die leute mit mein leben verdienen ist illegal, wiener richter polizei und alle andere weigern sich zu arbeiten, wegen illegal. mein leben, mein existenz mein schicksal, ich ficke euch

i ruin your business, i plunder and kill you is a 1938 crime, i have the right to kill like partizanen 1938, the counter-law of the wilderness

Armed fight risk because of stones

islamic government of iran, israel and america are forcing police children to steal the stones into an apartment instead of buying them in willhaben .at, ebay and in shops.
Armed fight risk because of stones

visual language

When my grandmother died, she came to visit in a dream, she was sitting at the dining table and complaining: there are few carrots in the stew, my mother panicked and cooked extra carrots, her mother shouldn't miss anything, she showed a sheep with police cars on the other bank of the river, she showed a lot. imagery is god's language, everything is formulated in images. to understanding it, is genetic

Through this terror, stasi system and attempted murder, Soroor Shams (1200 salary) is constantly buying apartments in iran, 5 appartments. and ali gharib (1400 salary) 6 houses. this is the mental wank, the satisfaction of satanic genes, ego genes and existence

the stasi capital in vienna had a symbol, culture, behavior, psychopathy, crime, attempted murder, torture:we have to buy houses and storage and psychopathic obsession. buy house.

monkey logic, intelligence intellect and data storage

isaac and sooshiant

in austria one can find the proof: god said to abraham kill isaac for goats and ibex and deer. isaac is only conflict, capital and intrigue and psychopathy

Donnerstag, 13. Mai 2021

soroor shams, family shams, rahim amiri family amiri, hussein gharib and ali gharib and half of tehran networks says:if we hadn't worked with americans for luxury then we would have killed ourselves

american vmat2 terror, america is a bagger for 2. and 3. 9/11

the 80s massacre was america europe CIA NSA, wehrmachtsjews mosad and israel, today the apps system and financial project are the same shit, american VMAT2 terrorism with european networks.
in high tech you will say lord farahani to me bastards america, you bitch mama blond terrorist you asshole

children between 13 and 16 were murdered, Convicted of absurdity, political activism. that should not have been a VMAT2 mass murder? SPÖ / ÖVP bastards !? green and leftists bastards, austria, UNO, europe bastards

staat österreich nimmt von uns mit ayatullahs, wiener linke, hizbullah alle staatsbürgerrechte weg, mit beweise verstecken ist mysteriöse mordplan organisiert

alev korun ist mit iranerinnen, toudeh und aksariat partei, 1982er fati kommando, museum direktor

ایرانی ‏خارکوسده ط‏لسم ‏ابدی ‏رو ‏بچه ‏ات ‏که ‏دوربین ‏مخفی ‏را در خانه ‌‌‌ای مادر ‏‌‌‌‌‌ول نمیکنی

if the company schiebel does not give up the mini drone policy, then the VMAT2 collective will report billions of damage due to the existence destruction.

the austrian girls cry and keep saying in chat rooms: we hadn't done anything, we didn't do that they kill my sister and mother. international human rights violation due to race must be reported

tablet photo raw, today. hades and messiah problem is deep, deep story

fucking european leftists and UNO

the problem of what is in europe today was in iran between 1962 and 1979.
bandits thieves charlatan character go to marxism school, they learn to speak and philosophize, they set up parties, pirate parties, but the problem is:
they have no potential for work, capital or practical work, so they become museum employees, they look for museum pieces for consumers. in vienna there are enough of them, in europe and america, museum guides for old races

مش ‏ابولقاسم

آقا میرزا ابولقاسم قائم مقام شد، اول گفت: این کونی ها یک یک تومنی جیب ما نذاشتن از تهران بریم تبریز، دوم گفتم: نامرداشن، ای انگلیس و فرانسه و اتریش و آلمان مادر قحبه، سوم گفت: ریدم به هرچی بد شانسی، سگ برینه به این زمونه، با مردی و نامردی هم نمیشه رفت جلو.... یک تومنی کجاست!؟ رفته جیب آخوند؟

tablet photo, 4 minutes ago, bundle of energy and logic and physics

houuuuuu, moahhhhh, wouuuuuuu, thriller. action jackson elam

europe america and israel have a genetic problem with me and farokhzad because our sound has magic, elams magic

islamic government kills because of an anti regime flyer, i was for revolution and armed struggle from 2001 until today, what is apolitical about this terror with iranian?

bastard exil iranian. money maker and thieves

Iranian opposition scum, all parties and ambitions:
in relation to the stasi system in vienna, we stand alongside israel america and europe and iranian society. the enemies of ayatullah regime

wiener geheimdienst stasi agent lui define

polizei wien, österreichische geheimdienste: wegen illegale einkünfte, mordplan, terror mordversuch, und folter dürfen alle täter waffen tragen, mohmammad naderi: iranische geheimdienst, nasser farahani lui define stasi geheimdienstler, azita pyran naderi, rahim amiri, familie amiri, gharibs und hunderte andere