Samstag, 15. Mai 2021

new rom bajuwaren and arian, VMAT2 genocide

when jesus said you shouldn't kill, he said:
we are not animals, we feel nothing with murder, except depression, revenge and murder blocks the way to heaven.
When he said eye for eye, tooth for tooth, he meant kill if they want to kill your family, not out of revenge and hate, but it is your civil right to protect your family.
rome does not arrest gharibs and amiris and police officers, secret services and judges, for attempted murder against innocent people

my sister mother and my person have had no police and criminal files since 1986 until today what is that besides satanism and fascism and VMAT2 TORTURE AND MURDER

vienna police say we are for you hisbollah, basij and sepah we will kill you for 20 years of insulting the islamic republic of iran, uno is evin prison director

sebastian kurz sagt mit juden, ayatullahs und polizei"₩: das darkforce black magic ritual geld ist ein heiligtum, töte uns, köpfe uns, aber wegen das geld für satan kannst du nicht klagen. das ritual geld ist ein heiligtum

I have to pay for 5 teeth, it costs 10,000 euros. Austria has been ruining my life for 20 years and is giving the stasi money to pakestani rahim and hindi kebab ali, and whore azadeh

tablet photo, raw. 00:00 for eidting

There is no point stealing a photo, it is saved with the time and date in google gallery at the same time. in my sister's tablet

hey ashke"nazi", this is my old brother kazim, tablet photo, raw. 1 minutes ago. for editing

Nazi woman UNO city, there was an oath of women; veronika weiss and vienese whores collective, Nazi woman collective in UNO city. VMAT2 hunting global. 1932-2021

there was no anti-semitism or persecution of jews, only VMAT2 christs, jews, tibetans and muslims were hunted. there was an oath of women; hunting forever, internationally. children women parents and grandparents. since 1998 the girls and women networks of austria have proven it, against rana and zari and my person, the fourth generation is dirtier than the third generation, the whores of vienna

das korrupte finanzkonzept österreich: tote mäuse kann man nicht fangen

sebastian Kurz, hindi ali paki abdolrahim, austro fascism, and others plundered my life for 20 years, i only have a tablet camera, thieves charlatans, illegal beings, corrupt murderers and bastards millions

tablet photo, raw. 3 minutes ago. ahura mazda djinns and bird rebels

michael häupl, SPÖ / ÖVP, police secret services were the pubic hair of his testicles, as well as the PDKI today with mostafa hejri

Abd-al-Raḥmān Qāsemlu was fluent in 8 languages; KurdishPersianArabicAzerbaijaniFrenchEnglishCzech, and Russian. He was also familiar with GermanSlovak, and Polish.[7][8][9]

arian potential is looting an theft, mother fucker scum, charalatans, killers, cheap 50 cent society

in 2002 i bought made-to-measure shoes for 800 euros, made-to-measure shirts for 200 euros, made-to-measure suits for 1700 euros, because of potential, honest craftsmanship and profession. police officers, secret services judges, amiri family:
that is the aryan standard, not yours.
i can write a script for 45 minutes, produce scenes and earn 5 million euros, do it aryan standard

bought today

i live in a country with a minimum income of 917 euros.
real leather shoes 20 euros, real jeans 15 euros.
Secret services and the police, officials and the upper class say:
we and the country need money, 3 businesses and the existence of VMAT2 must be sacrificed destroyed and killed for money. make all money with VMAT2 blood

ای ‏دول

مردم خارکوسده نمایی نمیکنن، خارکوسده هستند، یک سری نو تروریست کارشون این شده، ما باید تروریست قدیمی را خرد کنیم و خود را جایگزین بیسوادان کنیم. بیا کیر من رو بخور، ۵ دقیقه من حرف میزنم ۳۰ دقیقه تو، نردبان بذار ۳۰ دقیقه، خودت رو از کیر من بکش بالا، سر بخور بیا پایین، تا هر ۳۰ دقیقه بپاچم بهت

shakespeare had an opinion on elam, several editions, who understood?

vmat2 carries prizes and awards: art, science, sport, politics, economy.


tablet photo roh, huankind, huankind tablet photo. system, mathematik, physik, du huankind. hure babylon und babylon tower. VMAT2

One minute of secret filming from carpet dealers, antique dealers, with a further 16 professions, political activism costs 200,000 euros in the 21st century. the officials in vienna say: your golden years are ours according to aryan and indo aryan law, we have to enjoy life in luxury

the employees in UNO city show: racial madness alongside vienna and austria. Mother, daughter, son are to be condemned genetically, to be destroyed like 40 years of Iran

Freitag, 14. Mai 2021

5% nasser, 0 animal austria

my spiritual father, he helps me on the summit.
I then have to find the way from the summit to higher levels myself.
I haven't had any contact with Nasser since 2002, he was only a biological donor with his 5%. just an animal with 5% humanity

austria: i kill for "my money" i kill for "money" "my money" "my money" "my money" my stasi money, i kill jews for "my money"

scheiß österreich du bist affe ich bin mensch, was willst mit gewalt beweisen? mehr affe du huankind? wie 1938-1945, du affe du scheisßdreck, ich alte zivilisation du affe

ich scheiß auf dich österreich die wiener politiker geheimdienste und polizei sind seit 25 jahren in schwere stasi system und manipulation, psychologischer krieg verbrechen, ich scheiß auf dich österreich, wegen VMAT2 psychopathie

farnaz your grandma was a gypsy, gypsy she was smuggled into our family, your mother and grandmother are gypsies, gypsies, you are murderers, murderer race, pari was gypsy you asshole

stirb du scheiß ösrerreich stirb, nicht mit corona, hip wird bald kommen du abschaum, hip

faranaz farahani bekommt 150.000 euro damit sie die cousine tötet, ich scheiß auf dich österreich, ich scheiß auf dich