Dienstag, 18. Mai 2021

آقا بچه بودم ۹ سالم بود ۳ بار طالقان بودم ۲ بار حسین آباد شاملو، همه چی سرجاش بود، لباس شیک، فرهنگ مادری، گفتگو جمله بندی کوتاه، فقط توالت ها فرنگی بود، تا میرفتیم بشینیم سر جامون غاز و خروس می آمدن ما تحت ما را تک میزدن

persian and oriental national proud and nationalism is based on wonder, wonder, water and wonder. emam zaman is persian/oriental wonder, you will see

i'm 46, to this day 60 to 80 year old women go by and laugh as a psychological war:Talk about politics, economics, art, history and archeology, everyone laughs at you, you are no longer human

i started to work systematically in paltalk in 2002, it was an experiment and practical daily work for 15 years. for a satellite program broadcast. i could collect up to 10 million viewers after 15 years of experimental work. national pride and correction of literature, history and archeology and religion

Montag, 17. Mai 2021

19 years

In 2002 my mother's divorce was due to tyranny and violence and aggression with a judge's verdict.
since 2002 we have both imposed an absolute ban on contact with Nasser farahani, in person or by telephone, until today.
what ayatullahs and austrian government secret services are doing is the cheapest kind of terror:
one million euros for stasi nasser, 19 years of contact blocking, and he takes revenge on my person and my mother

جون ‏تو

سپس‌ شاه‌ از شیرین‌ خواست‌ که‌ اگر درخواستی دارد از او بخواهد. شیرین‌ از او خواست‌ که‌ در آن‌ باغ‌ دو جوی‌ سنگی‌ بسازد که‌ در آن‌ها می‌ و شیر جاری باشد و در میان‌ آن‌ دو جوی‌ قصری برای‌ او بنا کنند. شاه‌ خواهش‌ او را پذیرفت‌، اما پس‌ از مدتی‌ آن‌ را از یاد برد. شیرین‌ که‌ چنین‌ دید از باربد خواست‌ تا به‌ شاه‌ وعده‌اش‌ را یادآوری‌ کند. باربد شعری‌ سرود که‌ بیانگر درخواست‌ شیرین‌ بود و آن‌ را با عود خود نواخت‌. در برابر این‌ خدمت‌، 

over 13 million muslims have died in the middle east, saudi arabia bans archeology, even prophet muhammed dug pits for heads

oriental/african/asian VMAT

this system knowledge is genetic VMAT data storage, from showbie, mohammad rasul allah, abuzar, emam ali emam hussein abbas, mazdak, zarathustra, jesus, mazdosht hooshider, sooshiant, moses

azadeh amiri und abdolrahim amiri die familie sind killer, österreich sagt: arisch und jude

120 minutes movie

in europe and the UN we have black magic mafia, worse than black magic is social democracy mafia europe, a unity and thoughts: we want to film and photograph VMAT2 torture, who wants to fuck him? are 15 centimeters enough? or should we organize romeo as a second secret partner


 ابوذر آب ریخت در کوزه کوثر، گفت چنان خوش چوس ها بیایند میان بد وبدتر، انقلاب شد چپاندن در ماتحت ما منار و اذان ظهر این بد و بدتر. گفتند خوش چوس معطر  برو دنیا را ببین، ماییم بد و بد تر..... ادمه دارد

tablet photo raw. 12 minutes ago. 1 minute 40 black jack photos. rare shark tribe,

Vienna has been showing itself with its leftists and right-wing coalition for 20 years:we are not liberals and neoliberals, we are not leftists and socialists, no human rights activists and green party, we are killers in political colors, no political ambitions, only killers in different colors

the clown and magician, helloooooo rich boy and richt girl

Iranians have to understand one thing 60% of 80% imported science all branches are own commodities, from underground

anti persian talent teamwork. vmat2

1987 came mansoureh, mine little aunt to vienna, very depressive after 2 years of staying and studying in paris, one day she came into my room, she tore up all the posters on my room wall and cried, she said those eyes constantly look at us like the nuns in the dormitory.
some time later she felt better and traveled back to paris. In 1988 she came back with psychosis, she had a short study period but never wrote her thesis, she flew to tehran and lived with depression until 2014. In 1986 there were no internet networks, only systematic teamwork, photos, stasi pot and ritual

puttana bastarda, non si chiama più nazista, ma vmat2 paparazzi

esterhazy and ashkenazi you are today no more nazi, today you are papparazi, you earn gold with the help of shasi, israel shasi stasi nazi. carbonado and nazis, looki looki paparazzi

das war mein geschäft mein eigentum mein know how, es wurde mit geheimkameras geplündert. alles was ein wiener richter außerhalb des gesetzes sagt ist faschismus 1932

huankind österreich sagt mit paki zigeuner: arisches recht, mit romani new iranian

die amiris sagen: 20 jahre ausbeutung, stasi system, diebstahl, plünderung, geheimkameras, waren unsere arisches recht, das sagen auch richter und polizei beamten. wir sind mörder nach plünderung

got today. melchior, balthaser, casper, the society, and the sick eye. samson story, samson fucked whores. ohooooo myyy goooood

got today. ghissas and society

KGB stasi experiences show: if the controlled society is silent and plays theater, then state terror, UN terror and murder are a popular decision, ritual murder. "Innocent murder", innocent women, men and children

ghassemloo murder was austrian ritual murder, no political

peter pilz du schande du drecksau du terrorist du ghassemloo mörder, du peter pilz du, du drecksau österreicher

richter ich komme zu euch, ihr könnt nicht terrorismus, ausbeutung mit ayatullahs und hizbullah, stasi folter und mordversuch in nichts umwandeln, ich komme, krieg gegen ayatullah terror und wiener faschismus

got today, the way t0 holy grail, magic forest

wir sind keine plünderer und diebe, wir sind aus great persia und kinder ahura mazda

i don't need any money from the austrian state rana either, between 1989 and 2008 we didn’t ask a single cent from the austrian state, no single cent. fucking UNO and vienna

i don't need any money from the austrian state rana either, between 1989 and 2008 we didn’t ask a single cent from the austrian state, no single cent. fucking UNO and vienna

wien sagt: wie 1945 wollen wir tiere für das judengold sterben, wie tiere, wir sind tiere, wir sind tiere, wie tiere wollen wir bastarde sterben für das recht zu plündern