Dienstag, 18. Mai 2021

antique dealer at the age 24

great persia was a multi race, 12 tribes race, elam was ambition, ingenuity, technology and peace, until the new man came, to this day the new man is:
why can these people do so much, he was a trader at the age of 24

persian, elam artifact. we have anti elami VMAT2 fascism in vienna, the mafia system works with 500 nazi officers and these are wehrmachts judges and third generation wehrmachts jews

19 years and neo fascist veronika douda weiss and austria nazi whore collective

19 years

In 2002 my mother's divorce was due to tyranny and violence and aggression with a judge's verdict.
since 2002 we have both imposed an absolute ban on contact with Nasser farahani, in person or by telephone, until today.
what ayatullahs and austrian government secret services are doing is the cheapest kind of terror:
one million euros for stasi nasser, 19 years of contact blocking, and he takes revenge on my person and my mother

VMAT2 fascism networks europe america asia and middle east and iran, understands one thing: if international public prosecutors and judges are mole fascists, then europe will be bombed, the bomb will come from the other side

elami semit VMAT2, 8000 B.C.

rock art north afrika, holy water and wonder, tribe from vienna austria. persian rock, barbads stone system for shirin

meeeehhhh, meeeeehhhhh, auge um auge zahn um zahn, meeeehhhh, meeeeehhh. ghissas

alev korun ist eine kurdische psychopathie und CIA agent, wenn eine wie sie VMAT2 findet, irgendwo, allein und hilflos, einsam, dann sucht sie gips und beton, als leiche und statue will sie VMAT regungslos sehen. nicht bewegen, nicht leben, nicht arbeiten, nicht reden, nichts erfinden oder etwas neues bringen

bitch mama scum and psychopathy: The money that is in the perpetrator's pocket makes the criminal feel:you are the victim, i am the perpetrator, i have the money in my pocket because you are not a human, no matter what you do. your life is my money. That is what EU, UN and America, Israel and Ayatullahs and Turkey want to do with all of the old races and VMAT2

CIA and NSA are two poles in stasi business with data agreements and contracts, in these data agreements and contracts the secret interest is dozens of million euros in illegal real estate business with VMAT2. austria is old in theft and looting and has a lot of courage when america and the U.N. stand to help

tablet photo 50 minutes ago. raw, why you kwno me? mother fucker, dirty asshole, you are alien with old ritual and tradition

کیره ‏آقا

آقا ما ۲۰ میلیون خوار مادر کوسده، مادر کونی، شاف کون، کوس ننه مثل ناصر فراهانی و برادراش و فامیلاش داریم. ۲۰ میلیون، این ۲۰ میلیون هرچی بهشون میگی میگن به کیرم، مردم به کیرم، مملکت به کیرم، گرسنگی به کیرم، فقر به کیرم، مرگ به کیرم، شلاق به کیرم،،زندان به کیرم. خلاصه اینهم خودش رو امروز بست به نیمکت، خودش رو آتش زد. با سوزش رفت اون دنیا، بعد میگه: آخر زمان به کیرم، بر میگردیم

آقا ۹ ساام بود مارو بردن طالقان و حسین آباد شاملو، شانس هم اوردیم رفتیم دهاتی بازی یاد گرفتیم، یکم با زبان دهاتی حرف بزنیم، کار ممتاز فقط با زبان روستایی و دهقانی حال میده، یعنی صمد، عشق ما صمد آقا. انگشت میکنیم با بی زبونی و با زبونی

tablet photo 2 minutes ago, raw. long live vmat, ahura mazda race. 12 tribes ahura mazda global. fuck your mother bastard killer race with your djinns and birds,

peter pilz du huankind nazi und faschist neben alev korun und alexander van derbellen, freimaurer abschaum

a taliban that blows up 50 children in a school with bombs, works for villach and carinthia. I know you from there. 2007/2006 contracts

the studies shows: there are thousands of pages of reports, oriental VMAT2 learns faster, easier, and knows everything beforehand. everyone who is born without wants to take revenge on mozart, it's a two-thousand-year-old story

i got the names of children, grandchildren and parents from all networks, rich children in VMAT2 genocide america europe. If something happens to our children, cars and houses, companies, will explode every day. this is the second corona

the UN was present in syria for 30 years: 500,000 dead. explored DNA and genes

From 1954 the UN is an wehrmachts and wehrmachtsjude black sun society intrigue for VMAT2 and old civilization murder/genocide, the sniper in the balkan war and today's behavior vienna and uno prove it

bitch mama kurz das ist terrorismus

michael hanavarani amahari saharani sagte nicht:

meine damen und herren, ich habe nicht maturiert, ich habe keine matura deshalb schreibe ich: österreich macht etwas in einer demokratie um zu sagen dass wir menschen sind, SPÖ,ÖVP,FPÖ, pilz: heas oida schaut zu wie der wichst heas des hoit ka mensch aus, des san ka menschen, die ficken wie kameltreiber. "was er nicht sagt sage ich ohne matura"

today UN bastards and vienna copy my work and say: We can do that too. VMAT2 is worthless, we have important scientists

inferior psychopathic killer race, bastard race, war animals

Since 1998 bastards have destroyed all possibilities, ruined 3 shops, blocked 16 professions with secret cameras and stasi action, so that scum and inferior race the killer says:
VMAT2 life is worthless, unemployed and social recipient

es gibt neben die ayatullahs über 500 iranische agenten und 1200 hizbullah familien in wien: wir foltern und töten satar beheshti in iran, und dich in wien mit wiener polizei

these are the viennese ayatollahs, partners in stasi camera action finance project, UNO says with SPÖ and ÖVP: we have the right and we are ayatullah dictatorship until death

tablet photo, raw, 2 minutes ago. persian/oriental wonder, 3 holy persian kings and magicians, prophets tribes in vienna. the soul of the tone

the vienna police have proven scum in their blood dozen times, the torturers in evin prison are aryan, the viennese police also, the U.N. and amnesty employees hope for eternal mental and physical torture because of annual subsidies and luxury living

das ist terrorismus und westliche VMAT2 faschismus bastard EU und UNO

we ruin you, we kill you, we hate you game on global basis is alien, aryan alien