Mittwoch, 19. Mai 2021

iranische regierung tötet jedentag kinder frauen und mädchen,VMAT2. österreich verkauft unsere bürgerrechte, bilderrecht, an ayatullahs für terror und lynchmord

terrorism is: we take VMAT2 all rights and turn private life into business, murder and burning make the masses with police and judges, because of money and black illgale business

Since 1986 until today there has not been a single criminal record, police file or judicial conviction, we all, my person and family have white files, that is VMAT2 fascism and ayatullah dictatorship.

the gate to heavn

Since 1986 until today there has not been a single criminal record, police file or judicial conviction, we all, my person and family have white files, that is VMAT2 fascism and ayatullah dictatorship. Every year Austria has 300,000 criminal statistics and 8,000 prisoners, what does bastard judge police and others  want from us . this is VMAT2 1938 fascism

bastard soul and spirit austria. drecksau massenmörder race, drecksauuuu rasse wiener richter, drecksaaaau rassenmörder, VMAT2 mörder mit ayatullahs

collective stasi fascism must factor in armed attack and fighting.

the vienna police and judges work for ayatollahs, 20 years of illegal entry because of the financial project stasi system and today because of the system, research and development. theft for fascism and ayatullahs, there are millions of stones to buy on the internet.
collective stasi fascism must factor in armed attack and fighting. The EU and the UN support and promote fascism

In 1995 I lived on the canary islands, lanzarote, las palmas and maspalomas, and other islands for 4 months.There are spear groups from the UN and secret sects: who lives hidden and earns a lot of money, target people: my breed VMAT2, 12 strains

UNO protects with wehrmactajuden and fascism stasi finanz system; fake material stasi system. because of money

the third world war will be against UNO and black magic mafia ring networks international, because of racial humiliation and genocide

tablet photo, today, raw.i was never anti-semitic or anti-jew, i believe in moses khidr and elias. but to hide the holy water formula, and make it a taboo subject, and instead of offering water, offering a glass gin tonic, there is an ahrimanic intrigue in a jew costume

elvis senkte nie den kopf, es gab nur ein drecksau zahnarzt,

abschaum und bastard österreich europa

stasi busines is illegal secret camera business, 8 million austrian citizens have the duty to report illegality and crimes, our lives were sold with hate campaigns and lies and clips, by terrorism and fadchism, police, politicians, judges and upper class want the glorification with tens of millions Euro:
you filmed yourselves, we made money. bastard scum austria

اینم ‏خرطوم ‏رو ‏پیشونیش ‏داره، ‏گاییدن ‏مارو ‏با ‏این ‏لوله ‏جارو ‏برقی

این میدونی کیه؟ این همونه که مهر داغ میکنه روزی سه بار رو پیشونیش

مورچه ‏خوا‌‌ر و ‏فیل ‏هندی

فلسفه حزب توده، آبگوشت سیب زمینی نمکی های سیاسی سال ۵۷: آقا ما با این ارتجاع مذهبی چیکار کنیم، با این ارتجاع چپ و مسلمان، با این خسرو امام حسینی ها و خیابانی ها  باید چیکار کرد!؟ یکی گفت اونور شعوبیه زیاده، فک و فامیلاشون بهشون میرسن، ما هم که خوارکوسده تر از این حرف ها، میگیم خائن به وطن و سرباز وطن. مگه فیل هندی شوخی حالیشه، دمش از خرطومش دراز تره. یه طرف اون درازه میذاره توش، خرطومش هم میکشه از روش و توش با هرچی بوده توش 

کارنامه ‏ی ‏دولت ‏اتریش ‏و ‏ایران ‏سیاه ‏است، ‏نه ‏۴۰ ‏سال ‏بلکه ‏۱۵۰ ‏سال، ‏کوسکش ‏مادر ه‏ای ‏مادر ‏جنده

کوسکش ‏دنبال ‏خط ‏خون، م‏ریم ‏عیسی ‏و ‏امام ‏علی ‏و ‏ابوذر ‏میگردی ‏هندی ‏زاده م‏ادر ‏قحبه، ‏بعد ‏بگو ‏منافق ‏و ‏مفسد ن‏یستم

مادر ‏آزاده ‏امیری، ‏مادر ‏خشایار ‏محسنی، ‏مادرهای ‏دزد ‏کوچ ‏کولی ک‏وس ک‏ولی

من این خشایار محسنی رو از ۱۸ سالگی وین میدیدم، یک بار گفت سلام گفتم کوس ننت، سلام آدم میده، دفعه دو گفت چاکرم، گفتم ریدم به ارواح ۷ جد بابات. از سال ۱۹۹۸ این با تیم فوتبال ایران دارند با اتریش و جنایت تهران، هندی پاکستانی های ضد ایرانی همکاری میکنند، به دستور علی خامنه ای، بعد بگید رژیم مفسد و منافق ژنتیک قتل عام نمیکنه

tablet photo, raw, 1 minute ago. What is freemasonry and what should be history is some pyramids with chambers. what persia was, was world architecture, up to spain and europe, elamite culture and science

the iranian government compares himself woth Europe, with the help of vienna, and europe's freemason judge, and says: we are europe and austria against race

die töchter von huankind hussein terror gharib sollen zu opfer werden you mother fucker CIA und NSA

money laundering: 100 people, fucking austrian and viennese go to a toilet every day and consume up to 50 euros per person, terrorism money laundering with an ali gharib restaurant

meine reisepass ist datiert mit 1992 und nicht mit 2015. wiener richter sind absolute austro faschisten und abschaum. zwischen 1989 bis 2008 kosteten rana und ich dem staat 0 cent. 0cent, wir haben nie etwas haben wollen, 0 cent du abschaum nazi faschist huankind

my name my ethnic and genetic origin. one of my 38 projects is: with a 500,000 euro equipment my photos are worth between 10,000 to 15.00 euro.austrian unproductive assholes civil servants have earned 100 million euros with my private life, vmat2 life

after 15 years as admin and organizer in paltalk with tens of thousands of users, one of my jobs would be TV moderator, as a politician, hobby archaeologist and hobby scientist, with millions of viewers, with 7000 pages of evidence and days

wiener richter sind nazi offiziere neben wehrmachtsjuden

drecksau wiener und wiener richter, faschisten drecksau arschlöcher und terroristen, rassenwahn und dreck, verbrecher mörder diebe scharlatan, einbrecher. das ist europa, das ist europa mit seine nazi offiziere, die richter: wir sind einbrecher und diebe mit iranische hidi und paki zigeuner

این ‏سیستم ‏آب صحرا ‏کربلاست

Dienstag, 18. Mai 2021

antique dealer at the age 24

great persia was a multi race, 12 tribes race, elam was ambition, ingenuity, technology and peace, until the new man came, to this day the new man is:
why can these people do so much, he was a trader at the age of 24

persian, elam artifact. we have anti elami VMAT2 fascism in vienna, the mafia system works with 500 nazi officers and these are wehrmachts judges and third generation wehrmachts jews

19 years and neo fascist veronika douda weiss and austria nazi whore collective

19 years

In 2002 my mother's divorce was due to tyranny and violence and aggression with a judge's verdict.
since 2002 we have both imposed an absolute ban on contact with Nasser farahani, in person or by telephone, until today.
what ayatullahs and austrian government secret services are doing is the cheapest kind of terror:
one million euros for stasi nasser, 19 years of contact blocking, and he takes revenge on my person and my mother