Freitag, 21. Mai 2021

brecht sagte: wir sind VMAT2 global, fick dich. 3 striche×9

hey cock sucker, adolfs furies collective, aryan race ist master race? with looting rights? cock sucker, fotze, killer, mass murderer with romano iranian. mother fucker killer, pussy

tablet photo raw. 2 minutes ago. mysticism, old civilization, 12 tribes in austria

natural stone, natural formation, tablet photo raw. book of tajik king, vienna, to read and understand it, you need a falcon above you, the light over the light, VMAT2

hindi and pakistani nationalism has transferred 5 trillion dollars to europe for 40 years on Zionist banks. that is black sun society nationalism: we are europe europe needs money

emam ali, emam hussein, moses, jesus, zarathustra, mazdak, misticism and VMAT2. melchior, balthaser, casper against ahrimanic black sun society, hindi and pakistan tribes iran against elam semites

Mauthausen was not a religion murder, a jew intrigue, it was VMAT2 murder. Today the police networks, secret service networks, military networks and politicians networks, global spectacle with financial advantage, kills and makes money

Donnerstag, 20. Mai 2021

wenn die amiris und shams verschwinden und rana oder meine mutter etwas passiert, dann nehme ich 500 huankind österreicher und bastard österreicher als geiseln, und schlachte die tiere ab, ich sage wenn. terror und stasi stop, du bastard drecksau österreich

fuck american animals NSA and CIA ali khamenei's animals

sophia gharib und arman gharib bekommen befehle aus dem iran und austro faschismus und israel, fuck NSA CIA I FUCK YOUR MOTHER CIA BABY FACE, i fuck american society in vienna

fucking NSA and persian resistance. shapoor bakhtiar, ali reza pahlavi

since 2001 and before all chat rooms are controlled by NSA, VMAT2 AND POLITICAL activists with VMAT2 are persecuted because of conscience and honesty, art of struggle, rebelion and resistance

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ich habe hier staatsbürgerrechte als geschäftmann und politischer aktivist, die polizei huankinder abschaum und müll verweigern alle dienste weil eine minute geheimkamera kostet 100.000 euro. du huankind du huankind du huankind du bastardrasse kind kiwara, kumm zu mir

die iraner sind in wien müll, waren müll und sind müll, verstehen sie, wien zieht seit 1449 müll hoch

fuck american society and wehrmachts jews in every city, mother fucker gang stalker

Jews say:our bloodline has been stolen by muslims and iranians

20 years ago the Viennese said, jews family, today dozens of thousands say we bought houses, and the police state and secret society says:
Ali Khamenei says everything his sister owns is ours,
We have the right to be plunderers against Jews, Jews say:
our bloodline has been stolen by muslims and iranians

neuer trend: wir zerstören häuser und alte rasse und verdienen geld

anti oriental, persian VMAT2 war iran austria europa with ayatullahs, UNO

from 2001 i was a political activist, in vienna and on the internet, in a vienna with ali khamenei mojtaba khamenei and austrian state dictatorship. 100,000 Viennese citizens are in the financial stasi system, networked in america and canada europe because of stalking and financial projects. a joint action vienna with ayatullahs

sebastian and mojtaba are the rebirths for genocide, ali gharib azadeh SASAN-ali Darvishzadeh have been working for mojtaba and sebastian since 2002

great orient, great elam, great middle east, great persia, great north africa also had databases, first atoms then crystal clear case. IBM develops data storage for billions of data?

veronika weiss (8 millionen euro kapital) ist mafia mitglied und arbeitet seit 1998 mit amiris, ayatullah regime, toudeh, aksariat partei zusammen. sie bearbeitete nasser systematisch zu familien mörder und kindermörder und noch dazu: sie glaubt das millionen euro mafia geld wäsche nicht mehr zu erforschen ist. VMAT2 mafia finanzprojekt

huankind, in iran wird täglich ermordet, huankind, drecksau arschloch wos wüst? huankind, wos wüst? göld? göld? na, a reiches land braucht leichen ka göld. ein reiches land mit 500.000 millionäre

tablet photo 5 minutes ago, raw. ritual, collective, stalking, snake and dragon formation. genetic data storage

faschismus, antisemitismus, ahrimanismus, israel und juden verstehen eines nicht: zufallsprinzip und methaphysik der kreuzung

wien will mit gewalt uns töten, die aussage: alle sind zeugen in stasi wien dass die familie sich selbst 20 jahre gefilmt hat, nazi richter, abschaum richter drecksau richter, nach 5 jahre psychotherapie, medikamenten und leiden, panikattaken, rana farahani

data storage, DNA and gene

1985 tehran, rana's kindergarten. the viennese and european fascism psychopathy is:
12 strains crossing, combined with different types of VMAT and DNA, high-tech data storage and technology. I proved it from 2019 with pictures, stones, water, metal and other things

amir shirazi works with jews ayatollahs and austrofascism viennese judges for murder and intrigue against my sister in germany, with viennese judges ayatullahs and jews

i had reported amir shirazi as a criminal in 2017, the police and secret services protected financial project iranian terrorism, amir shirazi earned 450,000 thousand euros as a terrorist in vienna. The traces and internet business could have been proven in 2017

this 20 years, azadeh amiri and her family, looting and theft is old, black magic mafia old

i bought this today in an antique shop for 4 euros, for water and vitality

In Iran, poor people thirsty for water are arrested for this, sometimes up to 5 years

drecksau sagt: wir sind die österreicher, LOL. 4 wochen ausgrabung und ich zeig da haaramarsch du illegaler einwanderer

germanic looting law austria and ayatullahs, UNO

there is no aryan law in austria, there are civil and human rights.
the judges, police secret services, tax office, public prosecutor, politicians, industrial, upper class and secret sects introduce illelgal germanic looting law, banned since 1945